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Messages - Kayle

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 37
Closed Requests / UNBAN Kayle
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:58:36 pm »
So i was wandering around on EU1 with my mate kristian, and i saw a guy on a sumpter horse, i punched it around 20 times and then he finished it off with a arrow to the head, and there for im giving you this short essay: Why is it wrong to grief other players?
I personally think that racism and griefing is fun as hell, but ill give it a shot, even though meow has permabanned me, so please enjoy this and suck a dick, thanks.
Players think that griefers (such as me) suck, and should be removed from the game.
Griefers has been known to fuck this game up for different types of players, the casual, the normal and the hardcore one. well, they can all suck my middlesized shaved balls. and to the gaymins who banned me, come sit in papas lap and lets talk about what pops up. THANKS, but ill be back, ill be back very soon.

Well I don't know then. I only know that when RandomDude kicked me, I joined back in and I had no gear available in my equipment screen. And when I pressed C I was level 0 and all my stats were 0... I haven't experienced anything like that before in cRPG, so I tought it was kinda obivious he took my stuff. I'm sorry if I was wrong, and I think you understand why I was pissed off to him cause I tought he did that.
  either you are fucking stupid or you removed your own stuff at the website to frame randomdude. he is one of the goodmins and you should just be quiet.

Faction Halls / Re: Saracens
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:58:32 pm »

Didn't click the link.
And... wtf?!
Dont be like that, it's A me, MARIO

Faction Halls / Re: Saracens
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:17:52 pm »
I love you guys, especially Panus and Molly (even though molly could actually be my father). you other guys will have to win my love. but that aint to hard

Sell/Trade / Re: NEED 50K NAOW! GREAT OFFER!
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:28:35 pm »
If someone will give me 50k now, he'll be able to buy my MW Shashka for 1.2 mil gold
My pratice dagger is up for 52631 gold - Arn_Magnusson_the_Templar.

nice try.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / bitches, oh ja,
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:04:40 am »
Pma mig för tid och plats

General Discussion / Re: Aljo is a big fat liar.
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:59:31 pm »
Interesting, tell us more.
är du grining igen? vill du ha kram?

Hoppar nog också av, jävligt mycket skit irl och jag orkar inte bry mig om den här skiten. Jag är extremt ledsen för min tidigare attityd, jag ska inte skylla på någonting men jag var lite nere av personliga skäl. Jag har en tendens att ta ut min frustration på andra, så nu vet ni det.

Riktigt stort av dig att "komma ut" med det där, synd att du hoppar av för att en ledare som kan vara ärlig är bra att ha, inte för ärlig men någorlunda iallafall :D

General Discussion / Re: Aljo is a big fat liar.
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:47:06 pm »
Good job, can you stop now?

Why is there so much slander on the forums these days? There's no love anymore. :(

Im trying to love, but when there is so much aholes i cannot give them love. im lovable irl and never a sad face ifyouknowwhatimean. but if i say that i love a dude in these forums im gay and when people hate so much i get infected by it. i love you tenne, be mine forever <3

General Discussion / Re: Aljo is a big fat liar.
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:25:43 pm »
Is this a new trend, posting messages on the forums `?  :lol:
he just tried to look cool, so i thought i would post this to make him stop lying.

General Discussion / Aljo is a big fat liar.
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:19:59 pm »
This guy is trying to look cool but guess what, ill show them some prints that will show  how big of a liar you are.

"Quote from: kisstuss on Today at 01:32:16
not the first time i have seen this... :O."

his reply to my post in his banrequest:
His "invite" and reply to my answer:
My answer and a second reply to his msg:
First of all; i got banned for teamhitting, not racism cuz what i said wasn't racist... you should read up on racism.

Second: If you are trying to look cool, dont say something that the other person have proof for what you said.

Thanks for your time // Yours sincerely, Lekis <3<3<3

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Eaglewood_King_JazZz
« on: June 15, 2012, 02:32:16 am »
not the first time i have seen this... :O

Closed Requests / UNBAN me, plixploxboxfoxsoxdox
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:25:23 pm »
got banned yesterday by some bandit(/saracen i believe at this time for teamhitting, it said 24 hours and they should be over now. thxbanxranxflanx

Spam / Re: I will go away
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:26:13 pm »
Derp i'll come there and scream Aptalturk.
kommer du till mig? bjuder på gofika och kärlek.

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