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Messages - Bigfoob

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Lost a few hours worth of XP.
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:13:41 pm »
You get betrayed by the ingame xp! at the monent you get sometimes x20 but on the website you only get x2

Oh okay I was wondering what the x17 bonus I would get at the end of some rounds was for (is it just a bug or are they trying to implement rewards?) . It seems like I gained a lot more xp than I normally do anyway.

cRPG Technical problems / Lost a few hours worth of XP.
« on: March 12, 2015, 04:20:39 am »
So I was 34 when I logged on today and don't remember exactly how much XP I had but I know that I got off when I hit 35 I had just hit it and applied the points and then exit to go on the website to retire. I waited a little while for the site to update as it still said I was 34 with 6.2mill xp so I waited but it didn't change so I logged on to the game and I was level 34 with 6.2mill xp. I would think that I had just logged off before it saved my progress again but almost 2mill xp gone seems like a lot longer than 1 save.

cRPG Technical problems / Site constantly makes me log in.
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:48:40 am »
I can't navigate the website or choose a character it just redirects me to the login page. When I try to choose a character from the box at the top left it is endlessly on "loading characters" yet all my characters are listed under the "characters" section.

cRPG Technical problems / The launcher gets stuck installing CRPG
« on: February 28, 2013, 03:24:43 am »
Is there anywhere I can manually download the files and just install them myself?

It gets stuck randomly downloading a file it changes every time.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The slot system removes hybrid choices.
« on: June 19, 2011, 11:08:37 pm »
No. There's a reason we limit archer weapons in native MP. Being a force to be reckoned with from a distance and being a force to be reckoned with when the opponent is in your face is not conducive to good game balance. Every class needs a strength and a weakness. Pulling out a flamberge or a bec and dealing just as much damage per hit as your opponent after peppering them with the best bow and arrows does not support this balance.

There are many great 1 slot weapons too. They aren't as powerful as a bec or flamberg, but they are still lethal. The short spear and quarter staff are both weapons I use regularly, even on my melee polearm character.

Well archery is not very powerful to begin with you make it seem like all you need is a warbow and you can 1 hit everyone but if someone has any armor it takes like 5 hits to kill them. I don't see why I should have to use weapons that are supposed to be used as a faster weapon with less damage and reach when I dislike playing like that. I don't like having to get 7 hits on someone to kill them it's why I don't use peasant weapons.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The slot system removes hybrid choices.
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:57:10 pm »
I suggest we take off our dresses and end this little tea party

Back on topic.
back on topic.

Slot system was designed to end most hybrids. An archer shouldn't be able to fire at me with a massive bow and then pull out a massive flamberg to fight on nearly even grounds against me. The system works well.
Why shouldn't an archer be able to use another good weapon? Not having a melee weapon is like running out with fists and having to use 1hs is completely gimping archers. The things that give a pure an advantage is that hybrids use skill points on that stuff.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The slot system removes hybrid choices.
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:07:34 am »
In before Gorath bitches about bow users being able to have melee.

Lol without a melee weapon you might as well kill yourself.

Game Balance Discussion / The slot system removes hybrid choices.
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:00:05 am »
Before the slot system hybrids could decide between any combination of speed power and reach. Now most of those are gone and in my case I like to use the warbow and german poleaxe. Now if I want to use a warbow I can only use one-handers which I dispise or crappy poleaxes. I could use another bow like the short bow and use the german poleaxe but I don't like the short bow because I prefer damage over speed. It removes a lot of options and it really limits everything and makes hybrids less useful.

cRPG Technical problems / All my characters are gone.
« on: June 18, 2011, 11:59:06 pm »
I recently reformat my computer and all my character files are gone. Any idea how to recover them or get my old stats back?

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