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Messages - Agouri

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Panos permabanned again?
« on: July 05, 2013, 12:13:46 am »
Unban panos and have a discussion with the headmin for keeping the banning admin or not. It's basic logic.

Worked for SS13, will work here.

General Discussion / Re: [Latest Patch] Armors are now made of paper
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:19:11 pm »
Sounds like you're just having some bad luck, I've been about the same in terms of income.

However I do feel for you, back in the early days of upkeep I was losing so much money using cheap gear I almost quit the game, it was so frustrating.  Hopefully you find your luck again soon

Your words of kindness sooth my heart in this time of need, thank you.

General Discussion / [Latest Patch] Armors are now made of paper
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:53:52 pm »
Am I the only one bleeding gold like a motherfudger? I could almost break even with plate+danish greatsword, I only bled a little.

Now I can'tt even break even with heraldic+longsword. EVERYTHING breaks, every round, no matter the defeat or victory. 1200 gold per round.

Have you noticed similar behaviours or am I just unlucky?

General Discussion / Re: Panos permabanned again?
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:48:22 pm »
There was a post on the first page that described the truth:

To be honest, I just find this whole business an inmense pile of bullshit. Panos is a normal person, yes, a normal guy - one that I respect just as any other. It's really depressing how expressing his opinions has gotten him banned on several, if not all, ocassions.

Some people here think they are forum heroes, kings of trolling and charming comedians or whatever. The truth is I don't find anything of this funny at all. You've all taken a liking to making fun of Panos, provoking him, and even banning him for nothing.

Tell you what, you guys aren't the new heroes, you are childish at best.

Seriously, he got permabanned for calling someone a "ranged my old friend"? What is this, Feminist Frequency? Grow a goddamn pair.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Hefty Reward for all Soldiers (TAA)
« on: June 22, 2013, 10:06:12 pm »
I can be there any time within this week.

What the title says. Stated happening today, was completely fine before. Tried anything in the sticky to no avail.

Buy / I need a proper suit of armor. Looking for +0 Corazina Armor
« on: June 20, 2013, 12:04:26 am »
Hello. It's about time I invested in a proper suit of armor. Looking for a Corazina suit, preferrably grey. I don't have a lot of gold. I can pay 9730, which is my gold right now. I'm sorry. Maybe I can pay you in doses or something, as I keep playing :33

Here's the beauty:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Calling it now:

•Regenerating health
•"balanced" classes that don't allow any fun
•QTE based space battles
•Corridor shootan erryday, fuck open worlds

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Erzengel
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:23:09 pm »
Just for the sake of it, and because previous projects I've worked in followed this type of admin-feedback model, I'll report my experience with this man.

I got provoked (by getting kicked) and consequently banned, apparently by this gentleman. It's my first day playing this mod. There was no warning.

I'm not trying to be hostile and I understand that teamkilling is heavily frowned upon, but I'm counting 18+ hours of ban here, with not a single word or forum message sent about it. Not the optimal course of action.

Yeah, I'm actually realising it now. Thank you both for your replies, will do.

Maybe I should just take such shit as a joke from now on. Definitely not worth the 17-and-counting hours of ban.


Closed Requests / Re: Ban request on 2 Pollabusers
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:35:07 pm »
Δεν νομίζεις ότι το παρατραβάς λίγο?

Just a thought...

Hello, guys.

I started playing cRPG yesterday. 4 hours after I was still sieging away when a guy started kicking me for pushing the siege tower. I killed him in three hits, then got kicked off the server. I thought this was some anti-teamkilling mesaure, most likely.

16 hours after and I tried logging back in, it says I'm banned. Any note to the duration of the ban?

Username is just that, Agouri.

Pages: [1]