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Messages - Philosiraptor

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NA (Official) / Re: Ban Candee_of_HoT
« on: January 06, 2014, 02:50:24 am »
banthread...confirmed for cancer

General Discussion / Re: Bjord Exposed
« on: January 04, 2014, 07:53:22 am »
I am not even going to bother reading the thread after i found out bjord was banned for insults.

What the fuck are you kidding me, this is the internet, what are you 5? grow up and grow a pair, you dont like what someone is writing , someone being mean to you? fuck you and mute em you pussy.

my two cents

Spam / Re: Ban: Ulfson
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:24:54 am »
Anders you have a fucking ban thread every day it seems. Ban threads are the cancer that kill this mod.

NA (Official) / Re: hello again, its just me
« on: December 15, 2013, 09:44:50 pm »
I have been cursed to this mod since its very beginnings. I have been cursed to play it for too long now. I was even cursed to learn to play it with a laptop tracpad and then cursed to be better than most of you nerds without a mouse. And now, i am plagued to watch the mod dwindle down to nothing and i cant even go down with a ship i set sail on. Hell, im not asking to be unbanned, and asking for permission to get what is justly mine; the ability to be judged through an un ban essay. Is that REALLY too much to ask. Be a kind fellow canary, i know we have our differences but hear me out. And to the rest of the community i thank you all for weighing in on the subject of my return, the support and the hate, you are all heroes in my book and I love all you shitlords and cumstains. :)

 Merry christmas and Happy holidays from your friendly neighborhood douchenozzle

Edit: i spelt douchenozzle wrongish

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 14, 2013, 05:21:23 am »
i want my loomed item to be delivered to anyone in the dracul clan. That is fair and will appease me seeing as i am perma-banned but still!

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 14, 2013, 04:44:51 am »
Arty, that is the mindset of all of the crpg community.

Hey tkov, am i ever gonna get my looms back.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:23:26 pm »
TkoV attacked me when i had a 5000 man naked army and let me win so i could keep my troops, i gave them back their gear and shit and they kept my looms that i gave them as collateral. But all in all they seem like a pretty fair bunch of guys that should unban me from their teamspeak.

NA (Official) / Re: hello again, its just me
« on: December 11, 2013, 01:09:31 am »
listen, all i want to do is write my essay so that i can be considered for an unban. I know that im not likely to get that, or even for my essay to work, but im trying here. I just want this to be over with, its very tiresome trying to deal with all this.

NA (Official) / Re: hello again, its just me
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:28:25 pm »
I just got kesh'd! This is hilarious. You just proved that this is a personal thing bringing in a history of shit. Do you even understand why I had immunity on Nditions? A teamspeak server having nothing to do with my ban record which you decide to bring into this fight? What if i payed for the server for a month or 2? What if i was helping bulldog through a tough time in his life? What if i was the official DJ for those crazy europeans and they didnt want to be bothered unbanning me because of minor bullshit. The thing is people like me, i think that gets to you greatly.  EVERYONE knows that the ban you gave me was horse shit, you even know it. Your friends all agree. Everyone on our teamspeak knows the situation including you. Everyone believes that you made this personal and dthat the ban was stupid. Papasmurf was saying how he sees chaos doing shit like that all the time. but they are the infallible clan with the headmaster running it. A clan full of admins at one point im not sure if its still like that. But even still. i wish i was smart enough to come up with a long winded and embarrassing response to what you wrote but im just going to write what i feel

And dont you fucking bring in me being too poor, that is a personal thing that i told to fucking people i trusted. I am offended but i feel that now you have put me in a position to defend my poverty, who do you think you are?

Edit: i dont need to defend myself, tanken is right lol

NA (Official) / Re: hello again, its just me
« on: December 10, 2013, 05:24:44 am »
thanks for the support guys, Bumping to get a response from an admin. Please guys, i just want to play and have fun again, i know that i have a coloured past but this has spooked me straight.

NA (Official) / hello again, its just me
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:24:57 am »
(click to show/hide)

I posted the above a while back and only received a message from an admin stating that they think i deserve one, but never a definitive answer.
I have served well enough time for the petty crime you convicted me of, and would like to resume playing now that i have nothing to do because of the serious injuries i have sustained in a recent accident. Being that i am basically confined to bed-rest for a month, i would like to have some fun playing again.

Too poor to buy a new cd key. Please give me another chance, if gomer, and allers and all the trolls of the past can get various chances to come back from a perma ban, why not me. I do the least damage to the community. im just not as conspicuous as others. I am a  harmless and innocent offender. More like an annoying bug, but believe yo me, this has taught me that the electric eye of the law has got its sights on me waiting to bring down the hammer and iron fist onto me. Knowing this is realize that i must play the game the way the admins intend it to be played. I will become, a nuisance no more; i will become a bot!

So with my kindest regards, i asketh of thee. Please re-instate my account so that i may continue drudging myself through the monotonous cycle that is CRPG

Thanks again,

P.S. I will not let you down <3 Happy Holidays Folks!

NA (Official) / Say it ain't so, Joe!
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:07:30 am »
Okay, so i know that i have an extensive ban record, as well as a known reputation of being a trolly guy. Lately, i have been working to get rid of that reputation as i do not wish to continue to play with the stigma attached to me. As certain admins that I am close with will vouch for me, I have been eagerly trying to become more of a positive member of the community. I know my own ban record and after the month ban i learned my lesson. I was not trying to do anything heinous to get banned nor was i going to go out of my way to argue with admins on stupid little shit, i was just going keep my mouth shut and listen to the reich. I understand that i did get caught doing something wrong, and i also understand that given my past, i guess, i am without the privilege of a warning or a kick. I was being as minor as minor could get, but heck, ya got me, good job. I was just having some mindless fun with a clanmate with the full expectation of running a train on the enemy team, that one hit on a full plate guy who didnt report me or even care and told that to the admin who banned me but w.e., well it was enough to send me on my way packing straight on the permaban train. I would like to say now that i am sorry, i know that it was stupid to hit pepe even if we knew it wasnt going to do any damage, we were not trying to be a detriment to our team. I will also state that i was hit and i was the only one who received any discipline.

I humbly request that i be allowed the right to write a writ of apologies.

Thank you.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Problem with a point addition
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:52:18 pm »
Stablehand_Steve is the character in question

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Jeade
« on: September 17, 2013, 03:34:24 pm »
No one deserves bans for more than a few hours. the guy was a buddy, im not trying to get anyone banned, goldi just came back from a ban so i decided to let him know to fuck off instead of him receiving what would be an overwhelming ban. Actually, HE wouldve been warned first probably but,  its whatever though, as i may have previously stated, warnings and kicks should be used before more harsh measures, but i do not get the luxury of that because ganner is predisposed to take out his anger towards his disappointment in his real life out on me from past events.

EDIT : this is all rageposting, ignore me

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Jeade
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:26:52 am »
I got banned today, i am letting you know because i did not pass the test and failed in our agreement. This ban is unwarranted and horse shit but i am a man of my word. So as per our agreement, i will accept a month ban. Ganner who was in my teamspeak the whole time and just coincidentally did not hear me bitching about the guy teamwounding me and he didnt do anything but COINCIDENTALLY he is there for when i teamkill the guy so he doesnt kill my horse and ruin the round for me as i am a horse archer and without my horse it is a round well wasted. Whatever though, he has a bias against me in which he has stated to me so there is nothing i can say except fuck him and to go shit on some other game. You however i respect  and dont wish you any harm in your life, may green pastures and open roads always bless your journeys and travels.


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