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Messages - Jean_Luc_Picard

Pages: [1]
General Off Topic / Rune
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:19:17 am »
Rune is an old game now available for free. In some ways it has better multiplayer combat than M & B because you can dismember people and chase after them while they desperately look for a health pickup to restore thier limbs... or you can beat people with thier own heads/arms. The hit detection is definately more responsive, and there is no such thing as spamming or block crushing. Indoor maps like castles with secret doors and catapults are particularily badass. You can also throw your weapons and your weapons can also use cool rune powers, if you pick up enough runestone power ups. You can also climb around and platform tomb raider style. Singleplayer is totally worthless, however.

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