« on: December 23, 2017, 04:48:26 am »
Hi there, I've been banned for what I think (according to Professor) was "poll abuse" i think this was also during a battle in which the defends of the unarmed village was just running around with no weapons and no intent to win just to stall out the battle so I voted to kick the last alive which I think was the reasoning for the ban, again I'm not too sure about the details as I didn't really know I was banned until recently.
I would also like to point out that I was the target of said "poll abuse" as some of the defending team tried to vote to kick me so that I would drop a weapon upon being kicked so they had a chance of winning one of these people being Amox_Goldkick and if I am to be banned why isn't he? However, I feel the solution is to lift the ban and not to ban anyone else as I felt it was a bit of harmless fun which I later got banned for
Thanks, Haggis