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Messages - ShinkuMoon

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« on: July 16, 2016, 06:48:15 am »
Char. name: YYY_Dullahan_SanguineLuna
just a heirloom exchange to her should be fine

thx uthyr!


cRPG Technical problems / Transfer account from old CDK to a new one
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:47:14 pm »
I wonder if there is such a service to transfer an already-existed account(mine actually) from the CDK I am currently using to another one?

It is a shame that I'm still using a CDK gifted from a friend, and technically it is piracy and I hate that. So I'm looking forward to purchase a new CDK by totally legal way to support the game.
However, I was told that the new CDK would not inherit the old one's account, hence even if I transferred all my belongings to the account under the new purchased CDK I would still lose the generations of all the characters.

Hope there is a way to solve this problem. And if I put this topic in wrong section please help me to move it to the proper place.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Transfer account from old CDK to a new one
« on: February 14, 2015, 05:23:31 pm »
I wonder if there is such a service to transfer an already-existed account(mine actually) from the CDK I am currently using to another one?

It is a shame that I'm still using a CDK gifted from a friend, and technically it is piracy and I hate that. So I'm looking forward to purchase a new CDK by totally legal way to support the game.
However, I was told that the new CDK would not inherit the old one's account, hence even if I transferred all my belongings to the account under the new purchased CDK I would still lose the generations of all the characters.

Hope there is a way to solve this problem. And if I put this topic in wrong section please help me to move it to the proper place.


Suggestions Corner / Vary weight of arrows
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:38:34 pm »
I have to admit that I'm very happy about the newest nerf on ranges as a member of CQC warrior
However I think this is too much for ranges and concern about the extinction of them. They are facing a dilemma that they can't give enemies a hail of arrows like before, and when they turn to increase the accuracy, only to find they are too burden to rush into the battlefield or eschew from fatal situations, as inability to give a clear shot at great distance.

Since I am familiar only with archery, here are some suggestions to modify the arms of archers.
1. Same ammo of arrows. Different arrows should share same ammo, say, a dozen( that is the amount of arrows per quiver provided at one of my local archery club);
2. Vary the weight of different arrows. Different arrows have various arrowheads. Taking an example of tatar and bodkin arrows, the former may weigh relatively greater since the arrowhead is larger than the later. In this sense, the regular arrow may weigh least, then the barbed, the bodkin, and tatar weighs greatest( this is just an instance. I don't have the idea about how much exactly these arrows weigh in history).
3. They can't be that heavy! How could a quiver containing less a dozen arrows weighs as a huscarl's shield! According to my experience at the archery club, a quiver of a dozen of arrows is quite light actually. Taking consideration of the heavier material for an arrow in history(wood and iron rather than plastic or carbon fiber contemporary), they may at most weigh as a two-handed axe or greatsword.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Some thoughts about archery and xbow
« on: April 28, 2014, 01:22:10 pm »
Impossible :mrgreen:
then be our guest and take a tour in CHN server when there r 80+ players, u will get to know the real Hail of Arrows

Suggestions Corner / Re: Some thoughts about archery and xbow
« on: April 28, 2014, 09:02:21 am »
That's not accurate at all. Some of the most effective armies in history used long two-handed polearms, from Alexander the Great's phalanxes to the Early Modern Swiss Phalanxes. The most "evolved" form of medieval combat before firearms took over was probably around the War of the Roses era, and you'd be damned to see most people using shields then either. Plate armor made you literally invincible to all bows and almost all crossbow bolts, along with just about any melee weapon unless they were crushing your bones or brain inside the armor itself. Everyone just used big polearms like English Bills or sidearms/cavalry weapons like maces and hammers to bash the brains in of their enemies. This didn't stop until firearms became dominant, since they let poor peasants kill rich armored nobles with no training or effort.

Shields were for the poors who couldn't afford armor, and I'm not playing a videogame to roleplay a weak, frightened farmer peasant who will die or flee under the first volley of ranged.
Eh, i dont particularly familiar to history of arms...thx 4 informing me that:)
I know arrows didnt work on plate, but in c-RPG it guess we have to solve this first before we talk about reality XD

Suggestions Corner / Some thoughts about archery and xbow
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:30:17 am »
First of all i want to represent my gratidue towards the team working on game balance.
Im ShinkuMoon, a player from CHN server(so excuse my poor English XD), here to offer some suggestion about missle weapons.
Actually in CHN therer far more archers and xbowmen than u guys have in Eur or US. And with the lates patches nerfing xbow, therer even more archers up on the hill. And a quite number of their builds r 10-StrongDraw-archers, which make non-sheild-infantries suffer a lot.

In fact Im a 10-SD-archer too, and i do realize its OP. So i collect some of my leagues' suggestion and start this topic.

We suggest that StrongDraw should only up to 1 plus SD requirement of bow, instead of 4. And the requirement should be modified at the same time. 4 example, a Yumi(+0) would have 6 SD requirement, suits 7 SD at most, however a Yumi (+3) would require 9 SD, and 10 SD will work on that. And xbow should be the same, require 15 str. for +0 heavy xbow while 18 4 +3 heavy xbow.
For those high-WPF archers, they dont have much attribute points in str. ,so we can solve that like this:bows like Yumi, Longbow, RusBow they require 6SD and 150WPF(can be modified, just make an instance) or 9SD without WPF requirement to use

This modification will result in nerfing the accuracy of 30-12-archers while make little difference 4 18-21-archers. I do hope to keep Strong-arm archers, 4 they did exist in history. Whatsmore this modification dont need much change in scripts as far as I know.
There may be some problems within but we hope to make some efforts to get c-RPG better.

Oh one more thing. Why do those tiny bows like Normand, Shortbows have such a high missile speed?That doesnt make any sense!

Theres another way to nerf all those rangers: cancel the compulsory of shields' requirement, so everyone may be able to carry any sheild despite the requirements of shield. However they will suffer penalties in movement, attacking speed etc. if their Shield Skill dont meet the requirement. We can make this game more realistic by doing so. U know, almost all soilders carry a shield into battlefield in history.
If u think thats too much for rangers, fine we can make every bleed upon wounded by cut or pierce, so they will definetly need a sheild then.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: [WPF and Accuracy of Bows]
« on: April 01, 2014, 09:39:41 am »
i just get a clue from the old formula : Valid WPF of Bows = WPF shown on board + Power Draw * 1.4 - Bow requirements * 14

as my expirement results indicates, builds with 30/12 (WPF in Archery is 121) and 24/18 (155 WPF) share almost same accuracy when using longbow (it means that the Valid WPF of those two builds should be the same), so i think the multiple 4 Power Draw must be buffed :

we make the mutiple 4 Power Draw x , and here we go:
Valid WPF of 30/12 = 121 + 10 * x - 6 * 14 ;
Valid WPF of 24/18 = 155 + 10 * x - 6 * 14 .
as two builds' Valid WPF should be the same , so we can find out x=17

so i think the Valid WPF of Bows should be modified like this to suit the present circuments : WPF shown on board + Power Draw * 17 - Bow requirements * 14

wish im right on those mathemtics and logics

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: [WPF and Accuracy of Bows]
« on: March 31, 2014, 05:12:31 pm »
Afaik the more damage the bow has the less accurate it is, but the more accuracy it has the more accurately it shoots. Both damage and accuracy influence the outcoming accuracy as far as I know. You have to wait a little for Tydeus_the_Enlightenmenter or San_the_Birthgiver_to_good_ideas or for some other guy who knows the formulas. They will help you.

Also do something positive for this mod and don't play ranged...
thx 4 ur really helps.
and i must clearfy that we archers or crossbowmans or whatever rangers, we make a hard living 4 we r always the best and first target to our enemys-calvary,infantry,and other rangers.besides,we also suffer from expensive upkeep. still i beilive we play a quite important role in this game. i hardly find any game without missile weapons- and hope u will know something from that.
whatsmore, by comparing native to c-rpg, rangers r greatly nerfed.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: [WPF and Accuracy of Bows]
« on: March 31, 2014, 01:18:51 pm »
Heres hovv it is: belovv 100 effective proff, your rolling the dice. Over 150 you can hit any nonmoving enemy at any range, once you have the range measured vvith any bovv.

But currently bovv balance is fucked: Yumi is tvvice the size of bovv yet is half the slots, dafuk is dat?
eh u dont get it
valid WPF is not what the board indicates
4 example,18agi with 8 weaponmaster and 24str. with 8 power draw,thus i have 155 WPF in archery.however when i use a bow that requires 6 power draw,the valid WPF=155*(1-(1.4*8-14*6)%),which is 80+,according to the old formula
so that doesnt match with my expirement results. must be something changed in the formula i say.

and about Yumi:
Yumi is "Bow" in Japanese(also can be used as a female's name) , and it indeed r the longest bow in the world.theres very limited resourse in ancient Japan,thus Japanese dont have best woods or glue to craft a they craft bows using bamboos and a certain kind of tree(not same with other civilzations), which cant create much power when pulling the they make the bow longer than normal that the change of shape can store more energe and discharge it when release the string.
still those bows cant shoot very far,however powerful enough in close range,according to my ancestor

Beginner's Help and Guides / [WPF and Accuracy of Bows]
« on: March 31, 2014, 11:34:00 am »
this afternoon i found the old computational formula of bows is somehow no longer working

i tested shooting with build of 30str./12agi. and 24/18 ,only found the former is exactly as accurate as the latter.
however, with the old formula of valid WPF of bows,the former build's valid WPF is 52 while the latter is 82!

AND the accuracy on board indicates that Long Bow is more accurate than Yumi, 4 the former's valid of accuracy is 104 while the latter is 100.
but as my expirement goes, it turns out Yumi is more accurate than LongBow

SO is there anyone who knows how the computational formula of bows works????

REALLY?God be prised!
then how do we do that?

thx dude
anyhow ive solved the problem out with another way
still curious about if theres a way to recover the character

hi guys i DO need ur help

i urgely need some information of a certain trade record in marketplace.unfortunately i deleted the character which holds THAT trading record by accident.

so here i am asking if theres any way to recover the character or the very trading record.

thx and plz do notice me.

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