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Messages - Budikhan

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Coloured Arrows?
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:30:15 am »
It could be cheating but if it is unenforceable then you might as well just allow it.

Only way you would know for sure is either some sort of file checker (possibly invasive) or a screenshot of their screen (why would they incriminate themselves?)

Let's not get all PunkBuster up in this shit.

Color my character Mac n Cheese Orange and I'll still cut you in half.

Here. I fixed the OP's post.

The problem with the CRPG system is that changes are more like trials and errors. One thing fixes a problem but causes another. Sometimes one class suffers and the other gets a major unnecessary boost shifting gameplay, irritating people who enjoy quality.

Brytenwalda is by far the worst offender in this case but cRPG appears to have a case of the same. Usually situations like this arise due to lack of a clear vision for gameplay or too many tugging influences on either side.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:51:27 pm »
Can we at least just replace them with something else? The current models just look really goofy.

I pretty much target people in Weeaboo gear first every time because they're so ugly.

General Discussion / Re: Siege ladders
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:50:12 pm »
The problem here is actually MAP DESIGN not REMOVAL OF LADDERS.

I've played some seriously horrendous maps on Siege lately. No other way to put it. They just plain out suck for both sides. You wouldn't need to add in special siege ladders if the map creators could actually put the ladders up in good locations.

Some maps are entirely fun and fine with this removal of custom placeable ladders but others suffer simply due to horrendous map design.

However - Battle is now 100x better.

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