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Messages - Fraemi

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General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:16:03 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 18, 2011, 08:45:57 pm »
My thoughts on main quest and end of it, no real spoilers ahead:

The boss fights of main quest are all very easy, apart from 1 which even then wasn't harder than a lich.
Graphics were the fanciest at the end, it did feel somewhat like an epic tale remotely, but there was nearly not enough build up and after it was over I felt like "Oh, it's over now?"
Shortest and frankly worst main quest in TES, being the Dragonborn felt even less grand than the Champion of Cyrodil, not to even compare it with being the Nerevarine.

What I grew to dislike most about skyrim is the mmo type of enchantments on equipment like "+20% to x skill" and how your character is essentially in a completely different stat system than the NPCs, unlike tes3/4.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:23:44 pm »
Numbers aren't necesarry and that is exactly what I'm doing, it's fairly simple to see why 2 factions who have had war recently might be more hesitant to ally with one another and it's also fairly easy to see why embracing the old ways is far from the greatest idea and so on. I backed up every single statement with reason, an opinion may be more or less true because of what is used to back it up.

edit: lol at -1, that's class

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:00:30 pm »
The empire has no options but to allow the thalmor to enforce it, they lost a war and are having the treaty forced upon them.
It's more similar to having a gun put to your head while you must recite a foreign hymn. As I said - they would be just as likely to invade skyrim to disallow Talos worship if they wanted to and the empire would obviously be very hesitant to support those who so eagerly killed their citizens not too long ago.

Because "old ways" are narrowminded and limit creativity and natural potential of all mankind in tamriel, "old ways" vs a modern view of tamriel is obvious - take a parallel out of real world, the dwemer prove that technology is viable and obviously gave them much that the other races still envy to the 4th era.

While it's entirely the choice of bethesda on how to write the story - it doesn't mean that it's impossible to make a reasonable prediction using logic and history.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:12:51 pm »
The empire isn't an opressing entity and skyrim has been core part of the empire since it's foundation.
"Freedom" from Ulfric would mean mass discrimination against anyone who wasn't a nord and lived in skyrim, not to mention that Ulfric is hardly a bearer of freedom. Ulfric proposes "old ways" which mostly are "might makes right" and abolishement of the englightened attitude of the empire.

Nords might have good warriors, though it's impossible to evaluate how they would be capable of fighting in formations and large battles and not small skirmishes. Nords also happen to have very few proficent spellcasters and the more "rogue-ish" kind of fellows which would leave them very handicapped against the dominion.
I remember in morrowind even one of those nationalistic dunmers said that the "Imperials are weak when alone, but unbeatable when marching side by side" for example. Capabilities in 1v1 =/= capabilities in large battles, think maaaybe Romans vs Gauls loosely.
A skyrim where Talos was openly worshipped might as well just be the provocation the dominion needs to invade, it has nothing to do about skyrim being the only ones suffering from worship of Talos being banned.  The dominion is what imposes the limitations on Talos worship and not empire out of free will, the Altmer are upset that they believe a human is unworthy to become a deity and as such would use the same excuse to invade skyrim.

An alliance, even if formed, would be very uneasy and distrusting of one another. The fracturing would destroy any chance of opposition the dominion.  Not to mention skyrim wasn't a vassal of the empire, but an intergral part since the very first days of it.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 06:36:22 pm »
For all we know the prisoner in each of TES games could be completely innocent and even if he wasn't - a personal grudge shouldn't decide the fate of a continent (after a time).

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:50:54 pm »
Ulfric wouldn't nearly have enough manpower or any influence to face the dominion by "skyrim" alone, especially when he would still be seen as a traitor by many since his claim to being high-king is far from strong.
Ulfric also happens to be arrogant, extremely racist and narrowminded AND betrayed the monks at high hrothgar (sp).
When you first visit the palace where he speaks to his bodyguard it essentially embodies most followers of him who only see the short term future. Ulfric bases his claim on the previous king being "weak" and the worship of Talos being banned. The worship of Talos is essentially banned due to the lost war and since Talos was the founder of the septim line, it's fairly safe to assume that worship of Talos would be reinstated by Empire following a victorious engagement with the dominion.
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It's still pretty damn obvious that splitting the rest of tamriel into fractured factions and leaders would do nothing but be a boon to the dominion in the long run.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 04:15:41 pm »
Ulfric is very likely to be a pawn of the Thalmor and anyone who sides with Ulfric in the first place just eases up the way for the Alderi Dominion to reinstate basically the mythic era relations between men and mer (elves) - slavery and possibly extermination.

tbh I think that people who side with Ulfric pay no attention to the information given in game and in books and just think it's a story of an evil oppressive empire and the good guys (FREEEDURRRRP).

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 02:22:12 pm »
Battles are nothing to really write home about, though fairly entertaining.
It's continuous waves of about anything between 10-20 on each side, that's a wild guess.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 01:19:29 pm »
Thought I'd drop in a major tip, saves a lot of time and is similar to the hotkeying on pc like in morrowind/oblivion.
numbers 1-8

Open favourite menu (Q)
Scroll/Click the spell you want to bind to a certain number
Select that number

If it's a single hand weapon or a spell, then it first is "equipped" to left arm - double tap to get it in both arms.

Another I'd suggest is to set FOV at at least 90+, I personally use 100 for skyrim. Default is very low, something 60s-80s.
You can do this by opening console " ` " then typing in "fov x" where x is desired FOV.

Oh and ANOTHER thing is that skyrim has v-sync on by default and mouse acceleration integrated, a quick google search can solve that. Though it's worth mentioning that there is still some "delay" in mouse movements because of character turning or something, only in chairs is mouse movement un-obstructed.

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:14:11 am »
The dunmer call themselves that and it would be somewhat odd for one to call himself anything else, the altmer also call them dunmer. From what I've noticed other races tend to use dunmer as much as dark elf, with intellectuals edging towards the former. "Dark elf" jumps out more than dunmer does.

The rest would only apply if I was interested in taking race FOR a class, which is quite lame and  treats it like just a "game" and not like an universe to be immersed within, even if immersion is rather lacking in comparison to morrowind.
Race provides small bonuses and "milking" those is min/maxing in a TES game, lame and pointless in an already easy game where the focus shouldn't be only on the subpar combat.

Only races I'm personally interested in playing are imperials and dunmer.

edit: also an imperial mage is hardly minmaxing, only bonuses in resto/destr as I just checked long after making the character

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 16, 2011, 09:29:54 pm »
Since I'm a bit bored with my mage since it feels like I've exhausted most quests and a portion of dungeons that is too significant for the time spent - I'm thinking of making another character.

Dunmer 2h/bow/light armour/sneak. Though honestly I only like greatswords and none of the other 2h weapons and a 2h is no backstabbing weapon.
Frankly I just hate that "Blades"/"Blunt" was seperated into 1h/2h, even if it does make a bit more sense.

Should I make a char as I mentioned, or go 1h?

(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:27:42 pm »
I put diff on master since I was expecting the game to be a quite a bit easier than previous TES games, I'd say I wasn't mistaken.
Quite frankly as a lvl 27~ mage I haven't had a real challenge in about... 15-20 levels and I don't even have to abuse the rather terrible pathfinding AI and AI in general. Levels around 5-10 or so where a bit of a bitch since I had no apprentice destruction spells, so I had to be pretty resourceful with using traps and a sword I enchanted with some minor fire enchantment.

Once you get the perk that allows destruction dual casts to stagger enemies nearly nothing is challenging in 1v1s and mass fights can be solved by just having a decent summon on hand since everything from weakest zombies to frost atronaches can tank the enemy for a time more than enough for me to regen the mana for their summon + some other spells. Once you get shouts as a mage it's essentially a steam roll, I just finished the Stormcloak rebellion vs Empire quest line without even having to reload more than once or twice where I died out of stupidity more than anything else.
The only enemies that  really are bitches are the liches (dem rhymes) since they can take over my summons and they cast the lightning "nearly-hitscan" spells which will take a big part of your HP.

Dragons are more annoying than epic, since with the spells they can just be kept midair stunlocked without even breathing on me.

In short I'd say the gameplay has improved, but it still feels more like a game than a "world" like morrowind was. Also the UI is sometimes unresponsive and clunky shit in general, I never had a problem with the one in morrowind or oblivion.
Some of the new books are a nice touch, though I can't help but ignore that nearly all are just recycled from previous games.

Oh and I play an imperial mage, which doesn't seem like the best option. Bretons keep being OP imo throughout TES.
Overall enjoyable game that imo didn't live up to the hype, similarly to the last installment before it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [POLL] Upkeep for ladders YES or NO ?
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:34:46 pm »
A subpar solution to the ladder problem

Faction Halls / Re: [Byzantium] Basileia ton Romaion (Recruiting EU)
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:12:16 pm »
I prefer cats to dogs by a lot, but those shitty tasteless pictures a certain few people spam and post with no rhyme or reason actually made me like cats less by a miniscule amount which I didn't think was possible.

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