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Messages - Tired

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Clan Mackinnon
« on: December 18, 2012, 12:10:45 am »

Tha beagan briste gàidhlig agamsa..(Se ionnsaiche gàidhlig a th'annam) a bheil gàidhlig agadsa fhein?

a bheil duine ann an guild seo a bruidhinn gàidhlig? bhiodh math sin. 

-Glasraichear (BIRD) 

Announcements / Re: Version 0.271
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:31:09 am »

Highlanders to cRPG !!

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Tha sin math gu leòr!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: More reach for Highlander sword
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:35:10 pm »
Can't wait for the claymore to get it's speed back.  Will finally be able to compete again. 
The range won't be decreased or increased as the model matches 120 reach. 
Thanks for listening devs =)

Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gaidhlig, seo còmhlan inntinneach!
If there are other learners within this group I would be more than interested. 
North american (west coast)


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:19:46 am »
okay, claymore getting +2 speed


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:35:21 am »
Just here to remind everyone that this topic is about weapons that should be changed in order to make them worthwhile and not advantages and disadvantages of a specific weapon category, thanks.

Good point, and with this I return to my previous complaints...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:38:46 pm »
My main issue with all of this is that people create character builds around specific weapons and then heirloom these weapons. 
This takes many, many hours.  It's an awfully disappointing feeling when one day you see that your weapon has been nerfed to the point where several other weapons, which were once on the sidelines, have become vastly superior and leave you with a disadvantage. 
Get a good system, get it as balanced as possible (i don't think it's possible to perfectly balance everything but maybe they can come close) and then don't ever revisit weapon balance. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: On Weapon Requirements, A Whine Fix
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:55:05 am »
Highland Claymore
Old Requirement: 15
New Requirement: 18

Claymore sucks too much right now to have increased str req.
otherwise i agree

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:00:50 pm »
Vancouver Island here,

I am happy with the current servers but would not say no to even lower ping.

A West Coast server would be great!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:46:11 pm »
Length: 120 -> 135 (130?)

sorry but we're not adding invisible reach. It was 110 before by mistake, the model is 120 long

If this rules changes to the length of the claymore out, then why not just give the claymore back 92 speed?
It would still be an inferior weapon with less speed than sword of war / heavy great sword, less length than german or danish swords, less pierce damage and higher strength requirement than all of the above.  Heck, knock the cut damage down a point or two if you really hate the thing.  At least with 92 speed (or even 91 speed and -2 off the strength requirement) it would be usable against other 2h swords once again. 


It just occurred to me that the heavy great sword and the sword of war both use an identical model, but have different stats.  Why don't they just replace the skin on either one of those to that of the claymore? they are 120 reach so it wouldn't need model rebalancing according to length. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: January 22, 2011, 03:06:45 am »
Added my take on the Claymore, feel free to give comments and/or suggestions on it. (Especially interested in Tired's opinion as a Claymore user)

I would lose even more water (from all the crying) if they boosted claymore str req and made it even slower for more cut damage.  Cut damage is not a primary factor in two handed swords, i would much rather have a 92 speed sword with 35 cut than a 90 speed sword with 43 cut.  Speed and reach are everything.. oh, and pierce damage is great b/c it's actually good against armour unlike cut... which of course claymore has hardly any of. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Weapons which need attention
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:09:23 am »
Don't know how to do that fancy spoiler button thing, but:

Highland Claymore
9890 Gold
90 speed
120 length
43 cut
25 pierce
REQ 15 strength

Compare to

Heavy great sword
9001 gold
94 speed
39 cut
25 pierce
120 reach
13 Strength requirement

Compare to

Sword of War
9901 gold
93 Speed
14 str requirement
40 cut
26 pierce
121 reach

I think that these three swords are in the same ball-park gold wise...

SoW - HC - HGS

9901 - 9890 - 9001 gold costs
93 spd - 90 spd - 94 spd
40 cut - 43 cut - 39 cut
26 pierce - 25 pierce - 25 pierce
121 length - 120 length - 120 length
14 REQ - 15 REQ - 13 REQ

Why would anyone choose the claymore when they could have the sword of war or heavy great sword???

The claymore is now severely underpowered (lost 2 spd last patch).  Has the lowest pierce dmg next to katana for swords in it's grouping, has less reach AND less speed than the danish or german swords.  Should also be said that it requires more strength to use than either of these.  (smaller, slower and you need to be stronger to use it...?! wtf!!!) 
Some people seem to think it has some sort of magical "phantom reach", but I have tested this extensively in comparison to the German and Danish great swords, and the claymore gets outreached every time.  The only advantage i can see is it's cut damage, which is three higher than the Danish sword.  Anyone who spends too much time playing CRPG knows that this is so insignificant it is laughable.  (armour eats cut damage)

I don't have any idea what the higher powers of CRPG have in mind for the claymore, if it is going to be slower it should have greater reach, and if it is going to be smaller it should be swung more quickly. 

Historically, the claymore was a 15th/16th/17th century two handed sword which was SMALLER and QUICKER than it's Germanic mainland counterparts of the time period.  Even lowland Scottish swords of the same era were much larger than the highland two handed sword.  (help me out historians and sword lovers)

I consider myself to be a duelist first, and after the recent patch I am hardly effective against other 2h swords users than I was prior. 
Please make my favourite weapon viable on the CRPG battlefield once again, through historical means or just straight game balance, I don't care. 

The Claymore's performance is pathetic when compared to any other 2h sword available in CRPG at the moment.  I think this recent patch is yet another attempt from the englishmen to crush the spirits of the highlanders online. 

Thanks for reading and considering

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