Length: 120 -> 135 (130?)
sorry but we're not adding invisible reach. It was 110 before by mistake, the model is 120 long
If this rules changes to the length of the claymore out, then why not just give the claymore back 92 speed?
It would still be an inferior weapon with less speed than sword of war / heavy great sword, less length than german or danish swords, less pierce damage and higher strength requirement than all of the above. Heck, knock the cut damage down a point or two if you really hate the thing. At least with 92 speed (or even 91 speed and -2 off the strength requirement) it would be usable against other 2h swords once again.
It just occurred to me that the heavy great sword and the sword of war both use an identical model, but have different stats. Why don't they just replace the skin on either one of those to that of the claymore? they are 120 reach so it wouldn't need model rebalancing according to length.