Author Topic: Say it ain't so, Joe!  (Read 434 times)

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Say it ain't so, Joe!
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:07:30 am »
Okay, so i know that i have an extensive ban record, as well as a known reputation of being a trolly guy. Lately, i have been working to get rid of that reputation as i do not wish to continue to play with the stigma attached to me. As certain admins that I am close with will vouch for me, I have been eagerly trying to become more of a positive member of the community. I know my own ban record and after the month ban i learned my lesson. I was not trying to do anything heinous to get banned nor was i going to go out of my way to argue with admins on stupid little shit, i was just going keep my mouth shut and listen to the reich. I understand that i did get caught doing something wrong, and i also understand that given my past, i guess, i am without the privilege of a warning or a kick. I was being as minor as minor could get, but heck, ya got me, good job. I was just having some mindless fun with a clanmate with the full expectation of running a train on the enemy team, that one hit on a full plate guy who didnt report me or even care and told that to the admin who banned me but w.e., well it was enough to send me on my way packing straight on the permaban train. I would like to say now that i am sorry, i know that it was stupid to hit pepe even if we knew it wasnt going to do any damage, we were not trying to be a detriment to our team. I will also state that i was hit and i was the only one who received any discipline.

I humbly request that i be allowed the right to write a writ of apologies.

Thank you.
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Anders you have a fucking ban thread every day it seems, you lead a sad life my friend. Ban threads are the cancer that kill this mod.

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Re: Say it ain't so, Joe!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 08:10:32 am »
Hey, Mike.

I can't imagine why anyone would be against that, and I think it says something decent about you if you're doing something so humble as requesting to apologize.
I should be very clear that you should not read into this any more than face value.
My opinion may not reflect other admin's, and it's not my place to give you any sort of promise about an unban essay- It's not my choice, and I won't give my opinion either way.
But, that aside, I don't think anyone would mind an apology.

I'm fairly certain this is not the right place to have posted this though, and I imagine it should be under General if anything, but I'll leave it open for someone else to check.
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