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Messages - CoWorm

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Events & Tournaments / Re: Melee monday is back!
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:00:16 pm »
Melee only server sucks.

Can't say much for size and layout, not that much of a melee player myself, just host the thing.

But damn that map looks awesome Mustikki!  :D

Umbra. You lazy fool, get around to testing! And I sold of some a old loom I had lying around the other day, so I'll be adding another 200k to the first prize to a total of 500k, think awesome map makers like you all should have a decent reward for putting the time and effort in.

Server Info / Re: [EU] Melee Only Server [30 Slot Battle]
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:07:16 pm »
Just want to point out that Umbra is holding a map contest for me here, hopefully he can get this server some new and awesome maps!

Go go, get these weird melee people some new maps! And please do it quickly before Umbra runs of with my gold.

Any maps that are good and the creator allows it will be hosted on the server, winner or not you can still show of your awesome work!

Really hoping for a good turnout on this contest.  :wink:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: strat 3.0
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:41:46 pm »
Leiknir, you got lucky. If you had lost it would take you weeks to get back on your feet again.
I have been micromanaging the shit out of HRE since two weeks after the start of srategus and before I realised everyone was against us :) it was fun.
I would like you to try banditry in a more active region of the map Leiknir and see how you will be reattacked after the cooldown by an army waiting next to you.
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

As I recall we where in the same region as Wataga, we even had a small turf war with them in the beginning. It's called being smart and picking your targets, they didn't, we did.

Of course that one bugged battle with the disconnects was a totaly unfair battle, that we most likely never would have won in any way. But that still doesn't change Leiknirs, or my, view of this Strat. All four of us had great amounts of fun being bandits, growing slowly larger and larger. Not because of the Fenada deal, that was planned as going out with a glorious bang when we retired from strat. We had fun because we actually did something, just four of us, we planned, we plotted, we had some awesome small battles and we got out with alot of cRPG gold when we came from nothing.

Like Leiknir said. Take some chances, go out there and try to do something fun. Don't sit around and wait for the devs to force you to have to fight, especially as a small faction its quite possible to do some damage and have a good time.

Server Info / Re: [EU] Capture the Flag [64 man CTF]
« on: December 21, 2011, 12:33:19 pm »
I regret to inform you that I will be shutting this server down.

I don't have the time or resources to make this run as smoothly as a CTF server should be run, but as a test server I suppose it has done its purpose and shown future hosters what can be improved upon and what the community would like to see on such a server.

I have contacted some people here on the forums about setting up one. So I'm hoping someone will pick up the torch in the future.


Other / Re: [EU] Melee Only Server [30 Slot Battle]
« on: December 18, 2011, 11:27:05 pm »
Long Awlpike is not against the rules, you are right. However poll bans only last for 1 hour and they cannot be undone. So just wait out the hour and you can play again.

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 17, 2011, 04:05:37 pm »
Ehm, what happened? Spawn capture?

Pretty much. Nice to keep all the troops alive for later use.

Server Info / Re: [EU] Nordmen 30 Man Battle Server -CLEAN Server-
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:15:23 pm »
I'm very sorry, but unfortunately this server will have to be offline for some hours today to help out with a event server.

Thanks for understanding people.

Server Info / Re: [EU] Melee Only Server [30 Slot Battle]
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:10:04 pm »
The server will unfortunately be offline today, as I need to free up some space to help out with a event server.

Sorry for the trouble, folks. Will make it up to you all!

Diplomacy / Re: The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:57:38 pm »
Finally Fenada is back in the hands of it's rightful owner. The people rejoice!

Ahahahahahahahahaha! :lol:

Leiknir wins Strat 3. Hilarious.

Hands down. Strat is over folks, pack up and go home.

Leiknir the mighty, former glorious leader of the NORDMEN OF FENADA is attacking Fenada. Must be a huge conspiracy at work there.

Maybe he is missing Fenada from strat one

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