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Messages - Kalbuth

Pages: [1]

As for [...]  I still think you're trolling just like when you said this over VOIP.  The illogical nature of this statement is just mind boggling.  Blocking constantly should absolutely be an always win if the opponent fails at it.  He who blocks better is better.  That's how it works.  It means he's reading feints, footwork, range and is still capable of making the correct judgement and movement in that moment.  I mean going by your statement I want a weapon that disarms people when I block with it.  After all, attacking shouldn't be an always win.
In case he was talking about shield blocking, he was making sense. Feint and range are irrelevant when blocking with a shield, and movement, well.... duh.... face your opponent  :idea:

Newbie PoV : isn't it possible to simply make CT only work on shield, not on block / chamber, and with hard cap on crush %age? Or taking into account shield user shield skill?
like CT %age = 0.1*(attacker PS / defender Shield) (ie equivalent PS and Shield skills on both sides gives 10% chance of CT)

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