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Messages - Classical

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Diplomacy / Re: ATTEN STATERS
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:28:14 am »
I'm gay.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:40:59 am »
Hey man, like, you know, it's argumentative research.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:32:32 am »
I heard that in ten years time we're going to start raping AI.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:13:18 am »
I agree, most of the interesting and funny players want nothing to do with the clowns that are shit posting in this thread and left LLJK long ago, I feel bad for people expecting to get good drama and just seeing boring private chat logs of me yelling at people for being shit in the clan, and then a bunch of trolls shit posting for 6 more pages.  This is a clan I really want nothing to do with anymore, it stopped being funny and is more some generally angry/creepy/boring people trying to cause drama.  USA clan was 10000x better then LLJK ever was, because we had actual skill, swagger, and attitude, and that's when all the hating started,  even though we were still LLJK, just "only the cool ones."  Good luck in Strat, cRPG, and wholesome community building endeavours in all of your futures.   bundle of stickss.

Yeah, fuck nilstryfe, damug, Phantom, Sparque, Tromboner, Papi, EyeBeat, Goretooth, etc. Those fucking shit heads, go goresaw, and Gildiss, and BADPLAYER, and Smoothrich, truly a work of art created by Goons and for Goons.

Also Smoothy-pops, what did I say about getting worked up about video games? Seriously man, you're going to lose the few hairs you have left, relax, you'll never make it onto Jersey Shore this way.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:13:31 pm »
I'm gay.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 09:12:44 pm »
cyall later bundle of stickss

Told you so.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:53:41 pm »
?  I don't recall banning Damug or Zealot, ever.  I don't mind people thinking I am a pompous rapist, but there are a bizarre amount of flagrant lies.  At least use real material against me.

Okay: Your voice sounds literally like the worst thing anyone has ever heard, and anyone who tells you different is lying to you. Also you look like a mix of Gollum and Wormtongue in real life, and your balding and have almost no hair left which is hilarious at your age. You also raped a fourteen year old, and probably have close to two thousand hours in cRPG alone, also you're a hipster.

I would be eating popcorn now, but I'm fat and grotesque and need to count my calories in order to lose weight.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:51:39 pm »
Cuz it's easy, right? :D

You're so full of yourself, have you taken a step away from your keyboard yet and counted to ten yet? This is extremely funny, I love you Smoothy-pops (Not really).

Who can I be in this convoluted metaphor?

Gimli because you're always shaving.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:41:15 pm »
egos of hellowrold and a drug-dealing statutory rapist.

Now you see..

He means BADPLAYER who is hellowrold, and Smoothrich who deals drug and raped a fourteen year old and described his story over TS.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:21:58 pm »
For the sake of clarity, is sparque phantom zero? These goon aliases are kind of confusing.

Sparque is Sparque, PhantomZero is Theoden, and so fourth.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:17:06 pm »
Hey Smooth,

(click to show/hide)

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 07:58:46 pm »
This isn't a very good thread, don't get too excited.  Its just Zealot trolling, who has no interest in Strategus or in the clan, just wants to piss me off.  I said what I had to say to people in private and he posted chat logs of it, not really much else to it.

It's pretty much true, this is just me throwing gas on the fire because I'm bored and going up to everyone and saying "I told you so". Still funny none the less, and lets be honest my previous attempts at pissing you off were also hilarious and worked several times over.

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Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 10:10:42 am »

smoothrich is in _BIgplayz and badplayer has always been kinda half in chaos

if you weren't such an awful child you could come into troll's ts and ask him yourself.

Too busy being a useless piece of shit employee and watching Netflix instead of breaking rocks.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 10:00:47 am »

Lol, this clan hasn't fallen apart.

It's just some dumb kid with a lack of social skills acting out.

We're waiting for the next strat. Gonna boot out all the bad players like Damug and we'll be just fine.

Smoothrich and BADPLAYER just quit and joined Chaos.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Civil War
« on: March 08, 2012, 09:20:46 am »

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