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Messages - CaptMorgan

Pages: [1]
Holy shit, an actual real bug and not just a whine thread!

I've noticed I cannot successfully repair 0 gold repair cost items on the website.  Clicking the repair button refreshes the page, but does not ultimately repair the item.  Eventually I have to go through the process of selling the item to get it out of my inventory, then buying a new one.  This takes like 10x longer.  Would be sweet if it was fixed :)

Sometimes I like playing with cheap stuff and seeing how well I can do salvaging items off the ground, which is why I have auto-repair off sometimes.

Just because we're poor doesn't mean we want to wear rags!

Announcements / Re: Char recalculation
« on: May 06, 2011, 02:42:03 am »
I'm a bit confused as to what I see on my screen...I went down to gen 6 and level 30 and I see

Level up at8,735,843

Shouldn't that have put me at gen 7 with +7.3m XP?  It sounds like if I retire I lose that 7.3m xp!  Doesn't seem to jive with the original post, unless I'm missing something.

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