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Messages - Vackeno

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Sell/Trade / -SOLD-
« on: September 01, 2011, 05:18:25 am »
Nothing for sale atm.

Closed Requests / Re: Vackeno exploting terrain
« on: August 25, 2011, 08:58:58 pm »
Indeed there is a terrain exploit. The first time, I got stuck in there after the initial spawn (horray for free-for-all kick fest) and got unstuck by walking out backwards. It spits you out behind the castle. I went in it again, intentionally, one additional time to see if it could be consistently recreated (which it can be). It's in the cell with the dirt spilling in (there's 2 spawn points) on the left hand side, closest to the door. You can get stuck in there and the only way to get out is backing up the invisible hill.

Best way to fix bugs is to find out how to recreate them.

Granted, I think that map should go die in a fire, but yeah... If it somehow makes it off the chopping block, at least fix the glitches.

And while we're at it, can we fix being able to melee THROUGH doors? Or stand inside piles of hay and magically be able to see outside and shoot through?

At any rate, yeah.. Mapmaker, if your map doesn't get removed, fix this area :-p

General Off Topic / Re: death of c-rpg?(maybe a slow death)
« on: August 21, 2011, 07:34:29 am »
I do not believe that cRPG will die to a player exodus. Many even current players have threatened to quit after QQing at nerfs --- they're still here.

Personally, I've been following Guild Wars 2 before I even knew cRPG existed as a mod in Warband. That game will suck me out of pretty much everything else (real life not excluded :-p).

That aside, cRPG is a unique style of gameplay. A previous post mentioned the 'depth' of the game. In all honesty, I think Warband/cPRG is rather shallow compared to many games, but certainly more deep than competitive FPS games. This brings us into a very niche market, which is unlikely to lose much of its player base.

I also do not think it is realistic to compare an Indie game's MOD to a AAA title. We're not even comparing game to game here... but mod to a triple-A title... Not exactly a level playing field, imo.

cRPG will die when its devs decide to kill it. I don't foresee large player shifts for any likely reason.

The WPF Penalties for Helmet/Gloves are 2x/3x worse than WPF penalties for chest.

Also, FYI, I have 7 PD on my toon. I last played prior to the slot changes and big archery nerf. I was playing today with the nomad bow and regular arrows (cash farming) and on very heavily armored enemies the shots were hitting them but not doing enough damage to even do the 'damage stun' effect. With a weaker bow and lower PD, I imagine you'd hurt slightly less than a bumblebee.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Which 0 Slot 1 Handers CAN block?
« on: August 16, 2011, 07:32:12 am »
the TL;DR is the subject. Which 0 slot 1-handed weapons are you able to block with?

I took a long break from cRPG and have returned to see my archery hybrid spec brutally nerfed between the slot system and arrow speed for lower PD. I'm hoping to not have to disregard archery completely for the future and to better fit with this new slot system as well as the molasses arrows, I was thinking of a 9 PD Longbow build or some such. In any event, I want to have a few points in 1H proficiency and would like to use a 0 slotter. Which ones can block?

Also, what is with the shift AWAY from Bodkin arrows? I realize that they're rather retardedly expensive for arrows and have a nasty upkeep... But my assumption is that since archery damage is "meh" (my opinion) at this point, people are going for faster draw arrow spam to try to score head-shot kills. Is this 'accurate'?

I'm the only one to vote no to this so far, because this isn't a game where everyone needs triple heirloomed load outs, I think chadz made this alot more fair to the new comers.

My personal stance is that I would be happier with the 10% XP Bonus for variety reasons (and a bigger accomplishment factor - huge for me in RPGs. And yes, this is cRPG, not cMMO[RPG, FPS, or anything]) rather than the heirloom bonus.

It's probably a programming nightmare, but if you had the chance to EITHER get an Heirloom OR get a 10% XP bonus, I would take the XP bonus on every retire. Yes, I understand that logically thinking, it would make more sense to spam the 10% bonus until you can quickly retire to then follow-up and spam heirlooms, but even neglecting that fact, I'd still more often than not choose the XP. Many of the builds I want to try will not even benefit from the previous items I have heirloomed.

I'm Gen 2 (Yes, I'm a noob!) I also have ~240k gold... I've never been a big fan of heavy armor. My original build was xbow/shielder. I am now an archer/pole user.

As a precurser, I want to say, I like a lot of what this patch did. I feel that the slot system will add variety into what we see being fielded. Pretty uncaring about not being able to change gear in-game. It makes people really think about the importance of ladders and such. For the record, I plan to Heirloom my Warbow (1x) this time around. Warbow/1quiver/1hsword sounds fun. I wish a few arrows were added per stack (I think it was 20 originally before the 'hotfix'... That would be nice to see again, imho.) I would also like to take my character through multiple generations and trying various builds. I was originally drawn to doing this because in this mod, it seemed like you wouldn't -need- to make 'alts' to achieve this.

When I -finally- finished off Gen 1, I was excited to try out a new character build. I feel that the XP nerf really hampers what made cRPG shine for me at the beginning. I will say it's still much better than Native, as even miniscule RPG elements are enough to keep me entertained as opposed to an equal setting where there are zero RPG Elements. I really liked the idea of the 10% XP Bonus ... ... mostly because I hated the grind to level 31. I feel like we should see something else in line of the XP grindfest. I still adore the idea of being able to play as multiple roles using one character (via retirement and completely different builds) but with the nerfed XP, it's much less attractive. I also won't play any alts... I will, honestly, play cRPG less. I will still play, just not as often.

For ideas - 1) Reduce the XP needed to go from 30 - 31 SIGNIFICANTLY (like.. 1.5 - 2.5 million reduction or so)
2) 10% bonus per gen, but cap it (as stated above).
3) 5% Bonus per gen, cap or no cap, but still lower the XP from 30 - 31 a bit.
or 4) Raise base "tick" XP.

Options 1 and 4 would bridge the speed-leveling gap between new players and vets. Options 2 and 3 would still make mass retiring appealing (to me, at least).

tl;dr - Dislike the XP nerf. Would like to see either a revert or additional changes to be made.

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