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Messages - Amender

Pages: [1] 2 3
Announcements / Re: Minor website patch
« on: July 04, 2011, 11:37:02 am »
This is an awesome patch guys!

Please make all 0 slot weapons unable to block. that shall help cav hunting down archers  :D

What an idiotic suggestion... that would make archers want to camp EVEN more.. and you pretty much have no chance in winning a battle with a 0 slot weapon as it is.. their soul pourpose is so that you can block untill help arrives and mabe bash the odd peasants head in. But seriously no block? thats stupid.

totally true Gurnisson +1

Its fun :) ^

Yeh but armour was not perfected in them times... they didnt have great alloys like we do now.

The House of Valois was eventually victorious over that of the Plantagenets.
Although England won most of the battles, it was France who actually won the war as they profited the most from the ordeal. France gained nationalism, something vital to an empire that wants to sustain its independence. During the war, France was made up of states each ruled by a Duke with their own interests at hand. Late in the war they realised the importance to unite in order to push the English from their lands. England lost because they had insufficient numbers occupying the garrisons they conqured and this allowed the French to slowly wear them down, along with the help of great leaders such as Bertrand du Guesclin and Joan of Arc. The English were eventually repelled to the Pale of Calais. But technically the English won the war 1337-1453!

Read more:'_War#ixzz1PA4qB5Tk

I never said the longbow pwned tincans? its obvious that the arrows can only penetrate them where the armour is weak, visor slits etc but there are records of both arrows glancing of plate armour and of arrows piercing through, and there have been recent tests of it showing the arrow piercing the armour but not enough to kill.. so its open to debate realy and i dont care what you think. Besides your going off the topic of crpg becoming a medievil css thats what i didnt agree with. Enough said.

The Hundred Years' War was dominated by it... im not scouring the web for you do it yourself.

All you need to do is look on the internet... here are some,

And no idiot im saying if you have a tiny shield it shouldent/wouldent protect your legs or head. Its retarded like you clearly.

+1 ^ and btw guys its common sense to try and get on a rooftop so you have more vision of the battlefield and you dont have to worry about cav flanking you all the time... Also it allows you to get clean shots off at people without there being as much of a problem of hitting your team... When i was 2H i found archers annoying so i just took an old board shield with me = problem solved, if have ever used a 150-200 pound pullback longbow in RL then you will know how powerfull they are... absolutely devestating.

Bandit your clearly an up on the internet there are tons of battles won by archers. And TBH shields have too much coverage... they have a tiny shield and you aim for their legs and its somehow attracted to the shield , same for the head its BS also why would the shield have coverage anywhere else other then where the shield is... its stupid and unrealistic . If you want a game without archers play something else but shut up moaning all the time and just play the game dont you think archers get annoyed when they are run down by cavlry or chased round the map by a noob shielder looking for an easy kill. I thought so.... so stop your whineing.

No, that would be stupid..... In RL you aim, by looking down the arrow and in MnB you cant to that... Also its a game. No reticule would be stupid.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Confused O.o
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:54:40 pm »
Hey man im a longbowman and the way im finding it 18/18 with 6 PD does enough damage for me so mabe go 18/21 and get 7WM that will increase accuracy and damage slightly, i seem to be doing well with 18/18 but i think 18/21 would be better for more speed and accuracy and its what i will be doing when i retire. You want to be headhunting with the longbow on armoured players, not so much archer duels as a good strongbow player will beat you to the shot everytime so be more of a support Archer. So yes i would say to go 18str21agi  6PD 7WM 7ATH and the rest in ironflesh if you have points spare. P.S get good with the longbow and then apply to RISEN, we need more archers! Hope this helps ~ Crixus

Dude, there where lots of Archers in medievil times get over it. Incase you forgot Archers won many battles E.G the english longbow and Agincourt. You are supposed to hate and fear archers and make it one of your teams main objectives to take them out before they pick your team appart. If you must hide behind some cover or something. use this - :) ~ Crixus

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Yet Another archer build, questions.
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:51:30 pm »
go 21/18 my friend :) the extra Athletics will pay off! trust me

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Good Wpp for the Longbow
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:43:30 pm »
150 + is fine for the Longbow, for my next build i may go 21/18  for my longbowman not sure yet though :)

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