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Messages - Marked_One

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Closed Requests / Ban request: Pussyxpounder
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:12:23 pm »
Earlier this morning he raged and teamwounded me the next round after I reported him for a teamwound... Before disconnecting from the server, he teamwounded me again while on spawn and I got a partial screenshot of what happened towards the end...

(click to show/hide)

And just this afternoon, he teamwounded me again from spawn before disconnecting from the server... I didn't have a screenshot, but I'm sure the logs from both the eu1 and na1 servers should show enough evidence for this my old friend's crimes.... I would have let go what he did earlier this morning, but when he tw'ed me on spawn unprovoked it annoyed the fuck out of me...

I'm not sure if there was an eu admin at that time, but on na1 gash was online and he likely didn't notice it because he was busy playing...

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: Fallen_Marked_One
« on: July 25, 2011, 08:15:54 am »
I'm definitely guilty of using this exploit since i received a tick of the xp due to the round ending soon, i should have used abit of more common sense at that time... And i'm sorry for benefitting from this exploit and I do guarantee to everyone that I've learned from this mistake and will never do any kind of bug abuse again :mrgreen:

But i don't consider myself to be an abuser coz i didn't kept doing this bug on seperate occasions upon learning how it works or abusing any exploits that the devs might not currently know....

I'm confident that the logs will be able to sort out those who deserve severe punishment and those who need to take some break from the game..

The only evidence I can provide for my defense is one of the screenshots that I took at that time... If I have a fraps at that time, that would have been better...
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Whta I just want to know right now is how long my ban going to last?? And if I'm proven by server logs to not abused this bug alot, have my ban shortened the time :mrgreen:

Closed Requests / Unban Request: Fallen_Marked_One
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:10:06 am »
I'm not sure why i was banned on official servers and it seems on several servers too, but if I have to make a guess it may have something to do with the NA DTV exploit occured earlier this morning after reading some other threads in the forums..

I'm not an exploiter or enjoys exploiting bugs since I started playing crpg, so I don't see why I should receive a huge penalty alongside those real culprits...

If the ban was based from the NA DTV bug exploit that occured today, my reasoning would be that I joined dtv at that time since the rest of the na servers weren't populated.. I thought of joining a dtv server because I got bored abit of playing siege or battle servers for the past few hours.. When I joined the server, I didn't realized what was going on until I saw that some people(maybe all of them) are exploiting when each round was ending faster than it should be.. I didn't stayed long in that server and left it to look for another server to play in....

I'm hoping to get unbanned today, and if not today a really short ban period will do for me, since I enjoy playing crpg alot..

Closed Requests / Unban Request: Fallen_Marked_One
« on: July 24, 2011, 11:30:09 pm »
found the appropriate place to request my unbanning from global servers...

Suggestions Corner / NEW ACCOUNT SECURITY
« on: July 02, 2011, 09:39:44 am »
Having seen threads about people's accounts getting hacked and their characters deleted, i thought of creating a thread on adding more layers of security since I haven't found any thread regarding it... I don't know what layers of security the dev team has in place, so I'm just suggesting more ideas based on what I currently see available to me on the character page...


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- The 1st column should have the date and time of the transaction.
- The 2nd column should have the info on what items were involved on the transaction, whether heirloomed or non-heirloomed.
- The 3rd column should have the info on what type of transaction occured like: marketplace purchase/sell, non-marketplace purchase/sell
- The 4th column should have the info on the amount of purchase(n/a if there was no gold involved on marketplace).
- And the 5th column should have the info of the name of the person involved in a marketplace transaction(n/a if non-marketplace purchase). The name of the person who you traded w/ also changes automatically whenever they do a name change.

          Just like what you guys are seeing on steam's transaction history page, I wish that a transaction history on the our character page to be something similar like the things I mentioned above.. I also wish that this transaction history has no delete option for anyone to see for future personal reference. If its not possible, then a history of 90 days shown on the list would be a great option for those who would be away from the game for more than a week..

If your wondering why there should be info on non-marketplace transactions, its because I thought that a smart hacker would know that the devs can trace the heirloom trades.. So if he wants to do damage instead of risking cd-key banned, he can buy items from the gamestore directly(not the marketplace) to dry out his target's gold reserve & sell those heirloomed items directly on the game store and the devs will(likely) be wondering why there is no trace on where the heirloomed items go...

2) Ability to change passwords/delete characters

         I noticed that any of your characters has the power to change the password for all of your characters & I find this to be a huge security risk.. Get one of that characters hacked and your pretty much screwed up in the ass... I've heard from IRC and reading in the forums(whether its true or just a myth) that hackers can obtain your cdkey if your a steam user & they use that key to create an alt in order to gain access to your main...

And based from this thread,9488.0.html, a hacker not only can steal your items but he can also DELETE your main character or any of your characters if his/her intentions is to screw you around.. I'm sure you guys don't want your time in this game thrown down the drain when your characters gets deleted by some douchebag, making you to likely quit playing this mod...So my proposal to this is:

- Only the main character should have the access to set a universal password to all your characters.
- You should only be allowed to change your main to once per day.
- There should be a security question whenever you try to change the password of your main character.
- You should be prompted to answer your security question whenever you try to delete any of your characters. It should be optional to your alts, but should be a requirement for your main.

I do hope the devs consider adding security features like this in the near future before this hacking becomes too annoying for everyone...

No we didn't we wiped (just now) on the Sexies the second time through.  We had too many extra players joining.

Well not having too many players got us all killed on the 2nd run, its that someone killed the last engineer and the sexies spawned on top of perceval killing one of our killing machine  :mrgreen:

Got lucky enough that we found the right group of people to play and with decent teamwork plus luck(from getting kicked), we finally made it far to the end.. The 2nd to last round, you fight knights wearing milanese plate using morningstars or bec... And on last round, you add all the bosses from each round... After you beat it, it just resets back to peasants all over again...

And here is the proof ladies and gents... I used steam's screenshot feature, so there is a 1sec delay from taking the screenie...

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2nd to last round

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the guy on black armor is chadz's body guard

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And we killed chadz... He's wearing a haubergeon and a great winged helmet.. steam's screenshot fail coz it didnt showed chadz getting owned :mrgreen:

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And the team that made it through the end 8-)

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:33:24 pm »
Hi i'm Marked_One and I would like to join Fallen Brigade..

I have seen several of your members play and saw the quality of teamwork from them and I would like to be a part of it too.. I'm an 2h melee and play mostly on NA servers..

I already created a forum account on & still waiting for it to get activated...

Closed Requests / Ban-Request: VieuxCrotter
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:13:15 am »
Last night on NA siege, this guy apparently started attacking me and tk'ed me on purpose and spoiling my fun at that round..

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and i'm not the only one who he has tk'ed at that time coz he also went after occitan_zlotz... He went on a tk-spree on zlotz on 3 consecutive maps before leaving...

Beginner's Help and Guides / Noob 2hander needed some tips..
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:00:52 am »
So which build is good for  a beginner 2hander: 21/18 or 18/21??

156wpp on 2h

160wpp on 2h
52wff on polearm

I currently use a german greatsword on a 33/3 build and i'm nearing retirement again(about 15hrs to go) and I'm wondering if I should upgrade to Danish or downgrade to either SwordOfWar or HighlandClaymore on my planned next build... And should I use my upcoming heirloom bonus on my planned 2h weapon or heirloom my churburg since their seems to be a "balancing conflict" based from the opinions of other people  on these forum...

Any tips are greatly appreciated...

General Off Topic / Need some tips on which internet plan to get..
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:35:18 am »
So right now I'm getting rid of my sprint broadband connection after using it for quite sometime with decent results.... So this two services are currently the best ones on where i live And I can't decide on which one to get :mrgreen:.. Which one do you guys think offer the best value for your buck??

ISP A: cheapest price they offered me is 37bucks for a 8megs connection.. No contracts.. 100gigs bandwith limit..

ISP B: almost same price as ISP A on a 7megs connection... No bandwitdh limit.. But you gotta stick with them for a year :(.. Also a DSL connection :(?!?!

So how much bandwidth you guys eat up by playing online games alone each month??? I'm leaning towards ISP B since I don't like contracts.. If its a DSl connection, its a no go for me since our home phone is heavily used :mrgreen:

hehe any tips are greatly appreciated...

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: April 22, 2011, 10:13:48 am »
Is the site glitched or something coz it is showing different prices for the churburg cuirass, even though they all have the same stats...

Or it just cost you 492 gold & 969 gold respectively to get a "custom paint order"????? :mrgreen:

Blondin what light armor you use for your build??? I currently use sarranid guard armor & occasionally switch to haubergeon when i'm bleeding money... Are both armors not heavy enough to slow you down with a 6 or 5 ATH??

And is there really a noticeable effect or just a small at all if you have a 4 shield or a 5 shield skill with the mid-tier shields(minus the huscarl & steel shields)..

I use the long arming sword, and I think it's great.  I also play cav though, so it's length is the perfect asset.  The speed and damage are comparable to the very best swords.  The cost/value is phenomenal for its usefulness.

well the long arming sword was also one of my initial 1h options, alongside sarranid cav sword & sarranid guard sword... i decided to go with the cav sword because it is the longest 1h weap & quite a decent weapon for its price... the only problem i have when using this  weapon is when i get outspammed by some faster 1h weapons & i just turtle up & try to kite them for my teammates...

i also tried the steel pick & warhammer and i enjoyed using both too... love the steel pick's no thrust attack coz i can spam lmb all day long :mrgreen:... only problem i have with these weap is that they are quite short.. i get killed using these weapons on open field combat but i seem to do decently on rooms..

and right now im using the knightly arming sword & can't seem to see much difference between the sarranid cav sword & this weapon(aside the price), but i'm also starting to like it too coz of the pierce damage..

So for those who have quite alot of experience playing 1handers: is the knightly arming sword a better weapon to use & to heirloom than the sarranid cav sword?? Is the trade off of speed & reach noticeable between the 2 weapons??

I'm nearing lvl31 right now & i'm torn on which of these 2 swords to heirloom first... Or maybe i should just pick either the pick or the hammer... Or even my armor...

This is my final build at 30

Strength   19   
Agility   18   

One Handed   106
Polearm   49
Crossbow   122(regret investing points here)

Converted 8
Ironflesh   4   
Power Strike   6   
Shield   5   
Athletics   6   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0   
Power Draw   0   
Power Throw   0   
Weapon master    6

I originally planned to go 18/18 but went overboard with my conversions so went with strength for the xtra hp...

And on my next build, im planning to go either 21/18 or 18/21
    * Strength: 21
    * Agility: 18
    * Hit points: 56

    * Converted: 8
    * Ironflesh: 0
    * Power Strike: 7
    * Shield: 5
    * Athletics: 6
    * Riding: 0
    * Horse Archery: 0
    * Power Draw: 0
    * Power Throw: 0
    * Weapon Master: 5

    * One Handed: 148
    * Two Handed: 1
    * Polearm: 1
    * Archery: 1
    * Crossbow: 1
    * Throwing: 1

So with 148 wpf is it enough to not get outspammed very often??
Is it better to sacrifice either shield or Wm skill, or even both by a point to get at least an IF???
And is it noticeable difference between a 6 ATH & a 7 ATH when using a combined 19.25 weight for armor??

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Incorrect authorization key?!?!
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:38:15 am »
i was able to finally play in the NA siege server again... its strange coz i tested on other crpg servers and i was able to log in on a na battle server(can't remember which one) and a eu battle server & either didnt gave the authorization error...

this thing is the first time that ever happened since i started playing mp a month ago in warband on any mods...

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