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Messages - Vanguard Warden

Pages: [1] 2
Closed Requests / Re: Goretooth
« on: May 11, 2011, 02:39:09 am »
Apparently it's griefing to win.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: May 06, 2011, 11:14:09 pm »
I'm pretty much done with the Swadian city battle map I've been working on:

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And because the layout can be difficult to see with all the roofs and such in the way, here's the same shot with some scribbling:

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The playable area is highlighted in red, the two spawns are highlighted in green, and the paths marked in yellow can only be crossed one-way by cavalry (stairs).

Scene Editing / Re: Finished Maps
« on: April 14, 2011, 11:51:09 pm »
Yeah, someone else clarified earlier that this thread isn't the place for map discussion, just listings. You'd need a separate thread for that.

Scene Editing / Re: Very annoying problem! Help please!
« on: April 13, 2011, 01:11:17 am »
I had a similar problem. To fix it I had to re-generate the terrain code. Fiddle with the sliders a little and it should let you edit it again.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:31:16 am »
Yeah, you should generally avoid having a perfectly rectangular profile castles in siege maps, it's a bit dull to look at and usually doesn't have much mechanical depth either when you consider the single wall that goes around the entire thing in a straight line. It seems to work for the earth/viking props oddly enough, but stone squares always look bad. I definitely like the basic concept of a 'platform' castle instead of a traditional curtain-wall though. I've wanted to do something like that for awhile, but could never figure out a good way to do it. You should also try to get some vertical variety as well, maybe by using both 'platform' sections and curtain-wall areas.

Also keep in mind that I'm pretty sure castle_h_battlement_barrier (IIRC) at default tilt/scale isn't steep enough to prevent players walking right up the side, if that is what you're using. I'd also recommend attempting to use some more conventional props within the same style-set to avoid things looking messy.

Scene Editing / Re: Siege map: Snowfall
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:45:32 pm »
Compare it to other maps, there is nothing wrong with 1:20 to reach the flag. Compare it to half the native maps, takes the same time there.

Yeah, but don't most of those native maps include gatehouses and other shortcuts that DRASTICALLY lower that number when used?

Scene Editing / Re: Scene Editing: How To
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:15:04 am »
Holy shit. You know how some of the scene props (like stairs) are annoying because they face a certain direction and you can rotate them around, but can't flip them?

You totally can:
(click to show/hide)

If you set one of the scales to a negative number, it flips the model. The textures will be inside-out, but once you save and reload the map it'll look right again.

If you already knew about this, I hate you for not having posted it somewhere more obvious.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:57:50 am »
Seems overly flat. Like, 'max-radius level tool dragged around the entire map' flat. You want to at least have (very) gentle hills. The map will still be functionally flat, but the very slight elevation differences will mix up the lighting and shadows a bit and make the ground not look like AstroTurf.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:47:15 am »
I apologize in advanced for posting too much.

I've always found it fun to fight inside Swadian cities in the single-player, but I haven't seen many battle maps that have gone for that feel. The following is an overview of my attempt at a Swadian city battle map:
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And because you can't really see anything with all the tall buildings in the way, here's a version of that image with helpful scribblings on it:
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The red line around the outside is the boundary of the playable area, the blue lines are open streets, the yellow lines are pedestrian-only routes (horses don't do stairs), and the green circles are the spawn points for both teams. I'm not sure how performance will handle all the buildings with lots of players, but I could clear out some of the background buildings to optimize things.

Any thoughts? Too big, too flat, not enough alleys?

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: March 31, 2011, 09:09:38 am »
Got a basic layout done for another siege map, was looking for some balance input on the design before I start landscaping:

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I planned to have both gatehouses gated. The attackers would spawn in the fields towards the 'front' end of the castle (past the outer gatehouse), with the 'back' end of the castle (most of the area past the center wall where the inner gatehouse is) sitting on the edge of a sea-cliff denying access.

There's basically only three non-ladder ways into the flag area (left wall, right wall, gatehouse when it's open), might that be too restrictive? I've been considering putting a sally door to the flag area in the side-wall there, but that would skip past the entire rest of the castle. I could make it a long narrow path around the side of the castle up stairs (to deny horses and slow people down) in full range of archers to balance the risk. I'd like to hear what people think about this.

Scene Editing / Re: Siege Map: Heisenberg Castle
« on: March 31, 2011, 12:50:42 am »
Does that siege ramp go over a bridge? Because they don't really take so well to that.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: March 29, 2011, 07:29:38 pm »
If thats the problem, it's 64 enty points, up to 0-31 and 32-63

Err, yes, I meant 64. I don't know why I said 62. Apparently my subconscious is bad at math.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:54:11 am »
My map had a problem with people spawning where they shouldn't, so after toying around with spawn points for two hours (making them lower to the ground, making them higher up, only placing them out in the open, only placing them with TONS of clearance, etc) I think I've found what the problem was. If you don't have a full 64 entry points (0-63) the game will sometimes spawn players at 'default' entry points instead of sticking to the ones that exist. I quit the map and reloaded as defender for a solid fifteen minutes and haven't seen any problems as of yet.

EDIT: Math is hard.

Scene Editing / Re: Finished Maps
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:44:21 pm »
I updated Citadel to deal with some problems/concerns.

(click to show/hide)

Eastern Approach:
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Inside the Walls (West):
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Inside the Walls (East):
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Version Changes:
Moved around spawns. No one should be spawning on cliffs anymore.
Decoration pass. Everything should be much 'prettier'.
Lowered the house next to the main gatehouse to address concerns.
Swapped the door in the main gatehouse. Defenders can open it from both directions, attackers can't open it at all.
Added a destructible gate to the inner gatehouse.
Added stairs to battlements in the inner courtyard near the inner gatehouse.

Scene Editing / Re: Siege Map: Citadel
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:01:53 pm »
I was unaware that there were doors that could only be opened by defenders, else I'd have used them. I tested a bunch, and they were all team-neutral. I'll test the particular doors you mentioned.

The one-way doors opened by either team do allow for the attackers to open the doors for their allies after they've gotten in though, which is neat mechanic.

EDIT: Well hot damn, that's neat, they do. The door in the gatehouse has been replaced. The door to the flag area I'll leave the way it is until some real matches can be played. The OP has been updated with the revised files/screenshots.

EDIT EDIT: Finally figured out that not having all 62 entry points placed makes the game just spawn you wherever the hell it wants, placed entry points be damned. After extensive respawning I haven't had any trouble yet.

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