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Messages - Aelfwine

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:57:41 am »
Damn me i just have to post this...

There is an interesting (long, 1h 46m) documentary about the 1992 romanian revolution: "Videogramme einer revolution" aka Videograms of a revolution, Harun Farocki, Andrei Ujica. It's easy to find.

God and all the saints are whispering to me it may be instructive for ukrainians mostly but for everyone really. Needs to be watched carefully though.
I don't believe in god or the saints but i have to obey.

Faction Halls / Re: [Fox] Band of Foxes (Recruiting) EU/NA
« on: April 15, 2013, 04:08:53 am »
Im glad you liked it man :) and hah yeah, im pretty sure I have seen that film. In the end does he get eaten and the camara records the sound D:? 

And thats shit to hear mate, hope you resolve the issue soon! :)

yea, though they don't show/let hear the record, iirc they destroy the tape

eh i'm going to try and adapt some fan to the heatsink if i can find it, because online i only found 50€+ heatsinks and i'm not going to spend that :mrgreen:

oh, and i added a fox picture in the signature, how is it? :D

Announcements / Re: .
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:28:17 pm »
All italians have a tan because they bask daily in the glory of Silvio Berlusconi.

that glory goes well beyond italy's borders..

i just wanted to say, about guessing the nationality from a pic: people, i've read too many cliches! :P

Faction Halls / Re: [Fox] Band of Foxes (Recruiting) EU/NA
« on: April 14, 2013, 09:12:55 pm »
very nice song Fleet, and interesting lyrics

about taming and befriending animals, a movie came to my mind, Grizzly Man, directed by W. Herzog (not exactly about foxes although some appear in the movie)
interesting how the -once a city dweller edit:and completely crazy- guy in the movie establishes contact with other living beings -final director comment shows he didn't quite get the moral of the story imho-

edit 2: i can't play until i fix my gpu fan/buy a new one  :(

Faction Halls / Re: [Fox] Band of Foxes (Invite Only)
« on: April 06, 2013, 12:21:00 am »
hi everyone :mrgreen:

Announcements / Re: Project Asinus - revealed!
« on: June 11, 2012, 05:16:06 pm »
ah, nice, so it's really some kind of "project"? i'm glad i entered the email then :mrgreen:
thanks for the lightning answer ^^

Announcements / Re: Project Asinus - revealed!
« on: June 11, 2012, 05:09:42 pm »
er.. (i didn't want to open a new thread) what's the pop up about some project asinus that requires e-mail on crpg site?
i was browsing my characters after quite some time not playing, so i may have lost some news; is it some sort of verification on who's browsing the site? (and if so what happens if one refuses to enter the email?)

Scene Editing / Re: Strategus City Improvement Project
« on: December 18, 2011, 11:24:04 pm »
ok, durquba done; it took some time to think to the possible attack strategies, roofs were a bit of a problem.
truly it's better to take time making as good as possible a map; it's just when i'm inspired i just want to see how it will look when finished :oops:

Scene Editing / Re: Strategus City Improvement Project
« on: November 23, 2011, 06:56:47 pm »
well i'm taking it easy, had too few ideas, was ill for a few days, so Durquba is still work in progress : )

also i updated Wercheg, it needed some props and ground paint for the background part that could be seen from rooftops

General Discussion / Re: HOMOPHOBIA
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:59:13 am »
It's viewed as more courageous/manly because it is.  /story

What's braver, shooting at people from the safety of cover while other people are looking people in the eye while doing combat, or standing toe to toe with someone who wants to kill you and putting yourself in harms way to do the same to him?  IE:  Melee

Or, what's more courageous, pushing a button from a bunker and nuking a village, or taking on an army with a combat knife?

*Yes, you can argue that it's also foolish, but foolishness and courage go hand in hand*

i agree with you, but you forgot that it's a game :wink:

General Discussion / Re: HOMOPHOBIA
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:44:17 am »
i don't think the problem is the offence insults do to people.
sex has a great power on the human (animal) mind -war propaganda, advertising etc. is and has been based on sexual concepts,
and sexual identity, whatever it is, is one of the most important things to an individual.
the problem with insults is when they categorize someone, therefore putting him/her virtually out of the "social whole"; doesn't matter if it happens on internet because
everyone feels at least a bit represented by his "avatar" on the net.
In a time like this, with a widespread trash freudian culture that relates and explains everything
through sex and sexual identity, somehow this is also why some -i think younger- people say melee fighting is more courageous, manly
and what not while archers are my old friends, particularly in crpg, where the identification of the player with his own avatar is much easier than in native.
As with racism, the problem is despise for certain fictitious categories, even if it just starts as a joke, becomes a normal thing in time, with possible further developments,
for example in times of economical, social crisis. No ethics are written on stone.

edit: sorry for the long post

General Discussion / Re: RACISM
« on: November 11, 2011, 02:56:39 am »
it's a political matter, even when someone is just joking and not meaning to really be racist (if it's true that everything in social life is political).
breaking "taboos" or doing/saying things that are generally disapproved makes them more familiar and acceptable in time, and look like not so grave things to people who haven't formed an idea about yet.

Scene Editing / Re: Strategus City Improvement Project
« on: November 09, 2011, 11:29:46 am »
I have started Dhirim, but had to delay it due to being busy irl.

Also, i checked the sarranid cities, and there is very good skeletons under Durquba and Ahmerrad, Town_Center file.

Wow, thanks for sharing the info, i'll include durquba town center in the siege, it's really nice (and it will speed up the work), i would have never thought to check that : )

I believe the vertical is the % bonus you can gain and the horizontal looks to be the % distance as a function of the total distance possible.  I could be wrong though.

oh, makes sense, ty for answer



Faraway goods bonus was manipulated so it's a) higher and b) it goes more like this:
(click to show/hide)
The idea is that, once you have reached around 70%, the increase is getting lower again, so you don't necessarily have to move to the very last village in the corner.


just to get a clear idea, what values are those on the two axes? i guess distance and price bonus %, but which is which? and is distance in km?

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