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Messages - Spjut

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerfed too much
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:09:55 am »
Consider yourself the minority

Well no comment as you are an ADMIN....  :mrgreen:  :rolleyes:

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerfed too much
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:08:50 am »
agree on spjut, horse archery needs a great buff immediatley. as I told everywhere, I want realism, not balance between classes  :mad:

Agree!!! :P

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerfed too much
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:07:29 am »
Archery and Cavalry is a big part of the game as well. Actually each got about 1/3 of it.  :P


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerfed too much
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:03:51 am »
I was superb horsearcher back in the Days Before the nerf-i-ti-nerfing. Last nerfs made it very very hard for horsearchers to kill anyone. Now I barely scratch my targets or even hit them. So I can use whatever bow... the thing is that this nerfing doing is taking away all realism, all fun and all tactics. Soon all going to be 2Handers in fullplate as they can't be killed. The game will go from a medevial tactical game to a infantry game without any suprises as all Archers, cavalry, 1handers, ninjas, crossbowmen will either quit the game as they become useless or they start as a 2H in fullplate. I Think in a few months the mod will be dead if you countinue nerf chadz.

I guess people hate Archers and HA beacuse they can't adopt a usefull tactics when they run around in fullplate. Well now when all ranged are soon gone you can run around a swing your big swords against each other without any interferance from cavalry, Archers and such annoying things.

Well thats my penny for a good mod nerfed to Death. :P

Well I quit CRPG I am a HA and can't hit anything if I don't ride up and shoot the target from some meters. I tried to fire into a bunch of players from around 50 meters and I couldn't hit anyone from there... Then I tried to bump one soldier but he just glided around the horse so I guess they nerfed the bump thing also. Poor the nerfing. I have all my stuff as a archer... no loomed armor or weapon. I can't fight anylonger. I quit. BYE! :rolleyes:

Game Balance Discussion / Nerfed too much
« on: March 17, 2013, 12:40:22 am »
Ok I gonna quit CRPG because of my Horse Archer is usless after this patch. I don't know what you did but my 176 in archery and 4 in HA isn't enough now. I did hardly any damage bf and now I can't even hit the target if I'm not riding up and fire at point blank. It's even harder to bump my enemy. So buff it back please. I rarely post here but now I think it's been enough nerfing Horse Archery. Yes we are annoying as we riding up and down and shoot players with arrows but whats the point of making us usless? So please fix this. If you countinue try to nerf stuff so the playerblance will be better you will find alot of old players stop playing because their characthers and build is fucked up.
The players must find tactics to counter other players. If they are too stupid let them be that without trying to fix stuff that isn't broken! NOW my HA is totally useless. Why should I play this mod? I have played as a HA for years and I don't wanna change class. I got alot of HA stuff... good arrows good bow... totally useless now.
IS it the weight or what the fuck has been done?`

Spjut :cry:

Sell/Trade / I sell a Heirloomed point
« on: November 04, 2011, 12:10:12 am »
I heirloom an item and sell it for 450 000 to you.  Anyone?`


General Discussion / Re: What made you happy in this patch?
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:45:08 pm »
Hi guys,
all the bitching and whining have to stop, what do you LIKED in this patch?

Me, personally:

1. moar ammo on ground as the servers are swarmed with throwing
2. ninja hood fixd
3. OLD faces! :)

So, what made YOU happy?

1. I looks like shit... that made me laugh. Graphics... whats that?
2. Looks like a old arcade game from 1986 with small ugly men and women moving around and screams when you bump them. Squeeling women are funny.
3. That my horse move like a lame donkey and my bow behaving like a toy from my childhood!

So what made ME happy? - THAT I GOT VACATION SO I CAN'T PLAY SO MUCH. Patch really sucks!!!


General Discussion / Lost the feeling of CRPG with new patch
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:33:51 pm »
  :( - Well Everything is just feeling awful. Graphic sux... horse move like a donkey, my bow is a toy for kids, everyone looks small and stupid and when you hit them they squel like pigs without dying... Well I'm out of here! I'll be back when they have fixed this. Can't play a game that is downgraded like this.


« on: May 15, 2011, 03:16:53 pm »

Cuz of all SPAM!

Now I must take my spear and kill some peasants!

SPJUT the SPAM hater  :mad:

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