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Messages - F9MP

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: New tricks that I learnt from bad players.
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:34:57 pm »
Feinting is actually really useful in another way. If you can manage to feint in a certain manner around three to four times in a row, then after your last attack ends, about half a second will pass and then you will swing extremely fast and only the second half of the animation will play. So basically unblockable.

Playable, but stutters very frequently and constantly so even though fps is generally better, it is harder to play.

General Discussion / Re: New rules?
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:20:13 am »
No drama....this is literally the whole story. He was telling some guy to change his name because it was against the rules, and then i said a few times that it wasnt all that offensive. He didnt react to that however since it was a little while before i asked him if he is american. Then he muted me. As i said i dont care about the mute, Im just honestly curious if this is allowed or if it's not, i mean after all wouldnt want to get banned for it now would I?

General Discussion / New rules?
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:46:28 pm »
So i was playing on NA_1 and then i asked grannpappy who happened to be on, if he is american. He then proceeded to mute me. I dont care that i was muted i just want to know if this is a new rule of some sort. Are people allowed to ask someone else what their nationality is, or not? If we are then this is abuse.

Closed Requests / [Unban]Uesugi_Tacky
« on: October 13, 2012, 02:47:25 am »
OK so apparently i was banned from NA_1 and NA_2 because i was playing on NA_2 and then for seemingly no reason i was banned somewhere between 8:30-8:40 EST on 10/12/12. I was also banned from NA_1 too apparently, because when i tried to enter either server i got the you are banned message. Now i didn't do systematically tk anyone. I did tk once on NA_2 several minutes before being banned but it was just once and i got absolutely no admin warning or anything, especially since the guy i tked didn't complain. I did it because he m'ed me and so i hit him again and he ended up dying. This is the first time i have intentionally tked, but i did not get any admin warning AT ALL. I was just banned. Also i have absolutely no idea why i was banned from NA_1 as i have definitely done nothing wrong there. I would like to know the reason for my ban on NA_1 and also why i wasn't warned on NA_2, although i would understand a temp ban on NA_2 since i did tk.

My in game name is the same as the post name Uesugi_Tacky.

I decided to check if i was really banned from NA_1 or if i was mistaken and it appears that I'm  also banned from NA_3 and NA_7 as well.
Seriously i have never done anything wrong on either of those servers so i would like to know why I'm banned.

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