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Messages - FuFu

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Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Lordly light Kuyak/lordly mail gauntlets
« on: August 25, 2012, 08:35:28 pm »

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Lordly light Kuyak/lordly mail gauntlets
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:11:21 pm »

Sell/Trade / Selling Lordly light Kuyak/lordly mail gauntlets
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:44:14 am »
Lordly Light Kuyak
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
   weight:12.7 bod:47 leg:15

Lordly Light Gauntlets
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
   Weight:.5  Armor:9

Im interested in a +3 Russ bow, gold or loom points

Closed Requests / Re: BANNED FOR WHAT???!!!!
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:43:07 pm »
Rohypnol and Ruffies intentionaly Tk'ed a team mates horse out from under him/her,  as soon as I had a chance a few rounds latter I logged FUFU into the server under my admin account and banned both players.  Rohypnol and Ruffies have been both warned and kicked in the past for various issues.  Therefore no new warnings needed to be handed out. Coming back to the server another day does not erase your past issues with server rules.

Rohypnol you can feign innocents all you would like but at the end of the day you and Ruffies enjoy trying to push the rules.  If it were up to me this would be it for the both of you and I would not lift the ban, however since Devilize asked me to ban you it will be up to him as to when/if your ban is lifted.  I would highly suggest that you write a new unban post under the correct server with the truth to what happened and a good reason why you should be allowed to come back.

Closed Requests / Re: [ban]Lady _Petreya
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:54:28 pm »
Read the Pm I sent.

Closed Requests / Re: [ban]Lady _Petreya
« on: February 13, 2011, 12:51:52 pm »
The admin staff will not ban anyone without proof of rule violations.  If you have screenshots or video of someone breaking the rules on the 100 man we may be able to help.  With that said, what we can do is keep that players name in mind and watch them when we are online.

Being part of ATS, Hospitaller or the Northern alliance has zero to do with the rules.  Every player including players in the mentioned clans/alliances even the admin staff are expected to follow the rules and if they can't would find themselves in a timeout. 

Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN] Why was I banned?
« on: February 10, 2011, 03:42:32 am »
gotta be honest im a little jealous that Devilizes unban threads never have this level of quality!

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request
« on: February 09, 2011, 10:22:43 pm »
You acknowledged what happened, I dont think anything more needs to be said about it.  Ill ask Devilize to unban the next I see him (should be withing a few hours from now). 

Closed Requests / Re: Unban request
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:15:16 pm »

I banned for delaying/leeching on the server.  I Warned, kicked, warned again then finally had to ban so im unsure how you wouldnt know what happened.  Its neither here nor there, 24 hour ban was more than enough ill ask Devilize to take you off the list. 

If your confused as to what the rules are please read,776.0.html or feel free to PM me.

« on: January 25, 2011, 04:47:12 pm »
It makes sense to me that the owners of the servers would pick admins from players in there clans/allies.  These are the players they have had a chance to get to really know and trust.  It would be very difficult to pick random admins out of the community and still be able to trust that they will do a good job at it.  A fun little fact though that ive learned from adminig Devilizes server is that the majority of players that were being asshats on the ATS servers were being asshats on Devilizes server as well....go figure. 

The truth of the matter is that there is a very vocal handfull of players that day after day cause issues on the servers and in turn come to the forums to scream "ADMIN ABUSE".  The vast majority of C_RPG players just want a troll free server to play on.  A server they know wont allow asshats to come ruin the time they have to play.  ATS has done this very well.  Hundreds if not thousands of players come onto the servers day after day and never get kicked or banned.

The community has a server to go to that has little to no rules on it, ScottTFO server.  The thing is if anyone has noticed it normaly has almost no players in it!  Why is that? Could it be that the majority of C_RPG players dont want to play on a server without rules, that they feel ATS and Devilize's server rules and admins are fair for the most part??

At any rate here is a thank you from me to the server owners for the good times im allowed to have on your dime and the server admins that get abused while trying to keep the server troll free for me to play on.
Thanks again!

Closed Requests / Re: admin abuse? w/e..
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:42:54 pm »
no one request changing map


but he changed the map to blank 100 several times

and people lost their multiplier

everyone said why did you change the map sobotai

You cant please 100% of the people 100% of the time.  I assure you the admin was not doing this out of spite or neglegence.  It was his understanding that the majority wanted to try some new and old maps.  Perhaps in stead of making a post called "ADMIN ABUSE"  you could of asked when the server would return to a normal map rotation and played on another server till it did?  Screaming admin abuse and assuming he is doing this just to rain on your parade is silly at best.

Keep in mind this is just a game.  Folks sometimes like to change things up a bit and lukily there are a number of NA servers to play on if one isnt running a map rotation to your liking.

Closed Requests / Re: ban request LOGOS
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:38:44 pm »

LOGOS was csite spamming in siege was asked to stop over the coarse of 3 maps sorry to bother you

Heya Thomas

Devilize runs only the 100 man NA_CRPG server.  The siege and 80 man belong to ATS.  Sorry for the confusion.

Closed Requests / Re: [Wrongfully Banned Under The Tyranny of MrRogers]
« on: January 21, 2011, 09:21:43 pm »
I too have admin on the NA_CRPG server and Rodgers is right this isnt our "job" we dont get paid for this.  This is something we volenteer to do for the betterment of the community.  If you feel we are not catching everything you feel is vailid all I can say is too bad!  We all try as hard as we can to keep the server civil and asshat free but we cant see everything.

You play on a game made by someone for free in his spare time on a server paided for by someone else.  In return all that is asked is that players be respectful of some very simple rules.  You obviously are having trouble following these rules or even being respectful to one of our volenteers.  Since Rodgers is the admin that made the ban he is the one to lift it, however with your current attitude I dont see that happening anytime soon.

General Discussion / Re: FPS/General lag issue
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:56:36 am »
At 45ish ping and above I get this same issue.  Hope someone knows of a solution to this issue.

Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN] Dont understand why i was banned
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:38:35 pm »
I called you an ignorant fool and an asshat because you called me getting a horse to get to the fight a delay of game instead of letting the next 45 seconds, of the minute and a half remaining, run to see if i was really delaying the game. Then you said; "(I've) made my point and if I continue to argue the kick i will be banned." You didn't take any time to try and relax the situation you just threatened with a ban and called it good.

I have no excuse for the bridge, that was just me being a dick. I wonder though, how me kicking once is a sin reserved for the 9th circle, when the same cav guy was allowed to run every off the bridge and have players complain about him for 4 rounds in a row till finally people took to tking him and his horse.

How do I become such a horrible tumor in your server when I've seen players do things twice as worse as I have and not even get an admin looking at them. Not to mention the players who go afk to leech the xp and gold, forcing the players in game to vote kick them.

Actually my words to you were "you have made your point please stop"  you then decided to tell me "then stop being a noob asshole" at that point I said "if you continue to insult me im going to just ban please stop". 

I cant see everything in the server at all times, I catch what I can.  The guy horse bumping was warned and he stopped.  However that makes no difference to your offence.  Just because someone else is choosing not to follow the rules doesnt mean you can.

You were given more chances than most of the servers here would of allowed.  This is important (I DO NOT ENJOY HAVING TO WARN, KICK OR BAN ANYONE) It is my hope that folks can just play follow the rules and enjoy the server Devilize has payed for them.  Its obvious to me that you havent learned anything from this nor do you think you did anything wrong.  At the end of the day this will be up to Devilize when/if your ban is lifted.

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