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Messages - SmaSol

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:17:34 pm »
MORE maneuverability? Breaking after a charge and turning on a dime an infinite number of times isn't agile enough, added to the reach of lances making it quite possible to hit even dodging infantry?
I am wondering why no one commented on that one.
The way I see it, every horseman in cRPG should be able to participate in the Olympic games in dressage (riding) with a good chance of wining a medal  :wink:

Yes, being realistic or not, horses are far too manoeuverable.
A rider with a light lance seems like a sewing machine stitching you a new badge to your armor, the way he turns around you and stitch stitch stitch ...  :twisted:

Announcements / Re: 0.222
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:50:43 am »
wow new patch, can anyone tell me please which items got nerfed/buffed?

Thats the archer-nerf:
Arrows are still going through hitboxes.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: arrows going through target
« on: May 06, 2011, 10:02:23 am »
Hhm - I thought I'm too stupid to shot since patch .221 ...

Experienced the same on EU-servers, mainly EU4 without being able to tell how often.
"This is a point black must-be headshot on an unaware target" - huh ? Where did it go - crushbangouch (that was me being beaten)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Report Missing Items Here
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:46:59 am »
Fallen_Sma5ol: Great Sword

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:38:01 pm »

For the admins to keep an eye open - I suck at melee.
If I suddenly block more than 2 attacks, please ban me  :wink:

Yes, I know, wicked sense of humor ...

cRPG Technical problems / MOD - Can be deleted/moved to archive
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:42:40 pm »
Hi there.
All the weapons I equip via the website don't appear in game (Eg warbow, bodkin-arrows).
Of all the weapons I own I could only equip a long dagger or wooden stick.

I played some rounds with Leiknir, Okin and other admins this afternoon on Eu6 in a new game mode (kind of survival against a lot of bots) - not that this was the reason.
Because other people seem to have problems after playing CTF and other new game modes.

Charname is Fallen_SmaSol.

EDIT: Disregard that post -seemed to be a server problem (EU2) - worked fine on EU1 and EU3

Closed Requests / Re: Ban request.
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:12:18 am »
What? I'm not laughing. But banning someone for a single line of crap is a bit much, considering the amount of similar stuff written all the time in chat. Tasteless, maybe. But then again, it's a Templar.
I don't agree.
There may be a lot of crap written - but those guys don't get caught.
I think you should think about giving the guy a (small) break - but I only think  :wink:

Suggestions Corner / Re: [SUGG] One handed weapon - Punishment rod
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:43:55 am »
Ok, modified OP: scratch the idea of the whip, make that a punishment rod  :twisted:

Suggestions Corner / [SUGG] One handed weapon - Punishment rod
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:24:27 am »
The Fallen Brigade suggests to invent a new one handed weapon, the Punishment rod.
Target audience/weapon users are Fallen Trainers, Serveradmins and tournament Masters - the weapon shouldn't be available for regular players.

Weapon stats:
weight 2.0
requirement 3
spd rtng 125
weapon length 95
swing damage 5, blunt
thrust damage 5, blunt
Cannot be blocked/chamber blocked
Special weapon effect - 1 minute stun (including chat mute)


Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:13:09 pm »
U know i havent played a pc game for months now? It's a big life changer. I've started jogging regularly and doing press-ups in tv adverts in my bid to get fit while trying to join the army  lol
And you missed Ramses formation drill training

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery?
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:03:12 pm »
Increase damage (don't know what pre-patch was), increase arrow speed, take away the crosshair - job done  :wink:
This also applies to xbow and throwers.

(yes, I know, there is sticky tape and so on ...)

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:00:19 am »
Hi everyone,
I speak little English. But I promise to make efforts.
I also think that the French members=> [Fallen] can help me.
I'm really interested to join Team Fallen. I also think that the translators can help me.
Good evening to you,
Guru ;)
I'm able to understand French if spoken slowly - and speak enough French to get the message across - most of the time  :D
Je comprends francais si on parle lentement - et je parle francais assez bien pour passer l'information  :wink:

Server Info / Re: [Siege Servers] EU_cRPG_5 & EU_cRPG_6
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:21:39 pm »
EU6 has (currently) instant respawn on Siege-mode.
This is very nice as defender, but the opposite as attacking force.

Is this intentional ?

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