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Messages - H4rdn3ssKill3r

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Wow guys I had to do alot of digging to find the TS so I could call Alpha fat.

It was worth it though, the 10 minutes of searching the forums for the IP was worth the sweet, sweet taste of calling him fat.

General Off Topic / Re: im fat im fat oh god im fat
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:25:53 am »
i'm dying
oh god xant please, next time, don't say shit you don't know about.

A 2012 study by Japanese researchers at Waseda University in Tokyo showed that when mice fed one high-fat meal per day were compared with mice fed the same amount of high-fat food split up into two daily meals, the mice who ate once a day gained more weight and had higher levels of insulin in their blood... The scientists suggest that these findings might apply to humans as well.


A study published in the April 2007 edition of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" examined the effect of one meal a day vs. three. The researchers found that the healthy participants who ate a single meal a day did lose fat mass, but they were hungry. Moreover, they had increased blood pressure and total cholesterol and a decreased cortisol concentration. Cortisol, a steroid hormone, causes your body to send more glucose into your bloodstream when you are under stress.


Yeah no.
If you take the time humans have had agriculture and you put it up to the time of our whole evolution line you would see it would be very small.
Now riddle me this, back then, we would be hunting and foraging most our days, continually eating food as we went our nomadic ways. Nowhere does evolution support this shitty "one meal a day" crap, our body is made for eating food continually, getting energy at a steady rate.

General Off Topic / Re: im fat im fat oh god im fat
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:39:51 pm »
And that's what I was addressing.
This is generally a "I need to lose weight." Well it was at the start, I dunno what everyone is spewing at the moment. As I said again, I don't care if it doesn't burn muscle. I care more of the fact that starving yourself fucks up your metabolism, which by the way, nobody has addressed in any way and you keep bringing up the point that "IT DOESN'T BURN MUSCLE THUS YOU SHOULD DO IT!!". No. I'll say it again, in nice big bold text so you can all understand. I don't care if it doesn't burn muscle. Standing in your ass all day doesn't burn any muscle either. Starving yourself is what 13 year old teenagers think is healthy. It makes you feel shit and it fucks up your metabolism.
I bet you the soldiers that did the experiment got their weight almost instantly because of the fact that they fucked up the metabolism so badly that the body NEEDED to make sure all the food it did get was 100% digested and used up. Your body doesn't know when the experiment ends, so it keeps going on this cycle of using up everything in the food.

Also if you really want to talk science, then lets talk science.
Your body absolutely hates burning up fat. It's way too much work for the energy it gives out. Wanna know why fat people suffering from hypothermia dies just as fast if not faster compared to a skinny guy? Because yes, they could burn up fat and get energy, but it takes way too much in the first place to begin the decomposition of fat into actual glucose chains that are usable.
It's why your body goes from Carbs > Protein + Fat when it's starving.
Fat itself is way too much of a slow process to acquire the energy needed to sustain the body.

General Off Topic / Re: im fat im fat oh god im fat
« on: December 26, 2013, 06:57:24 pm »
Holy shit.
You actually fucking think Poophammer is serious?
oh please xant.
this is now not even to do with poophammers autism anymore.
if they did think it wasn't serious, they still gave advice that was serious.

General Off Topic / Re: im fat im fat oh god im fat
« on: December 26, 2013, 05:10:36 pm »
Holy shit.
You people make it seem like the guy wants to cut down after bulking up.
He wants to lose weight because he's fat. He doesn't want to lose weight because he a) Wants to get into a weight qualification for a sport or b) To go to the next Mr. Olympian.
He simply wants to lose weight so he doesn't look like a landwhale.
The best way for that to happen is to get into a routine, both eating routine and a exercise routine. It's the same for all the hungry skellingtons who want to get gains, get into a routine of eating more, more frequently.
Like there's two very simple rule though; Don't eat junk food and stop drinking soda. Pretty self explanatory.

Oh and somehow people think that carbs are evil...?
They aren't. Starvation is a bad way to lose weight, don't do it. People who starve themselves basically just fuck up their metabolism, so yeah, you can lose all your weight, but as soon as you go back to a normal diet "oh shit where did all these kg's come from?". You'll also feel like utter shit so, yeah, don't do it.

here, have a link that's posted as a sticky on /fit/

Hey at-least she makes a good safety break.

I want every Russian, Slav, Brazilian, Mexican, to get the fuck out of english servers unless you know or speak some form of english. Nothing is more frustrating when some scrub that you cant communicate with and then he just keeps feeding, retorts to blame his being bad on you, and calls you mean things like "nob", "worlok feder nob" or "you noob" "very very noob" "jajajaja" "ты такой нуб" or any other stupid gibberish they can type out that hurts my feelings and I sit in a corner and cry for 2 hours straight eating a whole tub of ben and jerrys.

(click to show/hide)
You're not fucking them back?
Huh. Everytime a russian is being your typical Dota 2 sperger I activate fuckface mode and go to town on their ass.
I once with my friend went around as Pudge and Chen hooking this Russian who was playing super bad, complaining at us and then spamming pings. He had his caps lock cruise control on after about the 5th time I hooked him back to the fountain.  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: A call to arms!
« on: August 29, 2013, 01:49:53 am »

no sense of humor detected
oh no i can laugh at things.
it's just this isn't funny.
I don't find any sense of humour being griefing retards. I've had to deal with this shit in other games, and let me tell you right now, it isn't so "le trolololol!!111" when you're the one with the authority to deal with the shitfest.

General Discussion / Re: A call to arms!
« on: August 28, 2013, 11:55:04 pm »
And where do you think you are? MeleeGAMING forum. As in we really dont have bigger problems to worry about since we are here. This isnt "save Africa" or "Online gay relationship search"(okay mybe it slightly is :lol:) forums you know. The thread Panos here made is exactly what you expect a gamingforum to consist of. I dunno what where your expectations? Free Tibet or something?
I was expecting it not to be
lel let's troll le native players xd thatll teach those my old friendot griffons to not fuk with us!111
I was wrong, this is what basically this is.
And then you all complain a day later at why everyone else in Warband despises the cRPG community.
Oh I wonder that too.

it's not that demanding.
as long as you've got a graphics card that can support shader version 3 you should be fine.
it's more CPU demanding than graphically demanding, and my 2.7GHz cpu can play it wonders so yeah.
as far as I can see it has virtually the same graphical quality as CK2

Same thing I tell everyone else. Don't fuking do that. You have to do it piecemeal, unless the provinces are crap(like the ones in arabia or africa) then you can just merc them all day. I like this new OE system. In curbs growth of players(AI seems to not worry to much about it), by causing rebellions, etc.
Yeah but I'm the freaking Timurids.
If I don't go to a long war, my shit get's wrecked with the "REBELLIONS FOR NO WAR". It's awful and will only stop if I can form the Mughal Empire.
Oh that needs fucking Dehli and Kashmir to be annexed and core.
All of that will take around 3-4 wars and then add the truce timers... You can see why it gets awful really quick. Kashmir itself takes around 40% over expansion. I wish it was like the EU3 system where you needed to vassalize them and then you can form the Mughal Empire.
But nope.

Oh and there's no way to deal with over expansion other than coring.
Badboy could have been dealt in a multitude of ways, you could hire an advisor that helped you reduced, you could build an embassy, some events reduced, your leaders stats reduced it, or you could just wait it out.
Compare that to what it is right now.

Alliances are dank as fuck.

Find a strong European power, such as Austria, France or Burgundy. Suck their dicks for a bit and any European war you'll most probably win.

Worked wonders when I was playing as Castile.
Now I'm currently playing as the timurids and fuck everything about the new over expansion system, badboy was so much better. Every fucking province I need to core gives me over 40% over expansion and thus means I can't take everything in one go.

Gribralta is worthless? Tell that to the countless of teenagers who go there to buy heavily taxed drinks and shit.

It's a fucking holiday gold mine.

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:33:58 pm »
I think you might be clinically retarded

And when I started out on native I found archery to be a complete joke, it wasn't even that hard. All I did was click and release. Then Boom Headshot. Also I found out how well your team did, depended on what faction your team was.
i would greentext here so hard. but you'll probably not get it.

so uh.
stop being autistic and get a sense of humour.

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:16:18 pm »
Hihi, NA still plays random plains, what a joke  :lol:

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