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Messages - Fluid

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since your mother joined my clan


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General Discussion / Re: Who do you find fun to fight and play?
« on: April 29, 2012, 09:40:53 am »
use only langes messer and rawhide coat

prove your dedication to the true way

our-yay other-may 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
  • first off, none of that one word reply nonsense
  • also nobody uses clantags anymore

Indian Reservation

$$$-Ballers of the Round Table-$$$
True Ballers of the Round Table are in this pro post.


:Grand Master Baller:
<---The man himself

:High Ballers:
<---Valued members that have proven to have the gift of balling
Tank Burner's mom

<---They have proven they can ball, but are not High Ballers yet

:Squires of Balling:
<---Either yet to prove themselves, or simply chumps hanging on for the fame and glory

I was bored off my ass playing DTV with my level 29 gen 1 character when I wanted to make a clan.

If you're allergic to chumps hit us up at, and maybe a joiner can be you!

I originally wanted it to be called the All Ballers League but this idea was scrapped due to so many others having the same name.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Voulge
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:40:24 pm »
either buff it or let it have sideswings

seriously it's a voulge, one of the most deadliest weapons of the medieval times that the franks used.

It doesn't matter if it's commonplace in forums, it's still an insult to people.

As it is right now, melee weapons are kind of skill*numbers*quality in how they fight other melee weapons, with the exception of pikes/longspears. The most effective at hitting without being harmed are currently ranged and horse/ranged, as one of them can use ladders to get to roofs and the other is just impossible to catch without skilled ranged players and other horsemen.

Nobody really wants there to be a completely RPS solution, but as long as there's going to be a clear advantage based on weapon type, it should be something like this IMO:

Two-handers (axes, swords, etc.): Poor against charging cavalry, good/strong against shielded infantry (sword/axe respectively), great against defensive polearms, equal to offensive polearms.

Shielded one-handers (most/all of them): Bad against charging cavalry, generally poor against two-handers, great against defensive polearms, poor against offensive polearms.

Defensive polearms (long spear, pike, halberd): Great against charging cavalry, bad against shielded one-handers, poor against two-handers/offensive polearms.

Offensive polearms (bec, battlefork, longmaul): Poor against charging cavalry, good (great for the maul) against shielded one-handers, mostly equal to two-handers, and good against defensive polearms.

Archers/crossbowmen: Overall great against unshielded infantry, bad against shielded infantry, bad against charging cavalry.

Cavalry: Overall superiority when charging (except for defensive polearms), overall inferiority when stationary. Falls to teamwork but is good against stragglers and uncoordinated teams.

Throwing (with a shield): Great against archers/crossbowmen and unshielded infantry, okay against shielded infantry, poor against charging cavalry. Has less ammo capacity than bows/crossbows.

This doesn't take into account difference in armor or pierce/cut/blunt damage, just how the weapons would fight each other.
When stationary, a cavalryman doesn't have the same mobility as he would have on foot and when he falls off his horse, is completely vulnerable, hence them being generally weak to everything when still.
Just my suggestions, they might not be good for everyone.

Suggestions Corner / A couple ideas to help DTV
« on: January 12, 2012, 05:33:07 am »
one of the big problems with dtv that makes it frustrating is how the npcs just swing right through eachother and gang up on you in a straight line, making it not fun to fight them

but the same thing happens if you have a couple people with shields and a halberd, it goes from frustrating to a complete joke

I think that the weapons should bounce off teammates for both npcs and players, is that a good or bad idea? it might help DTV be easier for lightly armored players and people with out shields.

and it might help if upkeep was halved, because i read somewhere that it gives a third of the rewards that the normal game modes do, so that you could be making money wearing something besides leather?

Tell me what you guys think of it

This is a pretty good idea, it would give players a short break from the economical aspect to flash their heavy duty gear or bust out their tank characters.

Really, 30 minutes a day is nothing compared to the amount of time that cRPG servers have a decent amount of players on, and it will add variety to the game by almost ensuring there will be the occasional plated knight around on the server to spice things up (and really, who doesn't love killing peasants while in full plate every once in a while?)

One of the best reasons for this would be to have coordinated groups of heavy duty fighters show up on the servers every once in a while to crush teams and attack with heavy armor.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Does anyone want to see a ball and chain.
« on: December 10, 2011, 09:57:16 pm »
it's so worth it just for the hilarity of no-block unblockable flails on horseback.
seriously, this needs to go in.

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