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Messages - Salminen

Pages: [1]
Scene Editing / Re: Battle Map: Nord Village
« on: March 07, 2011, 01:54:04 pm »
Nice work. Wouldn't mind playing it now that the roofs are off-limits.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Reintroduce PENALITIES for TK's
« on: March 06, 2011, 11:05:19 pm »
Nah why bother reading it since it's faster to rage first. Anyways, sounds good, although i suspect same as you about your first suggestion: too heavy on the server propably.

Scene Editing / Re: Siege Map: Citadel
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:15:24 pm »
I like your idea about the stairs leading to the breakable door, it kind of gives two chokes for the defenders to use. Maybe a little more props inside the walls like cmp said, but other than that it looks fine. Propably same thing as with most siege maps though: Too few players = really hard to defend. Not like a mapmaker can really balance that though, just something i always feel about sieges :) Can't say anything meaningful about balance.

Oh, right: Where are the spawns placed? Problem with a lot of the siege maps are that defenders spawn at the front walls or right at the flags which makes it suck for everyone. If you spawn at front walls, attackers get enemies spawned behind their backs and defenders have a hard time getting to defend the flag, if right at the flag, well, impossible to capture.

Scene Editing / Re: Battle Map: Lookout
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:11:37 pm »
Thanks for the positive comments guys. The trees are actually autogenerated with the terrain creation tool. I figured i'll get better looking forest that way and can easily just position the buildings like i want. Im not sure if this affects the performance at all though, just something to note. Because of this im never going to be able to remove/move trees or foliage.

Scene Editing / Battle Map: Lookout
« on: March 02, 2011, 06:17:51 pm »
Realised i don't have a thread on the c-rpg forum even though i already posted this to the finished maps thread. No feedback allowed in it so here's a thread so you can tell what you think about it.

Here's a forest map i made for battle. Spawn locations are timed so that both teams can get to the focal point of the map at the same time. Slopes are gentle enough to allow for fast paced cavalry action around the area while buildings and trees lend enough cover for infantry to battle without being food for cavalry. Fences are just high enough to prevent shooting over them. In cRPG you can easily climb over with ladders.

Focal point is the small lookout post with twin towers overlooking the valley.

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There's a doorway on both sides of the fence, giving equal access to the towers by both teams. Towers are connected with a rope bridge.

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The line of fire for archers at the top of the towers is mostly limited to the inside area of the fence, that keeps the area more vulnerable to archers, while the outside is more dangerous because of cavalry.

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Team one side of the fence:

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Team two side:

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There are some ruins in the valley below.

I'd love to hear feedback on this, even if you hate it, just tell me why. I heard some people have cpu problems in forested maps, which i didn't realise while making this. I myself usually have fps problems in big castle/city maps, not forests.

edit: Just realised i didn't post a download link so here it is :lol:

Scene Editing / Lookout
« on: March 01, 2011, 06:56:11 pm »
Forest map centered around a small fort-like oookout post with twin-towers overlooking the valley below.

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Pages: [1]