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Messages - Bertha_TheFat

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: On being a Frenchie in NA
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:59:35 pm »
So many posts here I wanted to +1. Too bad I have no idea how to do this! hahah

But, seeing as how this is going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic, can we just lock this thread and agree that ridiculously heinous comments based on someone's nationality (or what you believe it is), language or colour should have no place in-game whatsoever? Regardless of how ridiculous liberals  think nationalism might be, some people do get offended by certain comments (me first, but I have to admit I'm especially sensitive to language issues, seeing as languages make up a huge chunk of my professional life).

Personally, I don't see the difference between calling someone a friend or a jap (which might be a short for Japanese, but is still derogatory in it's usage. It isn't a binary distinction).

Plz close the topic kthx

General Discussion / Re: On being a Frenchie in NA
« on: October 17, 2012, 07:45:19 am »

I know how that feels, Malaclypse :-P

I don't know if I could have resisted myself. lol

General Discussion / On being a Frenchie in NA
« on: October 17, 2012, 07:37:06 am »
Hi there, NA Community

Most of you guys are pretty cool. Even those those who, whilst the OP is hopelessly backpedalling and furiously trying to poke you with his spear, spam him to death. The OP probably wishes you dead for a few seconds before proceeding to consume the rest of the half-smoked joint lying in his ashtray, but then, hey. That's alright.

The OP knows most NA people are probably not used as much to language diversity as the EU people might be. I know how bad the language teaching system is in the US in general - it's probably very similar to Canada's. Even yours truly had to learn English playing Diablo! Overall, the OP thinks they should consider themselves both lucky and unlucky. English is a wonderful language that will help you get around, but don't let this cloud your vision. There are other wonderful ways to express oneself.

The OP does cringe, though, at the reading of some rather unnecessary comments upon his origins. While the OP is an oversensitive racist frenchman, it shouldn't be anyone's idea of sportsmanship to have to endure victory cries coming from what looks like to be 13 years old not quite old enough to understand the basic differences between the casual troll-call "stfu nerd", the ridiculous "GF FRENCHIE" or the more awkward "stfu u french fuck". The OP realizes it's not that bad a problem, but he also thinks all of you who think you're being witty by calling people with French names (namely, the OP) "Frenchie" should just knock it off. It's not funny. It doesn't make you a "troll". It's not even original. Maybe you could instead cut your internet connexion, throw your computer out the window and go fuck yourself with your half-assed attempts at humour. Remember c-RPG is a small community where you are recognized and labeled by other players. Surely you don't want everyone here to recognize your in-game nick as belonging to the asshole you really are.



Diplomacy / Re: War upon us
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:35:43 pm »
Sir, I do not believe the making of such allusions to the state of our butts is conform to the rule of interfactional law and diplomacy.

Diplomacy / Re: War upon us
« on: October 05, 2012, 07:27:05 am »
I'm afraid you are but worrying for naught, for prosperity will abound in your beloved city... under OUR rule.

Diplomacy / Re: War upon us
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:34:13 am »
Alas, my good friend. 'Tis because these pesky Templars booted us out of the desert, and therefore they should be the target of your righteous anger.

Diplomacy / Re: Occitan strat 4
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:22:12 pm »
Once you go red , you never be dead. GL my friendly fur trappers!  :mrgreen:[/img]

and to you. :-D nice pic

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