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Messages - SantostheLion

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Xbox controller won't work. Help plz.
« on: January 18, 2015, 11:28:40 pm »
Patoson; Yes I tried that but it didn't work :(. Is there a way to map those keys to the 360ce mod?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Xbox controller won't work. Help plz.
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:13:20 am »
   Wow great program! thank you! Did not try it for Crpg though as I need to be able to map the arrow keys to my left joystick so i can use it as a block/attack direction option. I tried moving xpadder to the Crpg folder but it still didnt work. Tried running as administrator and still nothing. The x360ce works with M&B games but since there's no way of using the left stick as arrow keys I cannot keep the same playstyle. There is something within the Crpg mod that hinders the controller to mouse option.
   On another note,I did have trouble using xpadder on steam. It took some research to find that I had to open the xpadder program before launching any steam game and that fixes the issue.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Xbox controller won't work. Help plz.
« on: January 15, 2015, 04:36:23 am »
Thank you Patoson, I will try it and hopefully it will work. BTW I have windows 8. I am not very computer savvy so issues like these are seem more complicated than they should be. I just think it's strange that when I set my controller to function as a mouse, it works with everything except for CRPG. I can use it on other mount & Blade mods but not this one. Either way I will get back with the results. Thanks!

cRPG Technical problems / Xbox controller won't work. Help plz.
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:10:12 am »
Hi, started using an xbox one controller instead of a 360 controller and it will not work anymore. For some reason the xbox driver update screwed everything up. I use xpadder for all my games but I can't seem to make it work on with Crpg. Have not been on in a while because of it. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

I was trying out Javelins because my understanding is that the higher damage weapons reduce your  throwing wpf. at 4.5 armor weight my average dmg with javelin is 15 and wpf drops from 120 to 65. Throwing spears adds one more ammo per stack which is 2 because i carry a military scythe. Running with jarids will reduce my ammo count but increase average damage to 17.

   I don't stack up with kills because the accuracy penalty is redonculous, not only that but I try not to throw into melee combat as a way of honoring a duel plus I don't want to be that guy who friendly fires because of greed. So most of the time I'm throwing at archers which are hard to hit and are firing back much quicker, or I'm throwing at infantry which are quick to pounce.  My melee is weak compared to pure melee fighters so I end up loosing money with all the upkeep.

  That sounds nowhere near op to me. Like I said though, I can hit almost anything when I'm wearing almost no armor but I was still getting slaughtered because I either get one shotted by archies or charge the meatgrinder after my ammo was out. But like Andswaru mentioned, if you see them coming then they are pretty easy to dodge.

   Historically there were many armored warriors who would throw before engagement effectively, so saying that it's not a feasible build only applies to the game. The balance should come from the added weight and the skill points dedicated.
  Also loosing weapon accuracy with power throw?? I don't see the sense in that. But thanks for all the replies.

Grumbs thanks for the thoughts. I was trying to sacrifice Strength and melee capabilities as a trade off to wearing heavy armor and good throwing. right now at Lv 28 I have a 100 in polearms and 120 in throwing. 18 in agility and 15 Strength Putting anything in power throw lowers my wps, but you cant use stronger thrown weapons without it. So even going with PW 3 with javelins lowers my throwing significantly. My aim recticle is massive and the damage is minimal, nevermind the low ammo count and range. I used the damage calculator provided in the beginner's forum to see an archer with the same armor with a PD bow of 3 and the damage was greater. Try making a decent heavy thrower and you will come up massively gimped. At least with an archer I can fire all day with the amount of ammo at hand. BTW in the last few games i was in there was a knight in plate riding a heavy warhorse with a lance and heavy crossbow and topping the charts.

Thanks king. Grammar aside the point's been made. As for you other jokers, sarcasm and insult is the retort of a weak mind. Contribute something useful or go troll somewhere else.

I tried to build a heavily armored warrior which could throw javelins as a main and melee as a secondary. After many a miserable failed hours of gameplay I realized that my accuracy was horrendous. I knew that being in heavy armor would hurt my throwing capabilities but I did not think that it would hurt to that extent. So I tried a loadout with moderate armor but it's still a fail!. The skill part of it I have down because Ive gotten some insanely long archer hits with the jav, or a speeding cav rider in the back. Ok so all in all I've realized that it's not a good skill to specialize in. I'll tell you why, for one why would anyone spend 100 or 120 points in a skill where your ammo is so limited and having such a short range? You throw a few and its over, melee time. The skill has almost no value after the 30 seconds of skirmish mode is over. Short range? makes perfect sense but why the atrocious penalty to accuracy when using such a short range weapon? I've thrown javs at archers standing still 15 feet away and they miss!! Then when you get spotted by a knight in full armor with megaathletics charging you with the speed of a monty python movie character, it's pointless to throw more than one jav unless you want to get skewered. So what are you left with? A freakload of archers because they can have 30 to 60 shots with a quick resupply from a nearby corpse and shoot at everybody all day long. That archer I hit with a really skillful throw? well he survives the hit, shoots faster than I do and manages to kill me in one shot or take 90% of my health with a body shot! seriously how is that balanced??  So you get the cookiecutter archer or the cookie cutter heavy knight with the same 4 skills. If you have any suggestions I'll take them but there's no point at all in wasting the skill points in throw skill if you want to be a heavy or medium heavy but I assure you the archer will outshine in every way. I then checked the damage calculator and to my surprise  :rolleyes: The heavy medium to heavy armored archer/crossbowman does more damage with a bow, has WAY more range, and at least 3 times the ammo. I don't really understand the huge damage penalty mainly. I suggest a much lower power throw penalty and armor weight penalty to WPF. It doesn't make sense that a long range (safe range) bow shot will be just as accurate and do more damage than a close range axe throw.
  Movement. Ok so the speed athletics grants seem a little high. Maybe not so much the forward movement but the sidestep/ direction change. In other words a knight could be running towards you and sidestep superfast and still run forward while hardly missing a beat. It looks like they are having a seizure while running toward you! I understand that it slows your movement speed a bit but the side to side movement speed is unaffected. Sidesteps should slow you down otherwise you have unrealistically agile knights in full armor face hugging you and running around you in circles while spam attacking you. :twisted:
  Maintenance. Ok so I farmed a long time to build my plate armored peltast but guess what? I fell into debt because the cost was ridiculous! yes I try and offset my lack of melee skill or my preference for a non cookiecutter build by farming and gearing up. But wow! If you want to fight in plate then you better have invested the hours to learn how to be great at melee or archery because only the veterans can keep the gold rolling in against the noobs to run with supergear. Seriously are you trying to scare away the new players? This forces one to play the ultra specialized melee fighter or the Super archer with mega athletics/1-hand circle spam attack of death. If you want to have fun It'll cost you! Then again there's the hit and run tactic of Cavalry units that you can rely on for easy kills and quick cash. Put an athletics speed cap on heavy armor and be done with it. Seriously I pay enough bills at home, I don't jump on a game I enjoy but suck at to be stripped of hard earned gear just because I'm an easy kill. Love the idea of the mod, and love the game and for the most part flippin excellent job and much appreciated for all the work put in.

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