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Messages - Dez Nutz

Pages: [1] 2
tennen did you photoshop that screenshot? i remember the "good lord" part and i don't remember following it up with another caps goodlord or extending the "N"s on badmin/worstmin

regardless my point stands, you are the worst

nope thats all the shit you spammed.  also i think tenne has better things to do then photo shop a screen shot.

Tenne warned Allers.
Allers ignored the warning.
Tenne muted Allers.
Allers rejoined the server to get unmuted.
Tenne warned Allers.
Allers ignored the warning again.
Tenne punished Allers.

yep. expect tenne said next time its a BAN. and he kept it up. Tenne was MORE then fair with this guy.

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 24, 2011, 12:00:12 am »
It wasnt ignored, I was spectating you guys all the time. Most of the "reports" was just bullshit, and some of them I saw you guys provoking with teamhits first, which is why I gave you all so many warnings before going for the banhammer at all.

you gave one global waring "pimps this is you waring" or something like that. you never warned any other players. also you warning was so vague how the hell where people sapost to know what you where talking about?   im done done replying to this.. its pointless

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:52:14 pm »
I muted pimp 9, pimp 3 and pimp 2
i dont remember how many. ill take your word on that. one question i have is why was admin chat ignored? me and i think 2 other told you about team killers.
dont lye and BS this time come clean it was because you where pissed at the pimps and said in your mind F them they get what they deserve. am i close?

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:49:04 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

  LOL  :lol:  should have known some one would say that

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:46:30 pm »
It's called pointing something out or reducing it to the essential parts.
Like in porn where at some point you only get to see the genitalia.

And no offence but you are not helping your case here man  :mrgreen:

my case?  i dont have a case here i wasnt banned..  or a victem or admin abuse, but i was a witness.

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:44:54 pm »
I guess its this mute your talking about?
Also, I was spectating both guys, warned them first time they teamwounded and banned last time. This is what applied to the guy teamwounding pimps too.'
Difference is, he stopped after the warning.

you muted more than half the pimps. manny for no good reason, also you banned 1 when he was being attacked  one of your manly BS reasons you gave him was " he was fighting back:" so GJ on more lying BS.

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:43:05 pm »
I plus one Nuffen's application, not gonna lie. I think if Administration thinks he is a good choice then why not?

because hes not going to learn shit. he will learn if "im a lying whinny little bitch i cant get what ever i want."    i do believe in 2nd chances but come on a day or so after they where removed? thats BS

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:40:31 pm »
Yes, jeeez. Continue to defend behavior like this:
Now by banning me.

why are you so hung up on this 80% of the people in the server where talking all kind of crap for over an hour before this. why didint you post logs of that? or why didnt you give warnings or take action sooner? could it be your lazy or a bad admin nahhhhhhhhhh :rolleyes:

Spam / Re: chadz: You have to be kidding...
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:35:57 pm »

Its like banning someone ingame for what they say in this forum. And this guy is applying for adminship.

the 1st reason you gave for banning of 1 of the pimps was what you herd on TS when you came in spying in our channel.

your a lair Nuffen and all the people that believe his crap, then your gullible. nuffen was voted out buy the community period! in the pimp insadent  he alloed other people to spawn teram kill the pimps. he ignored admin chat asking him to take action. when asked to kick team killer in chat player where muted.  this is abuse peroid. if anyone is ok with this from an admin they can go sodomize them self with a blunt object.

also nuffens application should not be counted the community voted him out its unfair to allow him to just reap as soon as his powers where  removed..

Announcements / Re: New admins
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:23:04 am »
Tennenoth is doing a good job so far keep it up  :P

General Discussion / Re: nuffen: stay or go?
« on: August 21, 2011, 09:36:56 pm »
Nuffen can't delete posts.

chadz can, it was a post quoting him where he called ujin a lyer.  that post has since been edited too and shows it.

General Discussion / Re: nuffen: stay or go?
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:38:16 pm »
a post of mine form page 20 gets deleted.... nice way to make yourselfs look better :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Re: Boycott the community servers.
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:16:34 pm »
My good friends Memento Mori and Fuer Griss Ost Drauka have been wrongly banned.
If you are with us, do not play on the community servers, play on the official servers.
Boycott especially Donkleaps_KGB
Until they get unbanned DL will be playing on the official severs.

sadly the  official servers are no better :?

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