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Messages - Imloxion

Pages: [1]
Historical Discussion / Re: Pikemen and the Phalanx
« on: July 11, 2012, 10:39:41 am »
What happened?  Was this formation "technology" lost?  Did battlefield conditions change thus that is caused the phalanx formation to no longer be useful, then came full circle around again over 1,500 years later so that this formation was indeed successful again?  What else could be going on?

No it isnt lost,the battlefield conditions changed due to the low-level of that time .The phalanx requires excellent teamwork and organization and it is the most superior tactic of the time,thats why the people of that time couldnt correspond to it.The swiss pikemen show us how superior was the phalanx in noumerous battles,even as a low class phalanx type.

 The hoplites had shields, obviously...but what else?

The hoplites used much shorter spears than the later sarissa,their shields protect the warrior next to them(shortly you fight to protect the one next to you),a phalanx worked as a very solid body,being unbreakable by the enemy.Their main tactic was a complete pulse against the enemy unit (the soldiers at the back push the soldiers in front of them) disbanding it with a steady march.The classic phalanx had 8 lines and later around 16.But with the usage of firearms and big radius explosive it could be effective anymore :(

Historical Discussion / Re: Fetih 1453 (Fall of Constantinople)
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:45:22 am »
Well,in a scale of 10 i would put a -3 to this movie,even as a parody there wouldnt be any chances of me laughing...

General Off Topic / Re: burn dat flag
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:20:42 pm »
I dont think burning a nations flag is fun,doing it desrespects the blood that has been spilled for that flag,the dead and the history of that nation.The flag is something holy to those that have ideals and love their nation,and noone can disgrace it in such a way,even if he is an enemy.

General Discussion / Re: Thanks for making the game no fun to me anymore
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:46:49 am »
you're welcome

Spam / Re: Campaign to get Lord_Panos unmuted
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:14:40 am »
your sense of humor is something else...

General Off Topic / Re: All right which one of you did it?
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:57:54 am »
i was testing my new arbalest in action

It is the best looking armor I have seen, it is better than the clunky Euro armor that you could move at 1 mile an hour.  With this armor you get better protection and faster movement.  This armor was used for thousands of years and did not need to be changed due to it's strength and flexibility

It was the most refined armor of it's time, made from light weight damascene steel chain mail and plates.  It is the same kind of metal used for making swords that could cut through plate armor.  The process was similar to that of Japanese swords. 

BTW, the spike on the helmet was used as a last resort weapon and came in handy.  There are variations of the greaves where they also have spikes on them for the same purpose.  Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal armor were very similar except for regional differences. 

The Russians and Eastern Europeans copied the Persian Armor due to it's effectiveness in combat.  Most of the Euro heavy armor was put aside after the Crusades and the Islamic Armor was adopted along with it's technology...hence bringing in the Renaissance in Europe.

Nanosuit 3 maybe?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Total wipe
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:39:31 pm »
so it can be more balanced right?

Ok let me see,so a "veteran" player that has around 10 heirlooms and has spent more than 500 hours will lose all his items,generations,everything for 3 loom points.
And the new player will get also the 3 loom points without losing anything and without even spenting some time? great idea lol

And why should there be less hybrids,they're the fun of the game  :o

Suggestions Corner / Re: Tin Cans and Upkeep Costs
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:06:53 pm »
I just dont understand why people whine so much about tincans,its nice battling with/against tincans,it boost the medieval atmosphere..

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 07:51:35 pm »
- high upkeep,currently its something like native,you cant use the items you like anymore

General Discussion / Re: Upkeep too high -(impossible to HA)
« on: July 12, 2011, 07:47:05 pm »
And the upkeep is not high only for HA,but for every other class...

General Discussion / Medieval times
« on: July 09, 2011, 02:31:23 pm »
Great site with a lot of info about medieval wars,weapons,daily life,etc..(even tortures  :?)

check it out!

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 16, 2011, 04:49:50 pm »
The problems I encountered as a thrower:
Slot system is brutal,highier tier throwing weapons need 2 slots.
Ammo reduction.
Wpf requiment per power throw point which is about 14.2 destroys all hybrids that want to use high tier weapons.

Thats why i voted op throwing.
(Thx for the great-badass-fabulus-excellent-nice-godlike-present mod :mrgreen:)

Pages: [1]