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Messages - gagewins

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If you are motivated by the adventure, I would strongly advise spending some time on the tutorial first. That may be one of the rare games in which you need to pass through the tutorial because there are basic things that are difficult to learn (I am thinking of manual blocking in particular). Get used to fight with the bots of the tutorial, they give you the opportunity to learn basic technics, sharpen your reflexes, try things... It is a very good start IMO.

I won't lie to you: as a beginner and with a character from level 1 to 20, you will have hard times in c-RPG. Don't give up because the game has a well-thought learning scale. Be sure that you will progress fast.

A friend of mine has recently joined the game (and cRPG). I thought he will give up fast because he was just getting killed on and on but he kept on playing and now he scores decently and is having good fun.

First off, thank all you guys for your feedback, After making this post I did go play on Native with a bunch of people with about the same gear as me and that was an eye opener on how much skill this game really does take  :lol: also before even going into multi-player i did complete the entire tutorial, I've been playing RPG's for a little over 9 years now, and I got this game just because of how different it was compared to others such as WoW, Diablo, and more, This game just has a uniqueness to it that will take it a long way!

I only have been playing on the siege servers, and i did first try archer which i noticed failed quite a bit, so as soon as i hit 15, I retired and now I'm re-leveling up going as sword and shield and researched a good build for it, just so i don't get 1 shot by archers when i spawn >.>

Also its hard to get in a fight with noob vs noob because like i said, you get 1 shoted by everyone else, so by the time you find and reach each other, there is another guy there that one shots you or an archer with a crossbow gets you.

Also I have done the other game modes/single player to learn how everything works, but when I come across a high lvl guy, his weapon speed and ability to 1 shot me overcomes my blocking ability, sometimes I am able to block 2-3 shots, but thats all i can do is block, because if i take the time to retaliate, their weapon speed overcomes mine, and they one shot me compared to the 8+ shots it takes for me to kill them.

Suggestions Corner / A way to make the game FUN for new players?
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:44:33 pm »
I just bought this game thew steam a few days ago because it was on sale, and i liked the concept c-rpg had to bring to the game, and I've put 7 hours of gameplay into this game so far 6 of it on c-rpg, and I realize you have to grind up to get good at this game, but its no fun being new and getting one shoted by everyone.... I only have 2 kills total during that 6 hours of time i spent on c-rpg, and they were just luck...

I just think if anyone has any ideas to help this game be fun to new players like me that would be grate, because its no fun hearing from everyone "just hide behind a bigger guy if you can and try to take a lucky shot" Thats no skill and no fun...

How else is this game going to attract more people? How can c-rpg expect to grow if all new players dont have a chance at anything and have to put in long hours to even have a chance?

The only thing i can think to help this problem would be to have a server specific for new players, so the playing field is a little more balanced...

Thank you for your time, and i accept all helpful/positive criticism!

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