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Messages - Utraque

Pages: [1]
Strategus Issues / Re: Help! Stuck for 3 weeks on Strategus map...
« on: November 01, 2011, 10:22:11 pm »
Thanks for the guidance!

It ended up being an issue with the eye-candy extension for Chrome. Switched to IE from Chrome and found it was working for me.

Problem solved.

Strategus Issues / Help! Stuck for 3 weeks on Strategus map...
« on: October 28, 2011, 07:59:03 pm »
Hello all,

If any devs are feeling sympathetic today, I'd appreciate the help.

My character has been stuck in the river east of the town of Khudan for about 3-4 weeks. I spent the first two weeks trying to fix this issue, to no avail. I've been out of town for the last 2 weeks for work.

I tried the following tactics:
1) Clicking away from the river.
2) Clicking through the river.
3) Clicking along the river.
4) Force marching.
5) Un-stick option.

Nothing has worked, and would appreciate some helpful dev intervention. If it's all possible, Dugan was my original intended destination (far to the south east of me, roughly). I'd be great if I didn't have to not only walk that distance but also get accosted by brigands!

Thanks so much for the help, Devs.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Are you kidding me?
« on: May 13, 2011, 09:04:53 pm »
Just checked my thread and suddenly saw all the back and forth!

In the case of a cataphract, it's an armored horse. I'd think you would want more hp and armor instead. And yes tydeus, because horses have so much hp, every point of armor counts a big deal (and more when u add more hp with armor addition!)

But I know utraque uses coursers more than armored horses so what happened with those?

Thanks for your reply, Havoc; hopefully, I can try to steer us back to my original question...

If you're going to nerf a heirloomed weapon (which *is* understandable...some weapons can simply become too powerful for proper game balance), why not at least give people refunds for their hard-earned heirlooms?

It's not as though my choice to heirloom a Couser was abusive in any way. I was presented a set of choices, and picked one item out of dozens to heirloom.

Here was the pre-patch Courser, with the Heavy Courser's stats to the side:
hit points 100-----------> 110
body armor 18----------> 24
requirement 4-----------> same
horse speed 48----------> same
horse maneuver 42------> same
horse charge 24----------> 32

This was a substantial improvement in the durability of a fast but fragile horse. In my own words, it made this horse into the faster, "Sport" version of the Destrier (whose primary virtue was it's greater durability over lighter horses).

It made me - a fellow who swore to his clanmates he wouldn't retire because it required so much extra time - work for an heirloom to apply to my courser.

Now? Here is the "Well Bred Courser", the Heavy's replacement at Gen1, next to the Heavy Courser.

hit points 105<----------- 110
body armor 18<---------- 24
requirement        same
horse speed         same
horse maneuver 43<------ 42
horse charge 25<---------- 32

It effectively eliminates the durability gain and charge bonus.

What's worse, is that the only improvements this gives over a basic Courser are 5hp (-5 hp, -6 armour, and -7 charge  from the Heavy), plus 1 charge, and plus 1 maneuver. Maybe that's game balance, but that isn't the point.

All I am saying is that if you dramatically change a heirloomed weapon (as is the case with this specific horse), shouldn't you refund that 'heirloom point' to the owner? Please?

Game Balance Discussion / Are you kidding me?
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:07:20 pm »
If you are going to nerf heirloomed horses so much that they are barely indistinguishable from their standard version, at least do us the courtesy of refunding the heirloom. Honest to god.

I don't write in forums that often, but the continuous revisions to items *AFTER* major patches is really irksome. I understand that tweaks are necessary, but do them *BEFORE* you refund heirlooms. Otherwise, the decision to use a costly heirloom (1-31 in game time for a user) on an item is, in effect, an uninformed decision.

If we cannot even trust that things ARE what they SAY they are (or will continue to be, tomorrow), then **what incentive do we have to invest the time in CRPG**?

None. There is a reason that I've been playing Mount and Musket of late. The pernicious combination of uncertainty (patch changes) and grind (always minding repair bills) means that not only is it time-consuming to get rewards such as heirlooms, but those rewards were falsely advertised.

Closed Requests / Re: BANNED FOR WHAT???!!!!
« on: February 18, 2011, 06:07:46 pm »
"Ok to begin with", Ruffies, your disregard for others is just wild. We all make mistakes -- no one is perfect -- but most people make sure to apologize for them.

I did not shoot any bolt at the start of the you, or anyone. Whether it was a teammate you ran over with your horse, or someone else, I really don't care. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised because I've watched you just roll over teammates with abandon and not even stop to indicate you were sorry, much less even chat as much.

When I rolled up next to you fellas in that first 30 seconds on that hilltop, it was because us cavalry like to stick together. I had my crossbow out b/c I regularly use it to dismount enemy cavalry, and wanted to be ready for any that were rushing our flanks. Plus, the crossbow was brand new (Light, for horseback) -- so I wanted to see how small/large the reticule would be with just 20 wpf.

I certainly hadn't attacked you, and merely had my crossbow out (and sighted) and waiting for enemy cav. Yes I did look at you, because you guys just look bizarre but I certainly wasn't just going to sit on my horse and shoot you point blank. All of sudden, one of you fools unloads with your spear into my horse...of course, that shocked me and no one is just going to sit there and take your foolishness face down.

Of course I'm going to retaliate if you hit my horse, because I think self-defense is considered a right in Warband. By the time you both stabbed my horse to death (and hit me, by the way) I was just shocked. Of course I reported this, and as it turns out you were already on someone's naughty list. Go figure.

Great teamwork.

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