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Messages - Mirendill

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Throwable Gauntlets
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:22:36 am »
And like was recommended in the shield bash thread, we want to throw shields, too. Of course if that gets passed, all shielders will likely start modding a Captain America style banner.

On a serious note, I find this strangely appealing, the Captain America style I mean.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Sheath for the longsword?
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:03:04 pm »
I agree it makes m,e sad to see that it doesn't have one and I think its one of the reasons people buy the heavy bastard sword instead (I know people still buy the longsword) so +1 for this

Actually some buy the heavy bastard sword cause of the extra weight it has.

Anyway I agree, the longsword should have a sheathe.

Suggestions Corner / New game mode : Highlander
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:12:02 pm »
Yep probably seen it in various other games, but yeah suggestion is pretty much, for every kill you get +1 multiplier, when you die, it resets to x1, a respawn cost would be 5% of your gear cost.
To avoid it being abused for hiding in a corner and leeching, you should get automatically reported for leeching if ya not dying or killing anything for 5 minutes.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Chariots
« on: May 21, 2011, 04:14:04 pm »
Should be possible to use spears from aswell.

Anyway I think it would mess over the balance, cause as soon as we see chariots, we would probably start to see the implementations of chariots with multiple people on and so on.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Noob again pleas help. (Upkeep)
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:00:51 am »
Well personally I have gone with.
Mail with surcoat
Heavy bastard sword
Wisby gauntlets
Khergit leather boots

Brilliant balance between protection, weight, offence and price.
this is around 22k worth of equipment (yes merchant price)

I am considering to replace with mail with surcoat with a transition heraldic armour.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Your New Favorite 2h?
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:41:29 pm »
Heavy bastard sword.

Been my weapon of choice in all mods and even native since it was added to the game during beta of the original mount & blade.

Updated the stats on the katana to address the concerns.

No@ the katana being 1 slot. It would be used by every single archer/crossbowman/thrower in the game. Too overpowered in the current system. I'm also not convinced that the heavy bastard sword and longsword needs a buff.

in the longswords case, it's more of a rearranging stats than a buff, in the case of the heavy bastard sword? yes a slight buff but also increase in price.

And well true that most archers and such would use it, but only way I personally could think of a way to give it a it's own balancing without boosting well speed or damage, ofcourse one could lower weight.

Okay so here goes some slight balancing in my opinion.
I personally think these swords should all be around the same level of effectiveness with each their own speciality.
Longsword (Slightly slower, heavier and hard hitting)
Katana (Faster, hitting for quite little, lighter)
Heavy Bastard sword (Overall balanced weapon)
Prices on these should be around the same aswell in my opinion, around the price that the longsword cost now, so that would mean 6660 or around there.
Personal reason for wishing these changes is, I kind of like the heavy bastard sword, but overall it feels like a gimped version of the longsword and also to keep the katana from being as much of a spam weapon as it is, while I really think the longsword could use something that sets it a bit apart from the heavy bastard sword.

so here goes my suggestions on stats

weapon length: 95
weight: 1.8
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 101
weapon length: 95
thrust damage: 17 pierce
swing damage: 36 cut
slots: 2
(Changes, increased difficulty to use it to 12 from 9, lowered the slots required to 1, increased damage by 1)
Reasons for changes, would keep it from being the complete and utter spam weapon it is now by increasing the requirement to use it, however it would still be the fastest true, increased the weight to keep it from glancing off armor as much.

weapon length: 106
weight: 2.0
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 97
weapon length: 106
thrust damage: 24 pierce
swing damage: 38 cut
slots: 2
Secondary Mode
(Changes, increased damage by 2, increased weight by 0.2, lowered speed by 1)
Reasons for changes, the longsword feels like just a more effective version of the heavy bastard sword and I kind of would like to see it have it's own niche among the hybrid swords and considering it is the sword among the hybrid swords that looks the heaviest, it made sense to make it the "hard hitter" of the hybrid swords.

Heavy Bastard Sword.
weapon length: 105
weight: 1.6
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 99
weapon length: 105
thrust damage: 22 pierce
swing damage: 36 cut
slots: 2
Secondary Mode
(Changes, lowered weight by 0.4, increased speed by 1)
Reasons for the changes, well the heavy bastard sword felt useless as it is, it's heavier than the longsword, yet shorter and when heirlooming even does less damage, so only reason to ever pick this as your weapon of choice would be if you were low on cash, but due to the small difference in price, it really isn't worth trading in your longsword for this. So making it the sword in between the katana and the longsword made sense, the blade that has been balanced between speed, power and weight, without excelling in either.


Open to criticism.

EDIT: Updated some stats to better suit the concerns stated.

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