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Messages - Rendar1970

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Returning player, could use some suggestions
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:38:46 pm »
Hello all, I used to play this game a lot around 2 years ago.  I was part of a Hoplite group, which I cant even remember the name of.  I had 2 main toons that I loved playing with, one a Hoplite build, the other a Hybrid Archer.

So I decided to try the game out again, with a STF hybrid archer toon.  Went 18/24.  It was terrible.  Using a Rus Bow, I could shoot a guy in cloth 3-4 times and not get a kill.   I was constantly getting killed because every STR build in Full Plate ran twice as fast as me.  I just dont get what im supposed to do anymore.

So here is a few questions.

1. Is a bow/1h hybrid archer any good anymore? If so whats a good build?
2. How are guys in full STR builds (im assuming STR builds since they seem to 1 shot everyone they fight) running twice as fast as me with my 8 Athletics?
3. Is archery just no good anymore, Last time I played you would see about 1/3 of the people with bows, now I only see 1 other person on my team with a bow usually.

Thanks for any help.

I think something is just buggy with upkeep the last few days, atleast on NA Siege.  2 nights ago I had upkeep on every item, every round, of every match for almost 2 hours straight.  Luckily I was at x4 and x5 most of the night so It broke even.  Then last night, I played for 3 hours and did not have upkeep once.  Not a single time.

So yeah, no clue whats going on lately.

double posted sorry

So I tried the 21/21 build with a longsword and I really really liked it.  It works great in battle or for the 1on1's you get into on Siege sometimes.  But for the most part in the big melee's your in on siege, it seemed a little lackluster.  But heres my problem. I tried a few STF toons and this is what I came to.

So im not using slightly heavier armor (the Brigidine over mail) and using the normal Greatsword (yes i know its not the best, but I just love it for some reason). So I tried these builds.

21/18:  Keep the same amount of PS, but being able to boost WM for more wpf.  However I was still slow with swings.  Even when turning there were some other 2h sword users that could always hit me twice before my swing could connect to theirs.

24/18  Being more a semi support poker with my greatsword.  The damage was good, but in any 1on1 or chase situations I was to slow in my swings, so same problem.

18/21 and 18/24  Felt alot faster, my swings were not quick enough to stop getting double hit.  But I felt like I was fighting with a feather.  I mean Even at PS7 and PS8 i was sometimes needing 5-6 hits to kill people, but as soon as I droped to PS6 I felt like I doing so little damage it wasnt worth it.

Im sure alot just has to do with skill.  But how do you run STR builds and not get outspammed by other 2h'ers?  I mean There was a guy with a SoW who as getting 2 sometimes 3 hits in a row in me before I could retaliate back with my Greatsword, which I should have a slight speed advantage on.  Is alot of it cause im still gen 1 with no looms vs people with like 4 items all +3?

Im just not sure what to do.  I feel like anything under 8 PS and it takes 6 hits to kill a guy in mail.  Yet im in mail and die in 1-2 hits everytime from people with longswords and greatswords.  Just feels like im not playing with the same set of rules....

Beginner's Help and Guides / Average time start to finish 1 gen?
« on: July 04, 2012, 07:15:35 am »
Just really getting into the game, have made a few STF characters but decided to finally start playing for real and doing the retire grind.

Just curious how long it usually takes people to grind out 1 full gen.  mind you im only able to play like 2-3 hours 2x a week.  So im assuming it will take me a bit longer.  Im just ready for the next step, there have been so many fights where I have gotten more hits and just fought better but died because I didnt have +3 armor and weapons.  So I guess its time to start grinding.

My only fear is starting so late in the game Ill never be able to "loom up" to the same level as most players.

Sword of War:  Big cleaving sword.  I think you should go with this one.  It's great for siege.  The thrust is servicable, but most of your attacks should be arcing chops at the head.  It's a little slower than the other two, so not as good in a duel...still a good overall weapon.

By arcing chops to the head, do you just mean overhead attacks? Or left and right swings while looking slightly up to make it go towards the head?

21/21 is a level 30 build and it is FANTASTIC with light armor, a longsword or heavy bastard.

Strength: 21
Agility: 21
Hit points: 62
Skills to attributes: 14
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 7
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 111
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Im really liking the idea of this build.  Ill have to respec as I already have 3 points in IF and WM, so i wouldnt have enough to convert over to 21/21.  Im going to get a Longsword and a Sword of War I think, and switch between the 2 depending on the map.  Also for light armor, what counts as that?  Im currently using the Palace Guard Armor, its Blue and white, weight is 10.8.  Is that too heavy?

Right now im sitting at 15/15.    I basically just want to make a decently balanced 2h sword user.  The 3 swords I have in mind is either Longsword, Greatsword (normal one, not Danish or German), or Sword of War.

Which of those 3 swords is better?  Does each one fit a different role better?  I mostly play Siege if that helps.

As far as builds I was thinking of just going 21/18 or 24/15.  Im not really sure which would better.  I like being a bit faster, but not sure if 1 point in athletics is really going to make a difference in Siege.

Any help would be appreciated.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Direction sticking problem?
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:59:15 pm »
Im not sure if its my settings (ive tried alot of variations), lag, or my mouse.

But I have a serious problem with direction sticking, both attacking and blocking.

For example what I mean is, say I go to upblock.  Animation starts, im holding the button, im blocking up. 
Now I need to left block, so i let go of block, hold left, and then rehold block.... nothing happens still in upblock.

Alot of times it seems to take almost 1.5-2 seconds of letting go of block before I can pick a new direction without it sticking.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Semi Gag- Assassin type Toon
« on: October 09, 2011, 04:31:38 am »
So I was thinking of making a semi-gag toon.  Basically want to just be super fast, annoying, and flank archers/shielders.  Was thinking of doing it with some PowerThrow just enough for thowing daggers.  Throw till im down to 1 or 2 daggers, then switch it to melee and just run around stabbing people and use speed bonus for most of my damage

Something like this.

    * Strength: 9
    * Agility: 30
    * Hit points: 44

    * Skills to attributes: 6

    * Ironflesh: 0
    * Power Strike: 3
    * Shield: 0
    * Athletics: 10
    * Riding: 0
    * Horse Archery: 0
    * Power Draw: 0
    * Power Throw: 3
    * Weapon Master: 10

   * One Handed: 152
   * Throwing: 142

I know its not optimal, but sound doable and worth a few weeks with a STF toon?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Upkeep price sucks
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:29:53 pm »
Are you an archer?

I dont seem to have problems with my 23K equiped 2h.  But with my 13k equiped archer I bleed money.

Arrows break near every round.  And at 350 something a piece thats a lose about 4/5 rounds of 700g.  Now factor in a longbow breaking ever 1/5 rounds for 700g as well.  Its normal for me to just bleed money.  I constantly find myself just playing with a dagger till I get to 5kg, then start archering again. (BTW im at 163 WPF).

If your playing melee I have no idea, it shouldnt be that bad.  If your an archer, just get a big reserve or only use bow when you got atleast x3 or x4.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Did I miss something about arrow repair?
« on: October 05, 2011, 10:33:22 pm »
arrows have increased break change/repair costs, so yes they break a lot

So arrows are supossed to break even when not equipped.  Its like having a second sword on my account that I never use, but suddenly having to pay repair for it?

And I guess I spoke too soon.  I logged into the site and took all my Equip off my "standard loadout".  Joined up the game and was playing in just my armor and a hatchet.  9 rounds in a row got a repair bill for my arrows.  I never used them, never had them loaded, and never picked any up.  This has to be a bug....

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Did I miss something about arrow repair?
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:01:47 am »
Got bankrupt from too much repair 3 rounds into a map.

Changed over to just dagger.  Played 2 rounds.

Map Change, load with only knife, never used bow/arrows or even had them loaded.  Still taking arrow repair.

Another Map change.  Still only knife from first round.  Still took arrow repair.

I just played a few rounds and its not doing it anymore, im going to just assume it was a bug.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Did I miss something about arrow repair?
« on: October 05, 2011, 03:02:32 am »

I was mostly concerned with taking a repair bill for arrows that were not equipped during that whole map.  I ran out of money so was running around with just a long dagger, (no bow or arrows) and my arrows "broke" during those rounds. 

Just Strange.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Did I miss something about arrow repair?
« on: October 05, 2011, 02:06:53 am »
So, I know repairs are supposed to be based of off WPF right?  So does archery WPF affect arrow repair rate?

I have 164 Archery WPF.

After this last play session, my arrows have broken every round.  Yes every round, something close to 23 rounds in a row.  Including 4 rounds in a row when I did not have my arrows equipped and just ran around with my knife.

WTF?  Am I bugged or do arrows just simple break EVERY round, even when not equipped now?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best build for 2 slot archer.
« on: October 04, 2011, 05:47:54 pm »
18/21 Longbow for sure.

I used to play a 8PD hornbow user.  But I have to say, my 6PD longbow with bodkins feels stronger, i get more kills, have more ATHL so i can run around like crazy, my reticle stays closer longer, so i can do more close quarters or sniping.

I just feel more deadly with 18/21 bodkin/longbow.

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