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Messages - Sumdum Takeda

Pages: [1]
lol  Zilch, you're either a troll or a complete noob.  Period.  Archers only outrun you and are invincible if your are a fucking retard with 18+ strength and a 1h/shield spec.  Explain that to me.  Do you need your heavy gauntlets to feel special?  And, "You Archers don't deserve cav immunity because you stand in one spot."  Is that a serious argument?  Get a shield.  Learn to play.  Never die to another archer.  Ever.

Or be a fucking noob and bitch because you can't easy-mode kill archers.

General Discussion / Re: People who have taught/inspired you.
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:24:06 pm »
Jesus, is this game THAT old.  I remember fighting Gafferjack like every opportunity just to somehow achieve his level of 2h dominance.  Dude was lightning with a plain longsword.  Nevermind Canary, Beatrix, John_RS and all the rest of the titans.  I ran from them ;)  Still miss being able to spin attack on Archistae though...I think I inspired a few there myself.

So, archers should stand in an open field where cav, other archers, and godzilla for all I care can rape them at leisure?  Um, no.  Buildings only deter the hardest counter for archers, cav.  It's not OP, it's rock, paper, scissors, balance.  If there's a building with 100 archers crammed in it and you can't assault (cause you're a useless cav in a city map), you pull a trick out of Nord Assault.  Wait for the flag. GG.

Hey, or you could bring a 1h and get off the damn pony.

Next, well see a guy complaining at length why shields are so OP because they can just walk right up to him and slaughter him in that ruined building.  Again.

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