Kratos, Didn't Erdogan & co change the laws regarding age of marriage to 12?
Which means... It is possible to be... a grandma at 24,
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GILF @24
Great grandma at 36, great great grandma at 48, great great great grandma at 60 and great great great great grandma at 72 Life expectancy in Turkey: 74
...Then you need to record the whole act starting from 1 hour prior, ending at 1 hour after to have a legal proof that the words CODE RED were not said, or that you stopped instantly if they were. And by instantly, I mean as soon as the other side thinks of saying it.
You chauvinistic patriarchal rape-apologist! The whole point is to make it so that a affirmative consent is needed(aka. a yes) Don't mix in code words, what if the poor woman forgets?
You also bring toxic male sexuality into this, If it has gone so far as to having to say no(or code red) that means she has already been raped for a few moments before the guy hears, understand and(maybe) acts on it! Don't you fucking get it, it's all about the emotional scarring, it starts at the moment doubt sets in.
Honestly, women should have to do this when not affected by arousal, arousal impairs judgement a bit you know...
Don't you dare mention male's and consent... They are AT WORST unaware but willing cult members machoness Here's an example of a man trying to mock women's fear regarding sexual consent: He tried to compare women giving men what they want, with rape!? Watch it all and see how he tries to prey on your mother/father-hood instincts at the end! It's despicable masculinist manipulative propaganda! It's 2m 17s long, you have to see it all to get the whole message!
Blacklivesmatter! Racism! Intersectionalized group dynamic studies shows disturbing trends towards blatant oppression of non-privileged groups.
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Internalized normalized systemic racism! Reporting on privileged white males death!? What about all the women, muslims, colored people(sorry that's racist, let me rephrase it:) People of color
Don't expect Astrophotography to be unpolluted for too long... soon enough Space will be sexist because it is something men enjoy more than an average woman's emo-talk, therefore minimizing female reparation demands cuz oppressed for millennia
Yo bitch, thanks for the comparison! I would have 3 views and about 5 subs. Thanks for the attention, dislikes are better than ignoring stuff, you know internet: any + or - is a good one compared to a blank 0.
EDIT: I know, very useful. I actually plan on checking for a better liquid than water that absorbs NBC stuff