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Messages - JuliusEST

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Version 0.230
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:15:09 pm »
My reaction to the archery change (and everything else included):
I mean comeon, i dont even play as archer and i can say it is was totally fine.

Spam / Re: So the other day...
« on: April 03, 2011, 08:00:02 pm »
You looking for more seamen on your poop-deck? :D:D:D

Spam / Re: If you see DaveUKR post it!
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:31:18 pm »
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HAHAHAHA cant stop laughing :D

General Off Topic / Re: my thoughts are with japan...
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:36:26 pm »
Most people who will die/have died were because of the tsunami. The earthquakes have very little effect as they are quite well prepared for it. The Fukushima reactor creating a new Chernobyl is bullshit as they werent using heavy fuel (U-235) so the radiation there is minimal. The explosions that happened there were due to the hydrogen formed from the cooling liquid due to the vast temperatures which made it spontaneusly combust. The radiation levels there are very low (like really low, even here in Estonia our soil and limestone give out more radiation). So really the panic about the powerplant is just a big bubble made my media and their stupidity.

Also, the above poster is right, the Gadafi thing is gonna go out of hands pretty sure as if Gadafi gathers his thoughts for a couple of days im pretty sure he will start fighting against western pressure...

I support your cause, this would be nice and should be quite easy to implement...

Having the same problem, probably have the IP ban now -.-

EDIT: Sry should have digged abit, just had to clear my browser cache, everything working now.

Character name: Julius_EST
Age: 15(dont base my behaviour off of this please)
Country: Estonia
Willing to use TeamSpeak?: Yes
Do you have a microphone?: Will have it as soon as i find an extension chord for it  :P
Character Class: Pure 2H build (with Nodachi)
Alternative characters (if any): None
Past and current clans (if any): None
Wiling to participate in Strategus?: Yes
Im currently fighting in either a robe or a coat of plates (robe seemes to be much better for me since i find it easier to fight with greater mobility)
Also im almost at lvl 31 so im gonna get my Nodachi loomed pretty soon...

Pages: [1]