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Messages - Ithrael

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Character: Ithrael

package sent ✔

Hi, I made an application. Played a lot of C-RPG (1.5K~ hours+) and am just now getting back into it. I can be active in TS and in game. Solas is my IGN. Hope to hear from you =)

Apped on the site as Wardancer.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:30:21 pm »
I'm going to say that previously, around the time of the throwing nerf I was playing a two-hander. Oh how I used to rage at getting killed by those throwers, or on a cav char getting my horse one shotted by an axe. Yet, somehow, after they all disappeared I kind of missed the challenge they presented. They pissed me off to no end, but to say they were overpowered is pure noobery. Just because a playstyle may not be cool does not mean it should not be viable, and throwing looks awesome as a role. (Particularly throwing cav). They put a leash on cav and 2handers that simply has no equal in terms of close range stopping power which really was needed, because although the nerf mainly effected throwers, it also effected the balance of 2handers. (Let's be honest guys, it was too easy + too effective without throwers to occasionally gimp us as we cleaved through 5 pubbers at a time with our germans.) Throwing is cool. CRPG is not based upon realism and therefore it is not a valid argument for throwing to be disregarded as a pure troop choice. Arguing realism is redundant because - it could be used to argue almost any balance change whether it would improve the game or not. EG - Make tincan cavalry a basically unstoppable force on the battlefield, stop flimsily made long spears penetrating thick armour plating on cataphract horses and increase the damage of cav in line with their velocity. Nerf archer accuracy so that you cannot get hit at 100M + (An incredibly difficult feat with an old fashioned bow, all know I can't do it with the more modern makes!) Make tincans move at the speed of sludge and make throwing weapons from horseback shatter through shields + still kill an armoured target.

TL;DR - Using realism for a game not based on realism is ***cking stupid.

Throwing was originally implemented as a viable pure choice, just as much as archery, 2h and shield, and so it should in the future be balanced around that, not a hybrid - which is what players were complaining about in the first place. The current state it is in is just ridiculous and everyone, even those who hate throwing, can see that it was over the top. I've played many games as the role which is considered the "Least viable", but to make throwing "Not viable" was not a good move for anybody. Also, to all the folks who are still bent on hating throwing - learn to strafe.

Just reduce slots from everything except perhaps lances .. maybe spears, reduce wpf required slightly and done. That's it. We could ask for 1,000,000 things but that's unrealistic. Do that and many would be happier for it.

Faction Halls / Re: [Risen] The Risen (Recruiting! EU/NA - Server up)
« on: April 07, 2011, 06:55:47 pm »
In-game name: Ithrael
Forum name:        ^
Activity: Pretty high. Available most weekends, weekdays after ~5PM GMT+0
Location: England
Age: 17
F0ghting Skilz: Depends on occasion, sometimes great, sometimes V. bad. Very erratic performance with this 2h char.
Steam Username: dinnj
TS3: Yes.
Strategus: Yes.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Imperial_Guard_Tai_Feng
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:13:09 pm »
He says that "He hopes you lost a lot of blood in the process" and informed me to lock the topic.

I wished my first forum topic would be less antagonistic. ^^

Closed Requests / Unban Imperial_Guard_Tai_Feng
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:33:31 pm »
Hello, I'm posting on the behalf of Imperial_Guard_Tai_Feng.

Apparently he logged into game this morning to find himself banned from all the EU servers. Firstly, I do not know him personally so I cannot vouch for him, and I have never used the forums before but I thought I would be helpful (So I'm not sure if this post is entirely allowed, so please forgive my ignorance.) From what I have gathered he is very surprised by this.

All he is asking for is for a reason for his ban to be given.

Regards and apologies for any forum doctrines not met.

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