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Messages - Groznui

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Head Hunting
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:00:15 am »
Requesting my bounty reward in brownies.
(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: Head Hunting
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:17:37 pm »
Do we get brownie points if we kill him but are not in DL?

Scene Editing / Re: NA (Siege) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« on: August 16, 2011, 08:03:21 am »
Another vote to remove the Chevalieres map - way too big for pub and has bugged spawns

Русскоязычный форум / Re: Помогите!
« on: June 21, 2011, 04:26:36 am »
Подскажите плииз зачем нужны строй-материалы?
Материалы нужны чтобы строит башни осады, катапульты, и пр.
1)Кинь строительную площадку(construction site)
2)Жми "F" пока не появится название той конструкции которой хочеш
3)Бросай материалы в неё пока не появится та конструкция

Gardarika_NoobSaibot_IV - Я не знаю что могло случится. Попробуй написать в англоязычный "bug reports".

cRPG Technical problems / DTV and experience
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:42:59 am »
Bug seen with an alt playing on NA DTV and Pecores DTV.
The website does not show correct exp and gold if playing with a mutliplier > x1.
Basically while playing I was comparing the exp/gold in the character screen in-game with the char screen on the site.
Every tick both would update but the website would always register 1000XP and 50Gold, while in game they would update at (1000*multiplier)XP and (50*multiplier)Gold.
Every time the game synchronized with the database the character information would get reset and the character screen would match the website(until the next tick when they would be off by 1000*(multiplier-1)).

There is either a bug in the code that updates the database where in certain situations it does not take into account the multiplier or the multiplier was removed from DTV and the bug is in the client/server code that erroneously shows that you are getting one.

Edit:  Just tested on a siege server and multipliers work normally

General Discussion / Re: Kicked?
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:44:51 am »
It is not BUG it is game mechanic, if you die in 1-st or 2-nd wave you be kick from server, so other player can join to server
Please stop spreading misinformation - it was classified as a bug by cmpx:

Kick is a bug.
Will be fixed in the next hotfix, or before if servers get stealth-updated.

General Discussion / Re: Kicked?
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:51:56 am »
It is a bug on the server - the devs know about it and are hopefully working on a fix.
In short - there is nothing you can do other than using another server.

Suggestions Corner / Re: leech nomination meta-game
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:50:44 am »
As an idea - have the player freeze for 2-3 seconds after calling someone a leecher; this would hamper people from doing this to opponents.
Also if it is possible you could also make any kind of movement or keypress prevent the alleged leecher from being kicked(Although with the braindead language used by M&B scripts this might not be workable.

Edit: One more suggestion - if anti-leech is kept in then make it so that you have to be right next to the target to use it(it seems it can be done at long range)

Suggestions Corner / leech nomination meta-game
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:27:00 am »
In the new voice menu you can look at a player and press Q, M, L to have the game check if they are a leecher and kick them if they are. The way the game checks is by forcing them to press M within 10 seconds.
This can be used by griefers to kick players from both teams even when they are not afk. Imagine someone who bound the Q-M-L sequence to their 4th or 5th mouse key through some automation program(AutoHotKey or similar) and runs around trying to kick everyone from the server.

This needs to be removed or modified ASAP.

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