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Messages - Benhelm

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Mercs and Mercs
« on: April 19, 2011, 11:32:09 pm »
Just one question, have you ever heard of a mini-game called "strategus" ?

Yes, and I used to be proud being hired by mercs, but that was some 5 month ago.

You basically say you just want the tag to epeen about the pixel with some people you vaguely know and often disagree with (thats not the definition of friend, before you flame me).

Today I was permanently banned from all EU servers without any warning or explanation by admin I've never seen before (I believe it is a new one). And guess why he prob banned me? I was lvl 1 (just retired) and tried to cut some of my teammate tincans with knife... Obviously they had no damage at all, but it didn't stop admin from banning me without warning or reason. IMHO chadz need to revise the admin strategy to stop such BS going on. I understand that if people dont like their armor scratched...admin could say through admin chat to stop that. But no, BAN and job done :)

P.S. Also I was banned from risen server for asking whther they like mein kidding.
I literally typed this in chat "do you like mein kampf"?
And BAM..permabanned. Job done, right?

you know that this isn't the truth and posting it on the forum doesn't make it the truth. You started stabbing right away in the spawn (which we were camping at that time) and you randomly stabbed people. I was one of them wearing a frigging nomad vest at that time and you even said sorry, but only after i pointed out, that you actually took some of my health. You didn't stop later on and got banned for team attacking. Is it really so hard to follow a few rules?

The amount of ignorant behavior and disrespect towards the developers effort to create a friendly gaming atmosphere leaves me flabbergasted.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercs and Mercs
« on: April 19, 2011, 09:34:16 pm »
Yet you can't really think, that when you put a clan tag in front of your name, your actions won't be linked to the clan. If you are just loosely tied individuals, why even bother with a clan or a clan tag? You could just hang out in TS and be BFFs.
You can still be hired for fights, no difference whatsoever.
Correct me, if I am wrong: A clan tag will relate you to your clan and an action taken with that clan tag will be linked to the clan. One post in the forum will never change the way of things are handled in general.
I just wonder, if you are asking for a special treatment for the merc-clan to not be treated as a clan unless it pleases you?

Just my 2c!

Faction Halls / [Team Kamikaze] New Clan!
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:41:15 pm »
We are the Team Kamikaze, a newly formed clan consisting of old time gamers. Consisting of real life friends from different European countries we are currently not recruiting any new members, but if we do, we surely will announce it here.
Our goals are leading charges, bash heads in and be among the first to die!

We are led by the glorious Meow, who taught us the awesome way of charging in no matter the odds. Our in game abbreviation will be TK_Meow (as an example) and we hope to get our own banner included in the Banner-pack.

In Strategus we will be available for hire or if you piss us off enough for a feud.

See you on the Battlefield!

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