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Messages - Wiegraf_BRD

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« on: June 07, 2024, 02:57:33 am »
Have you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAM

General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« on: June 03, 2024, 06:41:16 pm »
im drunk n laughin at ur sheer retardendnss

General Discussion / Kill Dire Kill WOOF
« on: May 26, 2024, 03:14:01 am »
Two evil clan

teh dire cheat hak , bully, send the virus to my steam through art program, drink a lot of booze n say the evil racis thing to my people

woof clam tk me notorious tkers well known bad imvdiduals, HMB atck my vro snickelz, n insult the krem, and then   yel at my friend wow

plz kil these clams on sight, bad membranes of tehese cer rmpg community, Asheram tel me to let u all know it is the open season to game n u wil hunt n kill this dire and woo fon the sights

General Discussion / Re: Have you seen this man? Missing: ASHERAM
« on: May 26, 2024, 03:00:22 am »
Asheram's Darling is out next patch.

General Discussion / Re: Have you seen this man? Missing: ASHERAM
« on: May 05, 2024, 01:20:29 am »
Have you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMHave you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAMvv

General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« on: May 05, 2024, 01:18:37 am »
shut your ugly fat face wtf

Unban Essays / Re: plz unban me
« on: March 22, 2024, 08:52:00 am »
wu fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals WOwowOWOWWOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwau fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals u fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals u fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals u fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals u fkn scum bag piec o shit i iw ul sned a nUke to ur home n delet u bic ,

1 day u wil see ur destinee, and it isnt pretty sony boy, U will feel de raff of my full grande armee n de peeple in it wil force fed u to the lioness u paetheti lil wormer

dot u dar forget that i am ur king n u wil bow to me or else there wil be the deire consqukwnes for ur ugly imdividuals

Unban Essays / plz unban me
« on: March 17, 2024, 09:20:12 am »
hemlo good envening i was bant from dis gayme ahnd zottlmarshc TK me n and the responser from me was to TK bka n swear at hm n i call him a retarder

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
yes i was swearing n i tk

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
yes it’s fair because i’m the one in the wrong i shouldnt swore at the zottlemash
That moment I was lost control of my words n i spoek lik e an yngng

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I sincerely apologize to everyone for my swearing at other players liek the zotlamash. I know u mistake and hope you guys can give me another chance to correct my mistake. I promise I won’t do it again. I hope the admins will give me another chance. Thank you berry much , ps dupre is ugle idiot n he fate i cannt blief he eat all the pudink and he is FAT end

General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« on: March 17, 2024, 09:14:57 am »
u rat

General Discussion / Re: Have you seen this man? Missing: ASHERAM
« on: March 14, 2024, 01:00:24 am »

中文板块 / Re: You guyz alive yet?
« on: December 08, 2023, 07:37:30 am »

Faction Halls / Re: The Remnants [NA] Official
« on: December 07, 2023, 08:48:02 pm »
ancient relic

General Discussion / Re: Honest thoughts on Crpg2?
« on: December 07, 2023, 08:33:35 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List (Edited Daily)
« on: December 07, 2023, 08:28:58 pm »
I'm so low no one thought of even rating me (cry in french)

So sad. I remember I was playing every day at that time  :(

sry if u were hors archer u get 0 percent

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