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Messages - Iggore

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: July 19, 2011, 05:28:13 am »
Why is it I mostly see ATS,Chaos and TS all "Northern Empire" trying to apply.. it's almost like they're trying to take over or something. I only support tears of destiny. because he has competence. also I'd like to see more admins from non Major clans.  or perhaps admins from no clan at all... An admin without affiliation would be most wise.

General Discussion / Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:34:07 am »
So yeah, this is chadz game and if i remember right a happy chadz is a coding chads and i'm all for it.... 
people keep forgetting this isn't a democracy ;) it's pure monarchy... and chadz is king!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Extreme accuracy archer build.
« on: July 09, 2011, 09:48:54 pm »
max accuracy is 98 with x3 hierloom.
also try a pure agility archer, you might not be able to pierce heavy armor sets but you sure have the best draw time & accuracy... and speed.
I think it goes for a build of longbow (makes up in dmg)

Age 48 [31]

Strength 18 
Agility 21

One Handed 1
Two Handed 1
Polearm 1
Archery 165
Crossbow 1
Throwing 1

Ironflesh 6
Power Strike 0 
Shield 0 
Athletics 7
Riding 0 
Horse Archery 0 
Power Draw 6
Power Throw 0 
Weapon master 7

also: your slots should look something like Hammer, longbow, khergit arrows x2

Edit : FIXED, silly me :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: The Great Long Axe
« on: July 01, 2011, 02:09:01 am »
:) okay sent the pm

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: The Great Long Axe
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:41:41 am »
Tips for using the GLA, as asked for.
THis is pretty general advise for all polearms, or even all weapons!

You should be fine with 94 wpf for now, but increase it of course..  I can get a 1:1 k/d ratio in some games with 11wpf with you should be fine there.

The "left-to-right" swing is the fastest.  The "right-to-left" and "thrust" attacks are the slowest, but have a better range.

After you block an attack, attack back immediately and they will have to block.  However, be aware if they are circling you, or dancing out of range, you might not be able to do this.  Keep your enemy in front of you.  Be aware of feints (fake-outs).

Aim for the head.  Angle the camera up a little when you side-swing.

A great way to hit the head is to use the "up" attack.  Be careful though, it's easier to dodge this one.  When you have the axe raised, use the end of the axe pole (near the players hands) as an aiming tool.  When the butt of the axe (the part does not have the blade) is lined up with the enemy's head, release the attack!

Get some athletics.  Footwork and positioning are just as (if not more) important than your damage and hit points.  Being faster will help you position yourself for defense or attack.

Just my advice!

Thanks alot guys for the advice :D I would switch weapons but... I hierloomed it and now I have to use it.. so I might as well try to get good at it.. in any event I am currently doing a Long awlpike + Heavy GLA because
1. I use the awlpike for calvary its a great way to stop them and 2. I use the gla for infantry currently I want to be a purely infantry build so if anyone tells me whats best for purely infantry? that would be great thank you :)! also I might post of video of me playing so that way someone can show what i do wrong etc.. etc..

Thanks alot guys!

Beginner's Help and Guides / The Great Long Axe
« on: June 30, 2011, 06:11:55 am »
Hello everybody I recently started to use polearms and bought the GLA and .... I SUCK... REALLY REALLY BAD WITTH IT so i have to ask can anybody please share with me how to use this huge stick... because for me either I can't swing back because i have to block.. or i keep glancing with every strike.. anyhelp would be appriecated thankyou :D!! -also recommended builds would help :)
level 18
My stats:
Strength   18   
Agility   5   
One Handed   1   
Two Handed   1   
Polearm   94
Archery   1   
Crossbow   1   
Throwing   1   

Iron Flesh   6   
Power Strike   6   
Shield   0   
Athletics   1   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0   
Power Draw   0   
Power Throw   0   
Weapon Master   

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Strategy against Mallet/Maul?
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:01:13 am »
Also Reapy one of the greatest players in M&b has a guide on how to beat Crushthrough and just a great video in general with tons of useful tips

Incase you don't figure it out.. she tells you to kick people who use mallets.. because they're really slow... and let them charge you but I mean there are other methods...

General Discussion / Re: NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 27, 2011, 07:49:21 am »
I was there, and can confirm that Lorden did ban Randomannoyingfuckerwhocanttypeforshit. A friend of the banned individual then asked repeatedly why aforementioned person was banned, and Lorden responded in the manner he says he did.

Really I just feel like pointing out Iggore's ability to communicate via the written word--it is unparalleled. His thoughts are expressed in a very logical manner, and one cannot help but share his pain. The river of sorrow in which I am currently floundering is but the slightest inkling of what Iggore must be feeling right now.

His is an ocean of sorrow.

Why would you want to play that game.. in any event I am over it And was angry, any other person  would of felt flustered and angry to commit to "UNPARALLELED GRAMMAR" Excuse me but don't go off my rhetoric on a forum I don't consider myself someone who can't type or someone who is Ignorant. I have an education thank you.. now if anything I Would like to apologize for posting on the wrong forums ....... and for offending anyone who was offended That being lorden..... Fine but I want to point this out, You never should ban someone immediately for teamkilling I am almost certain other admins don't do that... and I hope the next time we come across this you Kick, or warn me, slay.. etc.. but just don't go that far. in any event to the noob whom i've qouted.. Way to come across very well youre an inspiration to the entire world... May you serve justice to all...

General Discussion / Re: NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:35:50 am »
Watch my shit? Who are these three people...? seriously why do you continue to make up these blatant lies? I KNOW what i did... I didn't teamkill 3 people and you never even warned me at all.. you never kicked either.. what you did was admin abuse and you know it... that's why your'e trying to cover your tracks by making up these 3 "people"

General Discussion / Re: NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:23:09 am »
OKay you know what? I teamkilled someone on accident I spawned on the map that had really bad spawns and everyone was really clumped and we were on this platform in the sky spawned on the edge I was stuck with someone so I had to kick that person so I could move but then He fell Not my fault the spawns don't work next time don't be quick to ban and make sure you Warn or ASK ME... Don't just ban because you want to test your new admin powers out... Jesus

LOOk through the logs I only had 1 teamkill I can't believe you would even say I teamkilled 3 times when I JUST JOINED THE SERVER God...

General Discussion / Re: NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:19:43 am »

General Discussion / Re: NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:07:27 am »
Yup that's him! Don't understand why he banned me... maybe he was testing but Really? why ban me? and he never unbanned either...

General Discussion / NA_siege banning for no reason?
« on: June 26, 2011, 03:59:33 am »
I was on a map where the castle was terribly ugly and we all spawned stacked on top of each other as soon as I spawned  I was banned by GK_leorzi or something like that. And after my friend continued to ask why i was banned he refused to give an answer, thoughts on why the server NA_Siege is connected when they continue to ban people randomly?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Headshots: Critical dmg, etc
« on: June 26, 2011, 01:27:43 am »
LMAO, okay so do any of the crpg devs can change these numbers from native? or do native rules apply to crpg?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Headshots: Critical dmg, etc
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:17:12 pm »
Someone explain speed bonus now... Do you only get it from running towards eachother and stabbing? How to maximize?

was just about to post that, how does that speed bonus work? also if its a swing does the arc have any factor in speed?

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