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Messages - Amouro

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: An Official Wiki
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:31:37 am »
great job so far guys.

I'd still like to see the devs get involved in it a little bit. there's still a lot of info on some game mechanics that are very vague and/or disputed among the community. Like the relationship between powerdraw, wpf, and a bow's actual accuracy. or a list of all the factors that determine how much hp you have. And how an armor's damage mitigation is calculated. it's things that I'm curious about.

oh and a sticky about the wiki in the announcement forum or somewhere might be nice. I'm sure not everyone will notice this thread about it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: My feet are sore
« on: January 13, 2011, 12:39:09 am »
as an archer I end up with guys coming at me with shields all the time. And while I'm clearly aiming for the feet, most of my arrows magically end up dead center on the shield. shield size needs to actually reflect the size of the model in question. some of them actually catch fewer than the size of the model would suggest. but most catch more than it looks like they should.

many archers currently don't even wear gloves or helmets anyway. so this wouldn't really change much in terms of gameplay or balance.

Suggestions Corner / Re: An Official Wiki
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:09:23 pm »
I strongly agree.  Poor documentation is probably the worst part of this mod.

At the very least give us detailed patch notes. There's always so many unanswered questions about every little change.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:57:17 am »
repair bills. it shouldn't be a gamble whether or not you make money. if your team's losing you can't cover your repair cost unless you strip all your gear off, and then you loose because you can't compete.  both sides should make money regardless of winning or losing, the losers should just make a little less.

better auto-balancing. if i'm going to be forced on a team opposite my friends, then id at least like it to be a fair fight. but it hardly ever is. one side always dominates and i don't get to play with my friends.

and major improvements in documentation. It's really hard for a new player to get into this mod and know whats going on. i've been playing for about a week, and I'm still confused about a lot of things. and when it gets patched its hard to find info about what exactly changed. and that makes it hard to give constructive criticisms about the changes.

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