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Messages - Jallah

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: let me do the NA map rotation
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:22:46 am »
Is there a way to sort the selection based on server population?  Some of the maps are better for large battles, but annoying if only a few people are fighting, and vice-versa.

add_map battle_of_the_mounds[NOT SHIT]
Cool unique map.  Lots of pillars arranged in a grid.  Love this map.  Balanced, everyone seems to love it.

Is that the Conan map?  I grinned when I saw that, just like seeing the Helm's Deep map and realizing what it is.  And it is a good layout.  The only thing missing is the music from the scene in the movie, though Mount and Blade's music is Conanesque.  And our own personal Valkyrie to parry fatal strikes...  if it's not too much to ask. :)

- Jallah

I learned that in the Dark Ages, it was not necessary to touch an opponent with your weapon to kill them.  Swinging it near them was often just as effective.

I learned that the Roman Empire fell because stabbing with a sword, such as a gladius, did not penetrate armor, but instead glanced off.  Only the slashing attacks favored by the "barbarians" were effective.  How Gibbon missed this in The Decline and Fall I cannot imagine.

I learned that all male horse archers were homosexual, and that such terms were also applied to women should they mount a horse with bow in hand.

When approached by cavalry, a medieval swordman would spring three feet into the air and slash horizontally, killing the rider but leaving the horse unscathed.

In olden times, it was standard practice for infantry and cavalry alike to wander across the archers' line of fire, calling the wrath of god upon their bowmen should they take hurt.

Early in the dark ages, a method was found to place ladders atop other ladders with perfect stability.  In this way, great sequences of ladders were constructed on many battlefields.  Santa's Elves would often do this, and then leap from atop the wooden trail, hurtling down from above like bats out of hell to bring joy and good cheer to all.

I am grateful to C-rpg for teaching these things that no surviving manuscript records, but which one can easily see must have been fact.

- Jallah

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone like night time? [Poll]
« on: April 16, 2012, 11:17:43 am »
I enjoy night, and fog, and even the occasional martian sandstorm (if you have seen it, you know of what I speak).  But all things in moderation.  Three night maps in a row or three fog maps in a row as I have seen recently annoys people.

I definately wish night and weather to remain, but I understand that some people do not agree.  If it were only one in every four or five maps, perhaps we could find a balance.

- Jallah

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Teleporting after dehorsing.
« on: October 12, 2011, 11:11:53 am »
I've seen a horse downed, and then the rider appear 20 feet behind where the horse was hit.  I wasn't the only one who saw that, four teammates were moving in on where they thought the downed rider would be.  To be expected now and then in a multiplayer game, I think.  But yes it does happen.

- Jallah

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Possible retirement related bug
« on: October 08, 2011, 07:20:53 am »
Thank you.

It was doing the same thing again today.  Then I put 4 points in Bow (total of 5) and after that I had a reticle closer to what I would expect, not as tight, pulsing out once after drawing in the first time, then going wide instead of staying tight for a long time like it had been.

- Jallah

cRPG Technical problems / Possible retirement related bug
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:42:26 am »
I retired tonight, no problems, heirloom showed up on site, everything looked fine.

After a few levels, I gave myself Powerdraw 2 and a Bow, with some regular arrows, but I did not invest any WPF.  When I spawned, I kept getting 'Your proficiency with Bows is too low'.  I could use the bow anyway, but it seemed to tighten reticle as quickly and tightly as before I retired (when I had 140 WPF in Bows).  It did it for a second map, so I switched back to rocks, with which I have the usual terrible reticle.

If it happens again later, I will update.  If there is supposed to be a WPF requirement for bows, it isn't being advertised well enough.

- Jallah

Strategus General Discussion / Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:03:48 am »
This bickering is sad.  Where people are from IRL doesn't mean a thing to their skill as a player or their worth as a person, which are the only things that truly matter.

No matter the distribution some areas are going to be low-ping and some high-ping to any player.  Take it as a measure of challenge.  If a clan based in North America manages to take and hold Tihr, they'll know that they accomplished a more difficult goal (unless they took it from other NA players, heh).  If a European outfit rolls into Reyvadin, the same.  If any players in North America (where I am) don't like that two-thirds of the map is higher-ping, they should consider being proud of that fact.  Overall, they'll be playing a more difficult game, an undeniable fact.

I don't understand viewing Strategus based on RL measures.  Apart from communication (understanding the other player well enough to work together), it should all be in-game.  Roll with people you like, or at least respect.  Form a group of lancers, or horse-archers.  Join a clan of Sarranids, or Rhodok.  Have fun, and don't sweat the details, that no one can fix any way.

- Jallah

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Can't connect to any servers.
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:38:57 am »
Found this on the Taleworlds forum, worked for me:,194448.0.html

General Discussion / Re: Stairway to Heaven
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:58:51 am »

Moments like those in games are all too rare.  I salute your ingenuity.

I hope you posted that on the Taleworlds forums, too.  Everyone can use a good laugh.

General Discussion / Re: GUNS IN CRPG
« on: March 23, 2011, 08:20:09 am »
A cannon might be interesting, instead of a siege tower.  Have the cannon placed out in front of the wall, immovable most likely.  Have several tasks required to use it, such as people have to pick up bags of powder (with an action bar, like ladders), then load it into the cannon (with a longer action bar), perhaps four bags of powder, only one can be loaded at a time.  Then someone has to pick up and load ball.  Then someone has to pick up a torch nearby and light it.  Throughout all this, defending archers and crossbows are trying to interrupt and kill the gun crew, determining how long it will take to fire the cannon.  Ladder use is unaffected by this, so the cannon not being fired doesn't stop the assault.

When the shot goes, everyone on the map can hear it, and there is now a big hole in the wall.

That's about as much gunpowder as I'd like to see, and it is more period-correct.  Hand-held guns change the game in time and style significantly.

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