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Messages - SDGS8

Pages: [1]
hallo, wes nich ob dies hier der richtige ort ist aber ich frag mal einfach.
wir sind ein sehr kleiner clan, eigentlich sind nur 2 leute wirklich regelmäßig online (ich und Horus). wir beide spielen schon lange online. noch vor dem release von warband und seit, ich glaube september, crgp.
wir würden gerne mal strategus ausprobieren und  ich denk ma ohne backup (soll meinen man is ein großer clan) is das doch mehr als unpraktikabel.
nun möchten wir gerne unsere maincahrs behalten und nicht den namen ändern oder so.
bestünde die möglichkeit, quasi als söldner, oder ähnliches, für euch zu spielen? vorausgesetzt wir wären geeignet (vll. hat uns schin der eine oder andere von euch gesehen)

würd mich über eine antwort freuen.
mfg B_A_SDGS8

General Discussion / Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:42:21 am »
i would like to see a templar as admin. i always see them as a fair clan with fair players  :wink:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horses with no feeling of pain
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:56:49 pm »
i don´t speak about injury-effects.....just a reaction when getting hit, not only when get a pike on the chest (means it will be stopped). also when get hit by a bolt (not every, for example by steal bolt fired by heavy xbow or sniper)

 :!:all in all: a reaction by hit (strong weapons, not by every) when i get hit :!:

if anybody did not understand what i was mean pls ask and not anything, which gives a wrong picture of my suggestion....that would be very nice an dhelpfull for all  :wink:
ps: i have no idea what is possible with engine or not  :oops:....but its not a thread for engine-possibilities

so for all: i don´t care about injury-effecs.....they are helpful to see how many hp your opponent has.....i just hate it, when i shot at a horse who attack me and nothing happens and i die .....and when i get hit by, for example a bolt/arrow im for short time helpless and cannot defend me

all clear  :?:     it´s no sarcasm

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horses with no feeling of pain
« on: March 08, 2011, 08:01:50 pm »
the matter isn´t have many things in body or ultra-realism  :rolleyes:
just the reacton....a short stop of the horse when getting hit.....

is anybody here who can give a serious reply, to a serious suggestion??????????????

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horses with no feeling of pain
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:15:58 pm »
ha ha ha..........................................  :rolleyes:

i made no joke!!! if i cant act for a few moments if i got why can horses act? i dont shoot with paperballs or air. and my close-weapon is not from the toymarket.  :wink:

Suggestions Corner / Horses with no feeling of pain
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:01:08 pm »
hi ho,
i think its a little bit strange and unfair, that horses don´t feel pain / show reactions if you hit then. i know: if you hit them with a polearm or so theystop. but just if you stand in front of them.
i think its unfair and unbalanced and need to be fixed. horses are like a car or so. if they got hit (from side or with bolt or so), they a have to show a reaction. at least the unarmored.
i have many problems with this term: a hores man rides straigth to attack me....i hit the horse (on head or any other bodypart), but it dont die.....i got killed because the horse is like a shows no pain, like my char if he got hit.
what think you about?


General Discussion / Re: balance
« on: February 28, 2011, 08:17:51 am »
i think torp is right. nearly every day you can read in the chats, that something is OP. but i think there is allways a way to kill these "OPs". when i start to play M&B cav was a real problem. now i going on cav-hunt  :wink:
the problem are not the classes. if you play against lvl 34 or gen 15 or so. they are mostly just better, for example with their loomed stuff.
i think a patch or whining with no break cannot solve such things. i say: practice, practice practice....ppl should try to fight against classes who are "OP" and develop own ways to handle with. maybe it takes a little bit more time, but it works. at least for me it works.

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