So i was wandering around on EU1 with my mate kristian, and i saw a guy on a sumpter horse, i punched it around 20 times and then he finished it off with a arrow to the head, and there for im giving you this short essay: Why is it wrong to grief other players?
I personally think that racism and griefing is fun as hell, but ill give it a shot, even though meow has permabanned me, so please enjoy this and suck a dick, thanks.
Players think that griefers (such as me) suck, and should be removed from the game.
Griefers has been known to fuck this game up for different types of players, the casual, the normal and the hardcore one. well, they can all suck my middlesized shaved balls. and to the gaymins who banned me, come sit in papas lap and lets talk about what pops up. THANKS, but ill be back, ill be back very soon.