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Messages - SAETIAian

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Strategus Progress / WSE Implementation
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:34:44 pm »
UBER !!!!

I love it !

Gonna donate in 2 weeks ^^

*here some cookies in between

General Discussion / Re: Repair Costs
« on: March 27, 2011, 05:55:52 pm »
Never see me complain about repair cost because i do the work and earn the gold to support a very costly build. I'd like to see the cost increased for everything.


+ me hate whiners ^^

General Off Topic / Re: Internetbrowser
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:11:38 pm »
People need to stop starting retarded polls. =|

So you're genuinely going to include the Steam Browser, but not Chrome?

Yeah, I'm a browser-racist ^^

And it's off-topic anyway. Just because you heard someone say "polls everywhere, retarded" you don't have to repeat it or take care bout our poll-retardness

General Off Topic / Internetbrowser
« on: March 26, 2011, 02:42:34 pm »
I'm sticking to Opera.

Chrome is not included since it's kinda always wants to install itself with other software -> pisses me off

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:17:37 pm »
ehm. yeah.  :rolleyes:

Whiners ?

All of you who complain to the upkeep costs and how peasants rape you because they're skilled. Whiners

« on: February 13, 2011, 11:02:38 pm »
Zeitgeist ist ein deutsches Wort. Und für Zeitgeist gibt es kein englisches Wort. Deshalb ist es auf Englisch wie auch auf Deutsch : Zeitgeist.

Außerdem ist "time ghost" wieder mal so eine typisch deutsche wortwörliche Übersetzung.

Mit Zeitgeist ist sozusagen "the spirit" gemeint.

Und in diesem Fall ist es "spirit of the time" - (Denk/Verhaltensweise der Zeit)

General Discussion / Re: the vast majority of the EU_cRPG_1 admin team
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:39:43 pm »
Why I've never been kicked from the servers ? Why I never had a problem with the admins ?

Well, if you don't like EU_1 then go join EU_2.

Just like me ^^

btw, this is not real life, so expect to see people abusing their internet power :D

Pages: [1]