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Messages - BlackxBird

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 137
EU (Official) / ban black bird
« on: April 17, 2018, 12:52:26 am »
Black Bird spams the ban section. Ban him.

« on: April 17, 2018, 12:43:30 am »

EU (Official) / ban Kratos
« on: April 17, 2018, 12:40:53 am »
ban Kratos already. He of beings gud admin. Gud admins no of wantings in crpg. Ban he alrädy. nau.!

Other / Re: Unban Phalangite_Arn on HRE Server
« on: April 17, 2018, 12:29:26 am »

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 16, 2018, 11:54:50 pm »
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Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 16, 2018, 05:18:13 pm »
I don't remember that part of the DKG copy-pasta...

lol i fixed thx xD

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 16, 2018, 04:55:19 pm »
you hypocrite, you pathetic german cunt.

Werent you crying when I attacked you at  14:00, because you had to "work"?
Werent you complaining when I attacked you at 01:00?

Son, I have set my eyes against your shitty faction, I am a one man army, and Im gonna fuck you back to chocolate chip cookie times.

If u had actual equipment to fuck villages right now Id be REALLY afraid. But dude, u don't even have more ticks then the village wtf. And u did not attack me. U attacked half of eu. GL dealing with it. And it is not my faction, we have many leaders. Im just the one shittalking. Oh and for ur case it's not like you couldn't have made the attacks in our prime time. For NA we simply can't make that shit battles on good times. We could and then attack castles at 6 AM for u guys, if that's what u guys want :)

Oh and tristan, I quit strat when I was on holidays for a week and got 10 inc attacks with around 1-3 applicants for our side :) U guys defeat me. And after I made that announcement u guys were like "omg plz no we want battles, we are gonna apply for u again, we so sorry" fucking retards.

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 14, 2018, 02:30:23 pm »
Agreed, I suggested one map before this round even started because of the low population.

Many did, but prof didn’t figure it out how to do it before strat was started

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:49:39 pm »

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 13, 2018, 08:47:15 pm »
erm. EU has way more players and 114 fiefs. NA has 83. NA has 28% less fiefs. And i just checked the battles on NA. The biggest faction there had no pvp battle before we came to NA. And only us the steppe hordes had 5 guys attacking our traders(where we lost around 5-10k goods per battle). Still, with a production of 5k a day, u can get 1 mio silver in two. Just with two fiefs. And with two cities/castles u can get every weapon u want and 3 armors sets +3 with a discount of 40-60 %.

then, eu has right now 78 player fiefs. NA has 69. That is a difference of 11 fiefs. WOOOW.

Right now EU has around the double amount of battles (sure most were attacks against AI too) but NA had 15 pvp battles. EU had 46 pvp battles (yes I did not take fief transfers in account). That's 3 times more.

And then... Even IF EU was that much stronger than NA, why dafuq didn't u guys trade in EU?

Don't take that as offense Jona, I like u. But what u just said is absolute bullshit.

Oh, and we wanted to attack a 100 men army. At first his night time was so that it woulda been a battle that NA and EU could take part in. Now it is at 5 AM in the morning for us, cuz he changed his night time in the last second. We will consider this when choosing our battle times, just so you guys know.

ui kaschper zoig i scha no wer dao ranna d' Lederbixn a hot.

Diplomacy / Re: temporary truce?
« on: April 13, 2018, 07:19:31 am »
Just check the battles and attack the armies that are close ;) u don’t have to move all the way to the steppe

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 13, 2018, 07:16:15 am »
Nah kratos will ban me if i do it again :( and i actually asked dupre if he was kind enough to ban me but he refused. And about the silver we made... we had 10 main trading villages. With 3 guys managing it we made shittons of money in like no time. If u guys didn’t do that on ur own I can’t fucking help. But surely if someone of u guys wants to play in nicely geared armies we will accept u.

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 13, 2018, 01:51:38 am »
If you want "fun" battles we can talk about a time and all meet up on NA2. This is strategus. Strategy n'shit. Pretty hard to understand apparently.

due to a bad sql query the ownership database treated all goods as having id 0. so the ownership record is still there, it just has the wrong id. i'll get a backup of DB and restore the correct ids, the goods will reappear after

Me and Eques_Loxos are in ts:

(Loxos is like 10 hours away from a selling fief)

Loxos: 12 k goods omfg gimme that moooney.
BBird: Dud u don't have any goods on you
User disconnected from your channel.

Diplomacy / Re: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:39:34 pm »

Army size:1137
Faction: It is once again the eu at the time is rebellious!
......Snow Plains
Night time:02:00 to 02:00
Equipment:heavily armed
Cargo: about 9000 crates

Im sorry panos, but against actual equip and anything better than a 2:1 roster you will be really harmfull!

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