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Messages - Berplars

Pages: [1] 2
Deutsches Forum / Re: KONY
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:43:01 pm »
Es gibt endlos viele Organisationen die sich für Afrika den Arsch aufreißen, ihr Leben da riskieren um allen zu helfen (bisschen überspitzt). Dagegen ist dieses lächerliche Propagandavideo ne pure Farce.
Weder das Ziel der Organisation (Tot von Kony) noch deren herangehensweise (Unterstützen der korrupten gewaltätigen Armee Ugandas) ist auch nur annährend hilfreich für Afrika, und schon gar nicht durch schicken von US Ausbildern.

Sticking posters around different cities in the world is helping africa a damn shit. Facebook Sharing the "OMG THIZ MONY SO BAD !!!! STOP HIM THAN ALL GOOOD !!!!" stuff doesn´t make a difference for africa. And also why now? Just because of Facebook being this popular?

Africa is a problem on its own, you can´t demonstrate against something like that, nothing will change the good intetion of this video will be forgotten rather sooner then later. And if even if Kony is killed the attention will be gone.

What is probably pissing me off the most is, that the majority of the support only comes if you give them some sort of Emotional stuff. Most of them never cared about africa before nor will after this action. And the organistation doesn´t seem to be more honorable than other who are helping africa since a longer time in a way more efficient way.

Killing a criminal Warlord in Africa will do absolutely nothing regarding the whole situation of rebel armies and corrupt coverment.

There are so many organistaions that are helping africa in a meaningfull way without promoting a single "warlord". Even if he would be killed their would sure be either a another organisation that picks the Place of the LRA, or simply another men.

Also this Video is so super overemotional it really looks like a propaganda video from the old days, litte facts much emotion. The first 5 minutes looked like a commercial for facebook and holding your own kid in the camera is imho the worst style of promoting a serious video. It looks alot like a selfpromotion video.

Not defending the Kony guy, but the critical blogs overviews have a much more valid point, then the video.

General Off Topic / Re: How does German sound for non-german-speaker?
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:05:24 pm »
Which of the Scandinavian languages is that?

Swedish, Dansk and Norsk

Suomi is far more funny to listen. I can remember the singer of Finntroll, who is from Finnland once answered the question why his band while not being from Sweden actually sings in their language and his answer was, that swedish sounds more trollish :P

so far

General Off Topic / Re: How does German sound for non-german-speaker?
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:21:38 pm »
I´m surprised that everybody considers german an angry language, while i think that the russian language sounds mouch more agressive to me aswell as Scandinavic languages. (i´m german though)

But well i guess that is based on the fame of the einstein Speeches and bands like Rammstein.

General Off Topic / Re: Mass Effect 3
« on: February 25, 2012, 03:23:40 pm »
Those things make me wait for a Ultimate/Complete/Deluxe/whatsoever Edition, since i share the opinion about the first day free for some people DLC.
Also the later Version are often more costeffective then buying the DLCs one by one, so i can wait.

And due to that no DLC from Bioware that i got in these Complete Edition was ever worth the amount of money. I actually have never ever seen a DLC being worth its money, compared to the main game.
So i have never bought one besides from the All in One Editions.

General Discussion / Re: Dear devs...
« on: February 09, 2012, 02:17:18 pm »
I would really like the idea of an often suggested objective based gamemode, and by that i don´t mean Capture the Flag but something like the rush or Conquest mode of the Battlefield series.

Since Battle is all about killing and most likely grouping up as much as possible, thus not favouring any special tactis, except for group flanking or the infamous boring shieldwall, i would like to see some Gameplay that encourages small groups to do something, like cap a point.

I don´t think that the limited goal of Battle can be improved alot by a commander system, since there is always alot of random guys who just want the quick action of immediate engage and not running around the map to find a flanking spot or standing in a shieldwall for 4 minutes.

Due to that i´m pretty sure devs know this and would like to do a more objective based gameplay as mentioned in several other topics, but i think the amount of work that this kind of gamemode would need is just to high to realize it in a rather short time.

And no matter how many good features you add, it is all about the players and if they aren´t willing to change their playstyle no good feature gives you the statisfaction you want.

General Discussion / Re: Rageball
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:39:13 pm »
Great Game Mode really, only thing i mentioned is that it is quite hard to make a good kick even for goalies. And you can´t really train or improve your kick, if the ball lands right outside the goalline and is picked up by close enemies.

And if you like try to catch the ball in the air it sometimes happens, that you get the ball and immediatly pass it cause of the pressed Use Key.

General Discussion / Re: Rageball
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:00:38 pm »
don´t know when the balance kicks in, but today we were playing 9 against 14 for quite some time, while the 14 player team had like 6 agi players against like 1 from us. Ended pretty onesided, also noticed the behaviour to throw the ball infront of you as an agi build to gain some extra speed prevents normal athletics ppl to catch them. (not that much of a problem with a balanced team)

Need some time, but its quite funny when ppl start to realize that killing each other in the middle of the field is quite useless since there is no gain from killing unless there is an incoming pass, and as a result are more like playing movement games :D

General Off Topic / Re: Dawn of war 2 : Retribution
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:09:36 pm »
I play it randomly. didn´t play much last time 2100 Elo i think in Solo.

Deutsches Forum / Re: Construction Site
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:09:42 pm »
Sie ermöglicht es dem Spieler Katapulte, Belagerungstürme sowie Heilzelte und Waffenständer zu bauen. Bin mir jetzt grad nicht sicher ob es den Waffenständer noch gibt.

Dafür schmeißt man diese auf den Boden und sieht nun wenn man sie anvisiert das akutelle Bauvorhaben sowie die Zahl der dafür benötigten Construction Materials. Das Bauvorhaben kann man mit drücken der F taste beim anvisieren änderen, so kann man sich aussuchen was man sich baut.

Ein Katapult brauch glaub ich 45 Construction Materials und ein Belagerungsturm 60, Angaben ohne gewähr.

Primär ist das Zeug für Strategus gedacht damit die Belagerungen bei den Burgen nen bisschen abwechslungsreicher werden. Im Normalen cRPG kann man die Construction Sites meistens nur dazu benutzen wichtige Durchgänge zu blockieren z.B. auf dem Siege Server. Man kann auch die oben genannten Dinge bauen allerdings dauert das ne Zeit wenn man keine größere Gruppe von Leute dabei hat.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Acre attack
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:53:12 pm »
The winning team keeps the looted equip.

Faction Halls / Re: [_Wolper] The Roaming Wolpertingers
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:14:27 am »
I shall call it the hunt for the Sword.

Deutsches Forum / Re: Strategus
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:14:14 pm »
Kommt drauf an für wen du dich bewirbst. Wenn du dich für einen menschlichen Commander bewirbst muss du was dazu schreiben am besten deinen Build. Bei dem kannst du auch Gold verlangen wie du lustig bist nur entscheidet er am Ende wie viel du bekommst.

Ein neutrales Dorf hat meist wenig Geld deswegen solltest du nen bisschen rumprobieren wie viel die dir bezahlen können. Falls der Roster nicht schon voll ist wirst du nämlich bei entsprechender Goldsumme sofort bestätigt. Bei neutralen Dörfern brauchst du auch ncihts dazu zu schreiben.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fallen attacking Dashbigha
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:33:06 pm »
A neutral village will most likely hire you no matter what your build is or how your reputation is. So you just need to find the amount of Gold the neutral village is willing to pay for you. As you hit the price you will get immediatly accepted. When you apply for a faction for example the fallens in this case, you will have to state your build and the payment usually depends on your behaviour on the battlefield.

The equipment you can choose from is the equipment of the commander. Your Equip does not count for those battles only for your own.
As a merc the outcome of the battle doesn´t effect you at all. If you are the party who gets defeated you will lose all your Gold and Troops and equip and will get teleported to a random location.

If you win a battle against a village you become the owner of this village.

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